
  • 网络Foreign goods;foreign merchandise
  1. 例句:商店橱窗里摆满了外国商品。

    n. vt. vi. The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise .

  2. 商店橱窗里摆满了外国商品。

    The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise .

  3. 同时,还进口许多外国商品,如时钟和烟草。

    Meanwhile , numerousexotic products were imported , such as clocks and tobacco .

  4. 中国已于2001年12月11日正式成为WTO的缔约国。随着中国的入世,外国商品在华倾销将会越来越频繁,给我国经济发展带来的负面影响也必然会随之越发严重。

    China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .

  5. 我国加入WTO以后进一步降低关税,消除诸如进口配额、进口许可证等数量限制措施,外国商品和服务的大量涌入将不可避免。

    Entrance into WTO , China further falls tariffs and eliminate quantitative restriction measures such as import quota and import license , so it is unavoidable for foreign commodities and service to swarm into our markets .

  6. 特别是中国加入WTO之后,越来越多的外国商品进入中国市场,与本国的商品进行竞争,同时也促进了国货的发展与创新。

    Especially when China has joined the WTO , more and more foreign commodities are entering China , and at the same time more and more Chinese enterprises are promoting their products on the international markets for the competition , development and innovation .

  7. 阿里巴巴拒绝对这些项目置评,因为公司正处于IPO前的静默期。但公司在网上宣传片中突出强调,人们对外国商品的兴趣正在急速增加。

    Alibaba declined to comment on the programs because the company is in a quiet period ahead of its I.P.O. But in a promotional video posted online , the company highlighted the booming appetite for foreign goods .

  8. 他们表示,便宜的外国商品重创了国内产业,损害了地方工作岗位。

    They say cheap foreign products domestic industry and hurt local jobs .

  9. 到处旅行,进口外国商品。

    A lot of travel , importing foreign goods .

  10. 许多外国商品的牌号和商标是用音意融合法翻译成汉语的。

    Many trademarks of foreign commodities are translated in the method of sound-meaning mixture .

  11. 反倾销是指对外国商品在本国市场上的倾销所采取的抵制措施。

    Anti-dumping means boycotting the dumping measures of foreign goods in the domestic market .

  12. 通常,各国会对通关的外国商品收取额外的费用。

    Countries generally slap an extra charge on foreign products when they cross the border .

  13. 为了某种考虑,所有的国家都会对过境的某种外国商品增加贸易壁垒。

    For one reason or another , all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders .

  14. 中国消费者不再愿意因为这点而盲目地购买外国商品。

    Chinese consumers are no longer willing to spend blindly on anything foreign for the sake of it .

  15. 中国检验检疫将面临着新的问题。一方面由于中国的关税进一步降低以及垄断和限制的取消,外国商品进入的数量增加为检验检疫提出了新的要求;

    With the day of China 's entering WTO drawing near , inspection and quarantine are facing new issues .

  16. 货币将大幅贬值,人们无力购买外国商品,尤其是在政策机构毫无信用可言的情况下。

    Currency depreciation would substantially overshoot , making foreign goods unaffordable , especially as policy institutions have no credibility .

  17. 作为一种市场准入的障碍,绿色壁垒是进口国通过制定严格的环保技术标准等方式,阻止或限制某些外国商品的进口。

    As one kind of market entry obstacle , green barrier prevents or limits foreign products from being imported .

  18. 但美国消费者对外国商品不断增长的需求继续造成逆差缺口扩大。

    But the ever-growing demand of US consumers for foreign goods continued to contribute to a widening trade gap .

  19. 这种制造品,输往国外,其售价必须与同品质同种类的其他外国商品同样低廉。

    Such manufactures must be sold as cheap abroad as any other foreign goods of the same quality and kind .

  20. 这也会减少中国的进口量,因为外国商品和服务会花费更多人民币。

    It was also expected to reduce Chinese imports , since foreign goods and services would cost more in renminbi .

  21. 中国新式工业和交通运输业初步兴起后对外国商品需求的增加。

    China 's increased demand of foreign merchandise after the birth and the beginning development of its new industries and transportation .

  22. 后者则论述了厘金抑制国内商品出口及利于外国商品输入的作用。

    The later talks about the holdback Likin produced to the export of domestic goods and the help the import got .

  23. 自由贸易协议可以取消关税,降低商品价格,使顾客更容易购买到外国商品。

    Free trade deals can get rid of these tariffs , pushing prices down and giving customers better access to foreign goods .

  24. 同时,许多外国商品如欧洲来的钟,美国来的烟叶在中国许多城市都可以买到。

    Meanwhile , many foreign commodities such as clocks from Europe and tobacco from America were on sale in many cities of China .

  25. 由于我国许多产业缺乏国际竞争力,他们将因外国商品和服务的冲击而遭受严重损害或威胁。

    Because in our country many industries are short in international competition , they are seriously harmed and threatened for foreign commodities and service .

  26. 因此,人民币贸易加权汇率持续下跌,使得中国出口商品更具吸引力,而外国商品在中国更显得昂贵。

    The trade-weighted value of the renminbi has therefore been declining , making Chinese exports more attractive and foreign goods more expensive in China .

  27. 随着当今的经济全球化,越来越多的外国商品涌入国内市场。同时也有很多国内商品出口到世界各地。

    With the economic globalization , a growing number of domestic products are exported to western countries and foreign commodities imported to Chinese market .

  28. 但是专家说中国对于美国及其他外国商品的市场准入限制是比汇率问题更大的障碍。

    But experts said market access restrictions to American and other foreign goods remain a far bigger impediment than the value of the currency .

  29. 即期汇率影响进口对国内商品的比较成本和进口国家出口对外国商品的比较成本。

    Spot exchange rates influence the relative cost of imports vis-a-vis domestic goods and the relative cost of exports vis-a-vis foreign goods in importing countries .

  30. 保持本国商品的高价,则是吸引外国商品流入和防止本国财富向外国流失的基本施措。

    Keeping the price pf our national goods high is the radical measure of making foreign goods flow in and preventing the national property from flowing out .