
  1. 泰式按摩精油和草药香皂;

    Thai herbal massage oil and soap ;

  2. 享受传统的泰式按摩会是你旅游中的重要内容。

    Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of the highlights of your visit .

  3. 在一天行程结束后,尝试在泰式按摩或者香薰理疗中舒缓神经,放松身心。

    Experience an invigorating Thai massage or a gentle aromatherapy massage as a blissful ending to your day .

  4. 在泰式按摩和水疗放松你的身心,或在别致的酒吧和餐馆享用美味的食物。

    Here , you can relax with Thai-style spa and enjoy the taste of Thai and western cuisine .

  5. 哇,自从上次警察突袭泰式按摩院后,我再也没见过这么多“舔”最后一口的人

    Wow , I haven 't seen this much last-minute licking since the cops raided that Thai massage parlor .

  6. 泰式按摩就像是一种艺术,是瑜伽与按摩的混合,是用你的能量去给别人治疗,或让别人感到放松。学习这个感觉很好。

    Thai massage is like a art , mixture of yoga and massage , using your energy to heal , to give comfort , learning this process really feels good .

  7. 这是为那些喜欢泰式按摩,而且喜欢结合特殊配制的香薰精油的客人准备的。能够带来双重放松好处,帮助增强人体免疫系统。

    For those Guests who enjoy a traditional Thai Massage combined with a choice of uniquely blended hydrating Aromatherapy oils to give the dual benefit of relaxation and help to boost the immune system .

  8. 运用邓肯先生的方法,运用瑜伽,武术,泰式按摩帮助在练习中尽快提高,恢复身体能量。

    The techniques come from Master Duncan Wong , using elements of yoga , martial arts , and Thai massage to help students advance more quickly in their practice , and to bring healing energy to the body .

  9. 协助泰国清迈按摩学校(TMC)提升泰式传统按摩于国际学术界的接受度。

    Assist Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai ( TMC ) to promote international acceptance of Thai Massage as an academic field .