
wài guó rén
  • foreigner;alien;international
外国人[wài guó rén]
  1. 我是外国人这事实对我十分不利。

    The fact that I was a foreigner was a big disadvantage .

  2. 她的家人因她嫁给了外国人而与她断绝关系。

    Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner .

  3. 从她的穿着就可以看出她是外国人。

    You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed .

  4. 对外国人的不信任可能逐渐演变成种族主义。

    Distrust of foreigners can shade into racism .

  5. 美元疲软意味着美国的产品对外国人来说相对便宜。

    The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners

  6. 没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。

    Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned .

  7. 周末右翼分子对外国人的攻击最终演变成了这场骚乱。

    The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners .

  8. 报纸并没有解释为什么说外国人拥有所有权是坏事。

    The paper does not explain why foreign ownership should be considered bad

  9. 外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。

    Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance

  10. 大多数在这里工作的外国人都有工作许可证。

    The majority of foreign nationals working here have work permits

  11. 商业繁荣,外国人争相投资。

    Business is booming and foreigners are scrambling to invest .

  12. 他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。

    They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners .

  13. 他似乎天生就善于和外国人交往。

    He seems to have had a way with foreigners .

  14. 听你讲英语,不像是外国人。

    You don 't sound like a foreigner talking English

  15. 因为暴力活动的急剧增加,外国人已经开始离开这个国家。

    Foreign nationals have begun leaving because of a sharp rise in violence .

  16. 官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。

    Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation

  17. 从摩尔曼斯克到挪威边界的主路仍对外国人关闭。

    The main road from Murmansk to the Norwegian border is still closed to foreigners

  18. 身为外国人并不是一个障碍。

    Being a foreigner was not a handicap .

  19. 这里曾经禁止外国人进入。

    This was a forbidden area for foreigners .

  20. 利比里亚的叛乱分子释放了4名被扣押了一个星期的外国人。

    Rebels in Liberia have released four foreigners after holding them captive for a week .

  21. 大多数外国人听从本国政府的建议离开了该国。

    Most foreign nationals have now left the country on the advice of their governments .

  22. 我对外国人并无芥蒂。

    I have nothing against foreigners .

  23. 那时任何外国人都禁止进入该地。

    Entrance to the place was then forbidden to all foreigners .

  24. 她跟了一个外国人。

    She is married to a foreigner .

  25. 我们和几个来旅游的外国人一起参观了博物馆。

    We visited the museum in company with foreign tourists .

  26. 越来越多的外国人到日本来游览。

    More and more foreigners are coming to visit japan .

  27. 我从来没有遇到一个外国人汉语说得这么好。

    I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect chinese .

  28. 这样做法是外国人的习惯。

    It is the custom of foreigners to do so .

  29. 这些本国人看不起外国人。

    The natives look down their noses at foreigners .

  30. 许多外国人已成为美国公民。

    Many foreigners have become citizens of america .