
yùn dònɡ xié
  • sneakers;trainers;training shoe;tackie;hiker shoes
  1. 他穿一条旧牛仔裤,脚蹬运动鞋。

    He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers .

  2. 有严格的着装规定:不许穿运动鞋和牛仔裤。

    There is a strict dress code : no trainers or jeans .

  3. 他使劲儿脱下运动鞋。

    He wrenched off his sneakers

  4. 他们打开他的箱子,发现里面有一双运动鞋。

    They opened his box and found a pair of sports shoes inside .

  5. 她本想买一双运动鞋,但却发现了一个旧茶壶。

    She was expecting a pair of sports shoes , but she just found an old teapot .

  6. A:你可以给他买一双运动鞋。他的运动鞋太旧了。

    A : You can buy him a pair of sports shoes . His sports shoes are too old .

  7. 更有可能的是他们的运动鞋赞助商告诉他们这是个好买卖。

    More likely , their sneaker sponsors are telling them it 's good business .

  8. “运动鞋迷”指的是收集、交易或者对运动鞋非常痴迷的人。

    Sneakerhead is a person who collects , trades , or is passionate1 about running shoes .

  9. “运动鞋迷”有可能对辨别运动鞋中的真货和赝品非常有经验。

    A sneakerhead may also be highly experienced in distinguishing between real and fake replica2 sneakers .

  10. 收集运动鞋这种爱好通常通过特定体育运动所需运动鞋的使用和收集体现出来,特别是篮球鞋和滑板鞋。

    Sneaker collecting is a hobby often manifested by the use and collection of shoes made for particular sports , particularly basketball and skateboarding .

  11. 用摄影测量与CAD设计运动鞋的理论和方法

    Theory and Method in Using the Photogrammetry and Computer-Aided-Designing for Sport Shoes

  12. CAE技术在运动鞋中底结构设计中的应用

    Application of CAE Technology in the Structure Design of Athletic Shoes ' Midsole

  13. 在展示,耐克SB炫耀他们的一些即将来临的运动鞋在2008年。

    At the show , Nike SB showed off some of their upcoming sneakers for2008 .

  14. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的机会,新百伦(NewBalance)全球品牌保护事务负责人丹尼尔·麦金农(DanielMcKinnon)说。这家运动鞋公司总部位于波士顿。

    There is a massive opportunity for us , said Daniel McKinnon , head of global brand protection at New Balance , the Boston-based sneaker company .

  15. 13岁KatharineTuck的运动鞋显然是机会均等主义的冒犯者。

    Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck 's sneakers are equal opportunity offenders .

  16. 通过这次新政与AC米兰,我们打算推动了大量的文章,绑米兰除了传统类喜欢运动鞋,运动服装及配件。

    Through this new deal with AC Milan we intend to promote a large amount of articles tied to Milan aside from the traditional categories like sporting shoes , sporting clothes and accessories .

  17. 在Facebook的首次股东大会上,扎克伯格依然穿着运动鞋和标志性的连帽衫。一些人认为他这样做很不成熟,对公司界也很失礼。

    He famously wore sneakers and the trademark hoodie for Facebook 's first big investor meeting - a move that was slammed as immature and disrespectful to the corporate world .

  18. 39岁的德霍曼-克里斯托长发齐肩,颈背较厚,穿着白色运动鞋、黑色紧身裤、印有BadAttitude(态度差)字样的深色T恤,脖子上挂着一件Y型吊坠。

    De Homem-Christo , 39 , has shoulder-length hair and heavier scruff and is wearing white sneakers , tight black pants , a dark T-shirt that says ' Bad Attitude ' and a wishbone pendant around his neck .

  19. 选择操控设备就像选择鞋子一样――有些人偏好耐克空中飞人(AirJordans)运动鞋,有些人则青睐克里斯提・鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)高跟鞋。

    Picking a control device is kind of like choosing shoes -- some go for Air Jordans , others for Christian Louboutin heels .

  20. 消费香奈儿(chanel)香水和耐克(nike)运动鞋等产品的乐趣,大部分缘于品牌。

    The pleasure of consuming some products , such as Chanel perfume and Nike trainers , is largely due to their brands .

  21. 中国消费者已经证明,他们会支付超过100美元,买一双阿迪达斯(adidas)或耐克(nike)的运动鞋。

    Chinese consumers have already demonstrated that they will pay more than $ 100 for a pair of Adidas or Nike sports shoes .

  22. 鞋舌、鞋背和鞋子侧面理所当然有Facebook和Adidas的logo,除此之外,在每只运动鞋里面还各印了一条标语。

    Apart from the inevitable Facebook and Adidas logos on the shoe 's tongue , back and side , there 's a slogan printed inside of each trainer .

  23. 一款兼容iOS、安卓和微软系统的app正在计划当中,有了它,用户只需轻点按钮,便能更改运动鞋上的图案。

    An iOS , Android and Windows app is planned , which will allow users to change the designs of their trainers at the touch of a button .

  24. 20世纪70年代初期,俄勒冈大学的竞赛教练比尔鲍尔曼在他太太的比利时格子饼贴膜上加热聚氨酯,打造出第一个有软垫的鞋子中底,后来促成了NikeAir运动鞋的问世。

    University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman created the first cushioned mid-sole by heating polyure-thane on his wife 's waffle iron in the early70s , which later led to the creation of Nike Air .

  25. 《欢乐合唱团》的Finn,同时也是这场颁奖礼的主持之一,运用一双黑色运动鞋给全套西装添加了几分休闲感。

    The Glee star – and one of the evening 's co-hosts – adds a casual touch with sneakers to his sleek black suit .

  26. 好莱坞影星约翰尼德普在《加勒比海盗4》中继续扮演Jack船长,昨天他一袭黑白休闲西装配运动鞋出席了在加州的首映仪式。

    Hollywood star Depp , 47 , who reprises his role as pirate Jack Sparrow in the sequel , looked distinctly retro at the world premiere in California , in a black and white lounge suit and trainers .

  27. 结果表明,CAE分析技术的应用,对于缩短运动鞋开发周期,降低生产成本,保证产品质量具有重要意义。

    It was indicated that the application of CAE technology was very significant to shorten the development cycle and reduce the production cost and improve the quality in the structure design of athletic shoes .

  28. 你有没有见过Twitter上盛传的那张照片?在照片里鲍伊身着工装短裤、运动鞋,手持一本Uncut杂志,在市里漫步,看上去十分普通。

    Have you seen the photo that 's been circulating on Twitter of Mr. Bowie out in the city in cargo shorts and sneakers and carrying Uncut magazine ?

  29. 数十年来,ChuckTaylor,或常被称为‘Chuck’的运动鞋,获得了数以百万计消费者的青睐,其上个世纪在全球的销量超过十亿双。

    For generations , the Chuck Taylor , universally known as the ' Chuck ', has captured the hearts and minds of millions of consumers , selling over a billion pairs globally during the past century .

  30. 这种运动鞋有高、中、低不同鞋帮高度,鞋面会嵌入电子水墨显示屏,在亚马逊Kindle电子阅读器中也可以看到相似的技术应用,只是颜色不同。

    Available as high , medium and low tops , the shoes will include e-ink panels , using a similar technology to that seen in Amazon 's Kindle e-reader , but in colour .