
  • 网络motion;ideas of motion
  1. 伽利略是第一位对希腊人的运动观提出质疑的人。

    Galileo was the first person to challenge this Greek view of motion .

  2. 试论东西方关于飞矢运动观的差异

    A tentative discussion on the difference of opinion about the motion of a flying arrow between the West and China in ancient times

  3. 评近代中国女权主义运动观

    Comments on the Outlook on the Feminist Movement in Modern China

  4. 中国地裂运动观的创建和发展

    Establishment and development of Chinese taphrogeny outlook

  5. 棕榈科是独特的园林观赏植物。针对棕榈科植物应用的策略与方法,提出全局观、系统观、运动观和辩证观;

    Palms are unique landscape plants .

  6. 他提出了保持身体康健必须要进行动静结合的身体活动锻炼的运动观;

    He proposed a movement concept , which must be combined dynamic and static exercise to keep the body healthy ;

  7. 基于此,主要论述了中国古代宇宙观中有关空间观念的几个方面,包括:空间观念的形成、无限空间的观念、空间的运动观、生成观及空间时间转化的观念等。

    This paper based on these facts discusses some of the points : the formation of space view , its infinity , motion , and transformation .

  8. 本文讨论了用空间大地测量地壳运动观测量(基线变化率、站速度)检测冰期后地壳回弹运动的方法和结果。

    This paper discusses the methods and results of detection of postglacial rebound by using space geodetic measurements ( rates of change for baselines , site velocities ) .

  9. 作者根据马克思主义哲学的运动观,紧扣时代脉搏,对大学生人生观在四个历史时期的发展变化作了充分的阐述与说明。

    In the article , the author fully explains the development and changes of university students'view of life in four historic periods , according to Maxist philosophy and the pulse of time .

  10. 为对物质流变现象进行严格的数学论证以更深刻地理解它,从而进一步指导实践,我们简要地介绍了流变力学中的物质观、时空观、运动观。

    In order to gain insight into the rheological phenomena of matter by strict mathematical argument and to provide a better ground for further guide to practice , a brief introduction of the view on matter , time-space , motion within the area of rheological mechanics are given .

  11. 论现代竞技运动价值观及评价体系的逃离

    Discussion of Value Outlook on Modern Sports and Fleeing of Evaluation System

  12. 分析哲学物质运动时空观的物质存在型、相互作用机制时空观的形态演化型特点。

    It also analyses the space-time matter being type in matter motion of traditional philosophy and the space-time pattern and e-volving properties of interaction mechanism .

  13. 本研究旨在探讨竞技选手运动价值观、组织承諾及运动表现满意度的关系。

    The study 's purpose was aimed to explore the relationships among sports value , organization commitment , and satisfaction of sports performance by observing Taiwanese judo players .

  14. 概要介绍了板块学说的基本原理。阐述了地质与传统地球物理学方法研究全球板块运动的观测量、测量方法和建模方法,总结了地质与传统地球物理方法在全球板块运动研究的发展与结论。

    The observations , methods and the modeling algorithms of the geology and traditional geophysics for global plate motion research are also recommended . The development and conclusion of it is summarized .

  15. 运动的建筑观&动态的Milwaukee艺术新馆

    Dynamic View on Building & Dynamic Milwaukee Art Museum

  16. 相对论中物体运动的表观现象

    The apparent phenomenon of an object motion in theory of relativity

  17. 运动行为认识观的发展以及在运动实践中的应用

    The Developmental Theories of Motor behaviour and Their Applications in Sports

  18. 论引发艺术与手工艺运动的主客观因素

    On Subjective and Objective Factors Evoking Art and Craft Movement

  19. 微重力环境轮下月壤运动状态细观分析

    Microscopic study on dynamic behavior of lunar regolith under driving wheel in microgravity circumstance

  20. 论新文化运动之文化观

    On the Cultural Sense of New Culture Movement

  21. 试论奥林匹克运动的群体观

    On the Group Viewpoints for the Olympics

  22. 竞技运动的价值观

    On the Values of Sports

  23. 建立了跟踪并测量土颗粒运动的细观测量算法,编制了相应软件,实现了分析过程的程序化和自动化。

    A particle-tracking method as well as its program , which was fully computerized , was therefore developed to track soil particles with simultaneous measurement of their translation and rotation .

  24. 中国文化精神可以为修正奥林匹克运动的发展观提供新的价值取向,可以为完善奥林匹克运动的发展模式提供新的思路,可以为整合奥林匹克不同利益主体的冲突提供新的方法;

    Chinese cultural spirits may offer new value adoption for Olympic Movement to restore its development views , provide new thought to perfect the development model of Olympic Movement , supply new method to renovate the conflicts among different interest parts .

  25. 运动训练的时空观及科学理论

    The Space ─ Time Continuum and Scientific Theories Concerning Athletic Training

  26. 关于高速运动质点的表观运动

    On The Apparent Motion of Rapidly Moving Particle

  27. 现代奥林匹克运动主要领导人发展观的评述

    The Comment on the Development Concepts from the Main Leaders of Modern Olympic Games

  28. 典型时空中的运动效应和宇观红移现象

    The kinematic effect in the classical domains and the red shift phenomena of extragalactic objects

  29. 高速运动物体的表观形象

    The Apparent shape of a fast-moving-object

  30. 企业资金运动系统的哲学观

    Philosophy in Enterprise Capital Movement System