
  • 网络The Central Academy of Drama;Central Drama Academy
  1. 这位年轻演员现在是中央戏剧学院的一名大四学生。

    The young actor is now a senior at the Central Academy of Drama .

  2. 刁亦男毕业于中央戏剧学院,他的另外两部电影《制服》(Uniform)和《夜车》(NightTrain)也很有名。

    Mr. Diao , a graduate of China 's Central Academy of Drama , is also known for his two other films , ' Uniform ' and ' Night Train . '

  3. 根据报告显示,Papi酱是中央戏剧学院的一名学生,今年伊始因在各大媒体平台发布40多个原创视频而爆红网络,在这段时间,她在中国网络名人中位列第一名。

    Since the start of the year , Papi Jiang , a graduate student from the Central Academy Of Drama , has captured increasing attention on media platforms via more than 40 original videos , ranking No.1 among Internet stars in China during the period , according to the report .

  4. 相聚在中戏&中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展综述

    A Summary of The 3rd Central Academy of Drama International Theatre Showcase

  5. 艺术简历孙路1978-1982年就学于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系,设计专业。

    Sun Lu1978-1982 Studied in the Central Academy of Drama .

  6. 1977年,爱好文艺的郭雪波考上了北京中央戏剧学院。

    In1977 , Guo Xuebo entered the Central Institute of Drama in Beijing .

  7. 中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展的概况和评论

    The summary of the Third International Theatre Showcase of the Central Academy of Drama

  8. 作为全国高考的临近,胡歌选择了中央戏剧学院。

    As the national college entrance examination approached , Hu chose to study directing at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing .

  9. 出于对文学的热爱,马赫遥考入了中央戏剧学院表演系。

    It was this love of literature that led Ma Heyao to enroll in the acting department of the Central Academy of Drama .

  10. 铁扬:1935年生,河北赵县人,毕业于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系。

    Tieyang : Life in 1935 , Hebei Zhao county people , the fine arts graduating in central authority drama academy stage is .

  11. 北京华北大学美术科及中央戏剧学院舞台美术系本科毕业。

    Beijing North China University of Fine Arts Division and the Central Academy of Drama Department of Fine Arts Stage bachelor 's degree .

  12. 而报考另一所表演艺术的高等学府&中央戏剧学院的考生共有1610人,而表演专业只录取60人。

    Another top performing arts school , the Central Academy of Drama ( CAD ), have 1,610 applicants for only 60 places on its acting course .

  13. 其中中央戏剧学院共有29533名报考考生,计划录取人数为573人;而报考中国传媒大学的27299名考生将会竞争756个录取名额。

    While the Central Academy of Drama received 29533 applicants to vie for 573 seats , Communication University of China got 27299 to compete for 756 places .

  14. 然后我父母说,咱们国家有很不错的教表演的学校,比如北京电影学院和中央戏剧学院。

    Then my parents said , we have a very good state schools to teach performance , such as the Beijing Film Academy and Central Academy of Drama .

  15. 被称为培育未来娱乐圈人才摇篮的北京电影学院、中央戏剧学院和中国传媒大学三所院校于本周一开始了第二轮面试。

    The Beijing Film Academy , the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of China - regarded as influential incubators for future showbiz talent - began second-round tests on Monday .

  16. 本文将以中央戏剧学院导演系教学实习剧目《潜在的支出》的导演创作为案例,对戏剧演出中的剧场性特征进行讨论。

    This article is meant to discuss the theatricality of a performance , taking as an example Hidden Fees , a production by students of the Directing Department , the Central Academy of Drama .

  17. 刁亦男上世纪80年代末毕业于北京中央戏剧学院文学系。毕业后他从事编剧工作,后来开始自己当导演。

    Mr. Diao graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing in the late 1980s with a major in literature , and he worked as a screenwriter before turning his attention to directing .

  18. 李斌是另一部宫廷剧《甄嬛传》礼仪指导张晓龙的弟子。张晓龙在北京中央戏剧学院教授古代礼仪,李斌作为他的学生,对中国古代的礼仪也是了如指掌,张口即来。

    As the disciple of Zhang Xiaolong , the etiquette consultant of another costume phenomenon ( The Legend of Zhenhuan ) , Li is no less professional in being precise with the ABCs of ancient Chinese etiquette as his master has taught him at The Central Academy of Drama in Beijing .

  19. 中央美术学院、中央音乐学院、中央戏剧学院等三所艺术院校预算最少,均不足10亿人民币。

    Three art colleges - the Central Academy of Fine Arts , the Central Conservatory of Music , and The Central Academy of Drama - were at the bottom of the list , each receiving less than 1 billion RMB .