
  • 网络Baroque;baroque art
  1. 巴洛克艺术是作为这种改革的一部分存在的。

    Baroque art is to exist as apart of this reform .

  2. 穿越时空巴洛克艺术的东方神话

    Cross Space , the Oriental Myth of Baroque Art

  3. 鲁本斯和卡拉瓦乔是两位最伟大的巴洛克艺术风格画家。

    Rubens and Caravaggio were two of the greatest Baroque painters .

  4. 从巴洛克艺术看宗教对艺术的影响

    The Religion 's Influence on Art Through the Baroque

  5. 巴洛克艺术垄断了17世纪至18世纪中叶的艺术界。

    Baroque dominated the mid-17th century to the 18th century the arts community .

  6. 巴洛克艺术风格的发源与宗教有着密不可分的关系。

    Of origin and religion of the Baroque art style has a close relationship .

  7. 巴洛克艺术赏析

    Appreciation and Analysis of Baroque

  8. 极力强调运动,运动与变化是巴洛克艺术的灵魂;

    The third is strongly emphasized movement , movement and change is the soul of Baroque art ;

  9. 因此,在巴洛克艺术中存在宗教特色的主导作用也是理所当然的。

    Therefore , the leading role of the religious characteristics of Baroque art is taken for granted .

  10. 巴洛克艺术与欧洲园林

    Baroque and the European Gardens

  11. 巴洛克艺术包括建筑、雕塑、绘画、家具、服装及生活用品等诸多领域,本文只着重于绘画方面。

    Baroque art , including architecture , sculpture , paintings , furniture , clothing , household items and many other fields , the article only focuses on Baroque painting .

  12. 多种因素(如:当时的社会背景、风格主义、古典主义、卡拉瓦乔现实主义、巴洛克艺术以及宗教方面的因素)都对拉图尔的艺术产生了一定的影响。

    For example , a lot of factors had affected La Tour , such as : social background of his age , Mannerism , Classicism , Caravaggio , Baroque and religious factor .

  13. 他们提出文艺复兴艺术、巴洛克艺术、罗马晚期艺术、哥特艺术等非古典艺术与古典艺术分庭抗礼,逐步颠覆了古典艺术一元论的传统价值取向。

    They put forward the Renaissance art , baroque art , Rome late art , gothic art , etc to reflect classical art and gradually reshaped the tradition of classical art monism value orientation .

  14. 巴洛克艺术是17世纪广为流行的一种艺术风格,形成了一种具有独特面貌的新的艺术语言,在西方艺术史上具有重要的地位。

    Baroque art , as a widespread artistic style in 17th century , forms a new artistic language with its own characteristics , hence it occupies a very important position in the western artistic history .

  15. 巴洛克艺术具有以下特点:无论是建筑、雕塑、绘画,都强调运动感、空间感、豪华感、激情感,甚至神秘感。

    Baroque art has the following characteristics : whether it is architecture , sculpture , painting , have stressed a sense of movement , space , luxury , passion , feeling , or even Mystery .

  16. 第三部分分析了巴洛克艺术在表达形式上不完全迷恋于事物的表象,从物理的事实走向了艺术的真实。它对以后艺术创作产生了深远的影响。

    The third part points out that in the form of artistic expression Baroque art goes from physical truth towards the artistic truth rather than stick to the images of objects only , which exerts great influence on the present artistic practices .

  17. 本文从追溯巴洛克艺术的历史入手,通过阐述巴洛克艺术的产生和发展、不同国家的巴洛克建筑特色来介绍巴洛克建筑艺术,并提炼出了巴洛克建筑艺术的特征。

    In this paper , trace the history of Baroque art start by describing the emergence and development of Baroque art , Baroque architecture in different countries to introduce the art of baroque architecture , and to extract the characteristics of Baroque architecture .

  18. 在启蒙运动时期,洛可可从巴洛克的艺术风格脱胎而生。

    Rococo has been born from the Baroque era , during the age of Enlightenment .

  19. 而源自巴洛克的艺术特征,同样也体现那些别出心裁的窗帘布艺上。

    Which are based on religion and the arts from the Baroque features , but also in those same ingenuity on the curtain cloth .

  20. 传闻忽视了两次杰出的展览会,就是在2002年和2007年举办的文艺复兴和巴洛克挂毯艺术展览会,但是遴选委员会并没有忽略。

    What the gossips overlooked - but the search committee did not - are the two exceptional exhibitions of Renaissance and Baroque tapestries that he organised in 2002 and 2007 .

  21. 以巴洛克时期绘画艺术中的骷髅为例,揭示了转义发生的深层规律。

    The paper reveals the deep laws of meaning transfer by taking the skull of Baroque paintings for example .

  22. 巴洛克时期的艺术发展长达一个半世纪,整个巴洛克时期按照音乐创作的主体、演唱倾向等因素,又可将其细分为三个时段,分别为早期、中期和晚期。

    The art development of Baroque times extends for a century and a half . And it can be divided into three stages according to the factors of creation main body and performance tendency : Early , Middle and Late .

  23. 这座酒店建成于1925年,原本是为东方快车乘客们兴建的一座豪华中转站。它颇具符号意义,和这座城市一样融合了多种欧洲风格,包括分离主义、巴洛克、装饰艺术和新艺术。

    Built in 1925 as a luxurious layover for travelers on the Orient Express , the iconic structure , like the Croatian capital , is a melding of European styles : Secessionist , Baroque , Art Deco and Art Nouveau .

  24. Rococo描述了18世纪派生于巴洛克风格的欧洲艺术风格,该风格以过多的装饰为特色,诸如饰以优美精细的贝壳和羽毛。

    Rococo describes the18th-century European style that grew out of the baroque and is characterized by profuse ornamentation , such as graceful and delicate shells and foliage .

  25. 浅谈巴洛克与洛可可的艺术风格

    Discussion on the Art Style of Baroque and Rococo

  26. 一种巴洛克式的民粹主义艺术

    The Art of Baroque Populism

  27. 巴洛克时期取得的艺术成就,奠定了欧洲音乐发展的基础。

    Artistic achievements made in the baroque period , laid the basis for the development of European music .

  28. 巴洛克建筑是最能显示巴洛克艺术风格特点的一个艺术种类。

    Baroque architecture is a kind of best art style features show of Baroque .