
wài jiāo xué yuàn
  • Diplomatic Academy;Foreign Affairs College;Institute of Diplomacy
  1. 此前,他曾在安徽大学和北京的外交学院学习。

    He has also studied at Chinese universities including the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing and Anhui University .

  2. 傅先生毕业于中国北京外交学院并曾就读于联合王国中央伦敦理工学院。

    Mr Fu graduated from the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing , China and studied in the Polytechnic of Central London in the United Kingdom .

  3. 但中国外交学院(ChinaForeignAffairsUniversity)教授周永生警告称,不应采取这种策略。

    But Zhou Yongsheng , professor at China Foreign Affairs University , warns against such tactics .

  4. 存在这种争论是正常的,中国外交学院(ChinaForeignAffairsUniversity)院长助理朱立群表示,鉴于中欧关系扩展,这种关系正在变得更加复杂。

    It 's normal to have these kinds of disputes , said Zhu Liqun , assistant principal at the China Foreign Affairs University . EU-China relations are growing more complex because the relationship is expanding .

  5. 美国国务院下设的外交学院(ForeignServiceInstitute)说,想要掌握普通话需要2200个课时的学习,其中一半课时要在说普通话的国家学习。而掌握西班牙语则只要600课时到750课时即可。

    Mandarin competence takes 2,200 class hours , with half of that time spent in a country where it 's spoken , according to the U.S. State Department 's Foreign Service Institute , whereas Spanish can be learned in 600 to 750 class hours .

  6. 外交学院第一次警告哥伦比亚单向发送的毕业生,引用和链接的材料Wikileaks的可能威胁美国的国家机构自己的事业。

    School of Diplomacy at Columbia uni first warning sent its graduates , citations and links to materials Wikileaks could threaten their careers in the US state agencies .

  7. 我在北京外交学院主修英语语言文学。

    My major in college was English literature and language in Beijing Foreign Studies University .

  8. 同样为了避免激烈市场竞争之还有24岁之李静标,外交学院学生。

    It also includes Li Jingbiao , 24 , of China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing .

  9. 后来他到北京的外交学院学习,想成为一名外交家。

    He studied at the Foreign Affairs University in Beijing , intending to become a diplomat .

  10. 外交学院的生唐岷曾参加了重庆公务员考试。

    Tang Min , a postgraduate from CFAU , sat for the civil service exam in Chongqing .

  11. 外交学院、北京大学和清华大学三所高校的学生社团共同组织了这次活动。

    Three student clubs from China Foreign Affairs University , Peking University and Tsinghua University organized the event .

  12. 外交学院代表队的参赛作品再生纸制包装制品最终获得了冠军。

    A recycled paper packaging project developed by the team from China Foreign Affairs University won first place .

  13. 外交学院院长助理高飞认为,上合组织非常重要的支柱就是“上海精神”。

    Gao Fei , Assistant President of China Foreign Affairs University , says the Shanghai Spirit is the very pillar of the organization .

  14. “时事知识竞赛”活动从2005年开始启动。活动旨在提高外交学院本科学生的专业素质,培养他们观察世界、洞悉时事的能力。

    Initiated in2005 , the Current Affairs Contest aims to enhance the proficiency of undergraduate students and foster their abilities to observe world events .

  15. 盖茨星期三晚间在美国外交学院发表上述讲话,但是组织者不允许记者为广播而录音。

    The secretary spoke to the American Academy of Diplomacy Wednesday evening , but reporters were not allowed to record the event for broadcast .

  16. 外交学院中国语言文化学院教师向道华认为,翻译时应该考虑文化内涵的因素。

    Xiang Daohua , a teacher of Chinese language and culture at China Foreign Affairs University , believes cultural connotations should be taken into consideration in translation .

  17. 中国外交学院教授王方说,各方都应充分利用现在缓和的局势重返会谈。

    Wang Fan , a professor at China Foreign Affairs University , said all parties should make the most of the current easing of tension and restart talks .

  18. 外交学院英语辩论队领队杨锐表示:即兴讨论和即兴演讲可以启发人们从不同角度来看待相同议题。

    The impromptu discussion and speeches inspire people to view a subject from a different angle , said Yang Rui , leader of the English debating team at China Foreign Affairs University .

  19. 加卢奇目前是美国乔治敦大学外交学院院长。他说,首先需要解决的一个问题是确认北韩是否拥有他们自己所说的那么多的金属钸。

    Gallucci , who is now dean of Georgetown University 's School of Foreign Service , says one priority is to find out whether North Korea has as much plutonium as it says it does .

  20. 外交学院战略与冲突管理研究中心主任苏浩说,与巴基斯坦的合作是按照核不扩散条约和国际惯例进行的。

    ' The cooperation [ with Pakistan ] is in accordance with the nonproliferation treaty and international norms , ' said Su Hao , director of the Center for Strategic and Conflict Management at China Foreign Affairs University .

  21. 青岛峰会上各国签署了包括《青岛宣言》在内的20多份重要合作文件,宣言中明确确立了人类命运共同体的共同理念。外交学院的高飞解释了这个概念。

    The Qingdao Summit concluded with the signing of over 20 documents including the Qingdao Declaration , which clearly defined the " community of shared future . " Gao Fei , with China Foreign Affairs University , explained the concept .

  22. 外交学院国际关系研究所教授李海东表示,这可能不是仅针对中国的政策,而是美国全球战略转变的一部分,显示了特朗普阻止非法移民的决心。

    Li Haidong , a professor at the Institute of International Relations of China Foreign Affairs University , said that it may not be a China-specific policy but part of a global strategic shift , showing Donald Trump 's determination to prevent illegal immigration .

  23. 外交学院研究生部孙京丽主任表示,大部分毕业生的求职成本介于4000至5000元之间,这也为那些家庭并不富裕的学生造成负担。

    Sun Jingli , director of the Graduate School at China Foreign Affairs University ( CFAU ) , said most graduates spend about 4000 yuan to 5000 yuan looking for jobs after they graduate , which can be a burden to those who come from poor families .

  24. 外交学院外交与外事管理系副教授任远喆表示,领事保护与协助案件数量的激增,是我国出国留学人员人数快速增长的自然反映,他们对改善的、多样化得领事服务的需求也越来越强烈。

    Ren Yuanzhe , associate professor in the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management at China Foreign Affairs University , said the increase in consular protection and assistance cases is a natural reflection of the rapid growth in Chinese going abroad and their stronger need for improved and diversified consular services .

  25. 地中海外交研究学院

    Mediterranean Academy for Diplomatic Studies