
yùn dòng fú
  • tracksuit;sweat;sweat suit;gym suit
运动服[yùn dòng fú]
  1. 我学会了怎么在其它女孩子面前换上运动服。

    I learned how to change into a gym suit in front of other girls .

  2. 我穿着运动服在家里晃荡了一整天。

    I hung around the house all day in my sweats .

  3. 她伸手又从衣橱里取出一件运动服。

    She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit .

  4. 但是没有“便装星期五”作挡箭牌就穿运动服去办公室真的可行吗?

    But is it really feasible to don sportswear to the office without the excuse of dress-down Friday ?

  5. 他在运动服里面衬着游泳衣。

    He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks .

  6. 这件运动服太肥大了。

    The sports dress is too loose .

  7. 运动员清一色地穿着红色运动服。

    The players were all dressed alike in red sports suits .

  8. 六月份,47%的消费者告诉市场调研公司NPD集团称,疫情期间他们一天中的大部分时间都在家穿着同样的衣服;近四分之一的人表示,他们喜欢从早到晚地穿运动服、睡衣裤或家居服。

    In June , 47 % of consumers told market research firm NPD they are wearing the same clothes throughout most of their day while at home during the pandemic , and nearly a quarter said they liked wearing activewear , sleepwear , or loungewear most of the day .

  9. 哼哼和唧唧每天气得比老鼠们晚一些,懒懒地穿好运动服,然后信步走到奶酪C站。

    Hem and Haw awoke each day a little later , dressed a little slower , and walked to Cheese Station C.

  10. 她和parker穿着运动服出去了。

    She and Parker just left wearing workout stuff .

  11. 但是本周,老虎。伍兹出现在一条黑白的电视广告中,为运动服制造商Nike代言。

    But this week , Tiger Woods appeared in a black-and-white television aid for sportswear maker Nike .

  12. 这支队伍是由耐克公司赞助的,因此运动员都穿着带NIKE字样的运动服。

    The team is sponsored by NIKE , so the players wear the letters NIKE on their shirts .

  13. 哼哼和唧唧每天起得比老鼠们晚一些,懒懒地穿好运动服,然后信步走到奶酪C站。不管怎样,反正已经找到了奶酪。

    Hem and Haw awoke each day a little later , dressed a little slower , and walked to Cheese Station C. After all , they knew where the Cheese was now and how to get there .

  14. 有时候妈妈们还要买运动服、网球鞋、白袜子,也许还要买标有NBA球队名字的球帽呢!

    Sometimes mothers need to buy sports clothes , tennis shoes , white socks , and perhaps caps with names of NBA teams .

  15. 在当天的室内婚礼上,“两位新郎”身穿运动服上装,没有打领带,脖子上挂着红丝带,表现出与其他HIV病毒感染者团结在一起的决心。

    At the indoor civil ceremony , the grooms wore sport coats without ties , and had large red ribbons draped around their necks in solidarity with other people living with HIV .

  16. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  17. 上周,美国国会的怒火矛头指向美国奥委会(UnitedStatesOlympicCommittee)和拉尔夫劳伦(ralphLauren),因为有消息称,在即将举行的伦敦奥运会上,美国运动员将身穿中国制造的运动服。

    Last week , congressional fury erupted in the direction of the United States Olympic Committee and Ralph Lauren after revelations that American athletes will be wearing Chinese-made uniforms at the forthcoming London Olympics .

  18. 有位用户在雅虎的Facebook页面上写道,说实话,一个外国人为我们赢得一枚奖牌,我无法为此感到自豪,尽管他们的运动服上也印着新加坡国旗图案。

    Honestly , I cannot bring myself to feel proud for a foreigner to win a medal for us , although they carry our Singapore flag , one person wrote on Yahoo 's Facebook page .

  19. 处于亏损状态的中国运动服品牌李宁(LiNing)正向可穿戴技术发动首轮进攻。该公司正与一家小米(Xiaomi)投资的初创企业合作,试图扭转萎靡不振的业务局面。

    Lossmaking Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning is making a maiden foray into wearable technology , linking up with a Xiaomi-backed start-up in an effort to revive its flagging fortunes .

  20. 大会发言人说:在伦敦市中心的Mayfair场地奥运奖牌和运动服据报道被盗了。

    A Met spokesman said : An Olympic medal and blazer were reported stolen from a venue in Mayfair in central London .

  21. 大会发言人说:“在伦敦市中心的Mayfair场地奥运奖牌和运动服据报道被盗了。”

    A Met spokesman said : " An Olympic medal and blazer were reported stolen from a venue in Mayfair in central London .

  22. 不仅如此,碧昂斯还有意联手英国零售商Topshop合资生产出售运动服。

    She is also due to launch an active wear range with UK retailer Topshop .

  23. 时尚品牌JuicyCouture曾经因为天它的天鹅绒材质运动服备受知名人士喜爱而名噪一时。然而,这个品牌最近表示,将于今年夏季关闭美国境内的所有店铺,在此期间重塑品牌形象。

    Juicy Couture , the once-hot brand known for its velour track suits favored by celebrities , recently said it would close all of its U.S. stores this summer while it goes off to re-invent itself .

  24. 31岁的Partridge,男子八人赛艇队的铜牌得主,在Twitter上说在伦敦市中心Mayfair的活动上他的奥运运动服以及奖牌被人偷走了。

    Partridge , 31 , who won bronze as part of the men 's eight rowing team , tweeted that his Olympic blazer as well as his medal had been stolen from an event in Mayfair , central London .

  25. 3个孩子的性感爸爸(妈妈是凯利瑞帕)和他最小的7岁Joaquin,去年10月在纽约身穿相似的运动服为一张快照摆姿势。

    The sexy dad of three ( mom is Kelly Ripa ) and his youngest Joaquin , 7 , sport similar tracksuits while posing for a quick photo in New York City last October .

  26. 大学入校第一天,我穿着苹果绿的OshKosh工装裤,已经勉强算酷了,但那是因为当时一半的女生都穿着花呢和运动服套装。

    On my first day at university I felt passably cool in my apple green OshKosh dungarees – but that was only because half the girls were in tweeds and twinsets .

  27. 也许该给你搞身运动服再来张沙发

    Maybe we could get you a tracksuit and a barcalounger .

  28. 文章介绍了近几年来国内外各种功能性运动服、竞技性运动服和特种纺织体育用品的性能和应用等。

    This article introduces the applications and properties of sportswear textiles .

  29. 男:你们最初的市场在女式运动服领域。

    Man : Your original market was women 's sports clothing .

  30. 橄榄球队员们正在更衣室里穿运动服。

    The football players are suiting up in the field house .