
  • 网络Portunus trituberculatus;portunus trituberculatu;Portunus tritubercularus
  1. 不同底物及浓度对三疣梭子蟹消化酶活力的影响。

    The effect of substrate and concentration from Portunus trituberculatus on digestive enzyme activity .

  2. 对三疣梭子蟹酚氧化酶的生化特性进行研究。

    Crude phenoloxidase ( PO ) was extracted from Portunus trituberculatus and characterized biochemically .

  3. 方差分析表明饵料种类对三疣梭子蟹能量收支各个组分占摄食能的比例有显著影响(P0.05)。

    Regression analysis showed that the proportions of to various components of the energy budget were significantly affected by diets ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 盐度是三疣梭子蟹人工养殖过程中的一个重要的因素。

    Salinity is an important factor in the crab artificial propagation .

  5. 结果显示,三疣梭子蟹的同工酶系统具有明显的组织特异性。

    The results showed that all isozymes were tissue specific .

  6. 三疣梭子蟹血淋巴细胞及血液生化指标的初步研究羚牛生理生化指标测定

    Determination of hematological and blood Biochemical Indices of Takin

  7. 三疣梭子蟹胚胎发育过程中卵内幼体形态

    Morphology of egg-larvae of swimming crab ( portunus trituberculatus ) during embryonic development

  8. 三疣梭子蟹在生精细胞阶段,染色质不同程度的浓缩凝集;

    During spermatogenesis , chromatins condense at different level .

  9. 说明三疣梭子蟹体重属于中度遗传力,对其选择育种具有较大的潜力。

    The study shows that the heritability in body weight of P.trituberculatus is moderate .

  10. 因此,在三疣梭子蟹人工养殖过程中,水体盐度是一个很重要的因素。

    Therefore , for artificial breeding processes of swimming crab , salinity is a very important factor .

  11. 个体发育阶段特异性的同工酶可以作为一项生化指标用于三疣梭子蟹发育阶段的鉴别。

    The stage-specific isozymes can be used as the biochemical indices to identify the specificity of a certain developmental stage .

  12. 将传统的菌落菌体形态分类方法与分子生物学方法相结合研究了三疣梭子蟹养殖塘底泥中一个细菌类群的多样性。

    Bacteria diversity was investigated in culture pond sediment of Portunus trituperculatus by means of the characteristics of morphology of colony , cell and16S rDNA .

  13. 它是一种广盐性蟹类,对盐度有一定的适应范围,不同的盐度条件将影响三疣梭子蟹种群的分布和洄游。

    It is a euryhaline crab species and can survive in wide-range salinity conditions , but different water salinity conditions might influence its distribution and migration rout .

  14. 采用记数板记数,常规法涂片,在光学显微镜下对三疣梭子蟹进行细胞体、细胞核的测量及血淋巴细胞的分类记数,并测定血液生化指标。

    Morphometrical and taxonomical hemocytes were conducted under light microscope using Neubauer s board and smear , and the blood biochemical values were determined in Portunus trituberculatus .

  15. 近年来,我国沿海已广泛开展了三疣梭子蟹的人工养殖,它已经成为我国最重要的养殖海产蟹。

    The artificial propagation of this species was promoted along the coastal waters , and now the swimming crab became the most important farmed marine crab in China .

  16. 于2003年1&4月在厦门市水产研究所前埔中试基地进行三疣梭子蟹人工繁殖与育苗工厂化生产技术实验。

    An experiment on mass production of the blue crab ( Portunus trituberculatus ) seedling was carried out successfully from January , 2003 to April , 2003 in Xiamen .

  17. 由于三疣梭子蟹具有生长快、环境适应能力强、病害少、市场价格高、国内外价格稳定等特点,使得各地三疣梭子蟹养殖不断升温。

    Because of the swimming crab grow rapid , have good ability to adapt the circumstance , suffer from little diseases , high price and the price stabilization and so on .

  18. 三疣梭子蟹胚胎期腹神经链由1对大颚、2对小颚和2对颚足所对应的神经节以及腹部神经链组成。

    The ventral nerve cord of the crab in the embryo included 1 pair mandibular neuromere , 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillae , 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillipede and abdomen nerve cord .