
zhōng xīn tǒng
  • Miocene series
中新统[zhōng xīn tǒng]
  1. 塔里木盆地西南地区上、中新统对比中的若干问题

    Some problems concerning correlation of the Pliocene and Miocene Series in Southwest Tarim Basin

  2. 矿体(层)产于中新统下草湾组玄武岩的顶部,呈水平层状产出。

    The ore bodies ( beds ) occur in horizontal bed in the top of basalt of Xiacaowan formation of Miocene Series .

  3. 层序V,为中新统沼泽相的杂色砂泥岩夹炭质页岩、煤层,往下可能还含有少量渐新统中细砂岩。

    Sequence V is Miocene swamp variegated silt , mudstone interbedded by coaly shale and coal seam . The Oligocene middle grain silt probably deposited in the bottom .

  4. CO2气则主要来自受泥底辟及热流体上侵活动强烈影响发生碳酸钙热分解的中新统海相含钙砂泥岩。

    As a non hydrocarbon gas , CO 2 mainly comes from thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate in Miocene marine calcium bearing sandy shale induced by upwelling of hot fluid .

  5. LH4-1油田是在新近系中新统珠江组生物礁基础上发育起来的稠油油田。

    LH4-1 Oilfield is a heavy oil field developed from the basis of the bioherm of Miocene Zhujiang Formation .

  6. 阐明了柴西第三系构造演化以中新统(12Ma)为界,可划分为走滑拉分盆地(左旋)与压扭坳陷盆地(右旋)两个主要阶段。

    It is suggested that Miocene ( 12Ma ) can be defined as a borderline to mark off the two stages of Tertiary structural evolution , one is sliding and separate basin ( left-revolving ) and the other is compressive and twisty depression basin ( right-revolving ) .

  7. 滇西瑞丽盆地中新统地震-速度相

    Miocene seismic velocity facies in Ruili basin , western Yunnan

  8. 陇川盆地中新统砂岩储层研究

    A study on the Miocene sandstone reservoir in Longchuan Basin

  9. 塔里木盆地西南坳陷和什拉甫地区中新统地层沉积相特征宜昌奥陶系沉积相分析

    The analysis of Ordovician sedimentary facies in Yichang region

  10. 塔里木盆地西南地区中新统含油气性讨论

    The petroleum potential of Miocene Series in the southwest part of Tarim Basin

  11. 东太平洋下中新统氧同位素地层与古海洋学意义

    Oxygen isotopic stratigraphy and the paleo oceanographic significance in lower Miocene . East Pacific

  12. 云南景谷盆地中新统生油条件分析

    Analysis on the hydrocarbon-generation conditions of the Miocene in the Jinggu basin , yunnan

  13. 陇川盆地中新统地震相分析与油气勘探

    Seismic facies analysis and oil  ̄ gas prospect of Miocene in Longchuan basin , western Yunnan

  14. 中国中新统蝾螈化石的首次发现

    On the first occurrence of the fossil salamanders from the upper Miocene of shantung , china

  15. 珠江口盆地海相中新统层序地层分析及其意义

    Sequence stratigraphic analysis of marine Miocene formations in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and its significance

  16. 柴达木盆地北缘结绿素&红山地区古新统至中新统沉积相

    Sedimentary facies of the Paleocene-Miocene in Jiel ü su-Hongshan area in north margin of Qaidam Basin

  17. 东太平洋下中新统底栖有孔虫碳稳定同位素移位事件的年代学意义

    The chronological significance of carbon isotopic events of the lower Miocene benthic foraminifera in the East Pacific Ocean

  18. 区域地质背景反映珠江口盆地惠州地区中新统具有形成地层岩性圈闭的条件。

    The regional geological background has indicated that Miocene stratigraphic and lithologic traps may be created in Huizhou area .

  19. 喷水灭火系统分段阀分别为第四系、上新统、中新统上段、中新统下段及始新统。

    Sprinkler section valve Those correspond to Quaternary , Pliocene , Upper Miocene , Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively .

  20. 珠江口盆地惠州地区中新统地层岩性圈闭形成条件分析

    An analysis of creation conditions for Miocene stratigraphic and lithologic traps in Huizhou area , Pearl River Mouth basin

  21. 结绿素-红山地区古新统至中新统发育2种沉积相类型,即冲积扇和辫状河。

    There are two types of sedimentary facies in this region : the alluvial fan and the braided fluvial river .

  22. 含油气系统研究认为,台湾海峡盆地发育了古近系和中新统两套含油气系统,盆地西部主要发育古近系含油气系统,具有较好的油气资源前景;

    The study of petroleum geology suggests that there are two petroleum systems of Paleogene and Miocene in this basin .

  23. 这是首次将定量的沉积相研究方法应用于柴达木盆地的古新统至中新统。

    It is the first time to apply this method to study sedimentary facies of the Paleocene-Miocene in the Qaidam Basin .

  24. 中新统下部沉积了一套粗碎屑的冲积扇沉积物,然后迅速进入扇-三角洲-浊流沉积环境。

    With a local provenance , the Miocene sedimentation started with local deposition of coarse-grained subaerial sediments in the form of alluvial fans .

  25. 下中新统上珠江组盖层泥岩含量不少于60%,圈闭有好的上封侧堵条件。

    Good sealing conditions both upper and lateral with a shale content of more than 60 % in upper Zhujiang group in Lower Miocene .

  26. 盆地储层为上侏罗统,整个中新统三角洲和浅海沉积,在陆上也发现了古生界碳酸盐岩储层。

    Basin reservoirs of the Upper Jurassic , the entire Miocene delta and shallow marine sedimentary Paleozoic carbonate reservoir , also found on land . 5 .

  27. 在塔里木盆地西南坳陷中新统安居安组中发现一套辫状河进积到内陆湖泊中而形成的辫状河三角洲沉积体。

    A braided river delta sedimentary body protruding into an inland lake is found in the Miocene Anju ′ an Formation in the Southwest depression , Tarim basin .

  28. 深部油组以侏罗系为油源,中新统上、下油组以石炭系&下二叠统和侏罗系为混合油气源。

    The deeper pool has been charged by the oil generated from Jurassic , and the upper and lower pools have been sourced by the Carboniferous and Lower Permian .

  29. 从盆地边缘到中心,有勘探意义的储层依次有渐新统、中新统、上新统和第四系,岩性由粗变细。

    From boundary to centre of the basin , the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene , Miocene , Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness .

  30. 综合利用岩心观察、测井地质响应特征、结合地震反射构型和砂岩百分含量的综合分析,对番禺低隆起带到白云凹陷北坡中新统地层进行沉积相研究。

    Through the comprehensive analysis of core observation , logging characteristics , seismic reflection configuration and the percentage of sandstone , we researched the sedimentary facies at the Miocene in Panyu low-uplift to Baiyun Sag .