
tài tǎn
  • Titan
  1. 我的泰坦兄弟就被囚禁在山脉的深处。

    My Titan brother slumbers deep inside his mountain prison . Go .

  2. 这是是一艘泰坦级的宇宙飞船来自太空游戏《星战前夜Online》

    And this is a Titan class ship in the space game , EVE Online .

  3. 她的名字叫泰坦尼亚,她长着一头金黄的长发。

    Her name is Titania . She 's golden2 hair .

  4. 美国国家足球联盟田纳西泰坦的大本营LPField也受到威胁。

    It even threatened the LP Field , home to the NFL Tennessee Titans .

  5. 无人机控制模块将会显示出其对于泰坦级战舰和航空母舰的CPU削弱。

    The drone control unit description now displays a CPU reduction bonus for Motherships and Carriers .

  6. 这台名为泰坦的计算机位于田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室(theOakRidgeNationalLaboratoryinTennessee)。

    The machine , called Titan , is located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee .

  7. 美国宇航局(NASA)的科学家日前宣称,最新证据表明,土星的最大卫星泰坦存在生命迹象。

    Scientists from NASA have found evidence of life on Saturn 's biggest moon , Titan .

  8. 但是美国的研究机构又推出了更快的硬件,即田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室(OakRidgeNationalLaboratory)的一台叫做“泰坦”(Titan)的计算机。

    But U.S. research institutions recently have fielded the fastest hardware , led by a machine called Titan at Oak Ridge National Laboratory .

  9. (他指的是《仲夏夜之梦》[AMidsummerNight'sDream]中的泰坦妮娅[Titania]。)

    ( That would be Titania in A Midsummer Night 's Dream . )

  10. 这家公司名叫“泰坦航空”(TitanAerospace),是一家成立仅有一年、已获风投注资的航空器设计公司。它上周推出了两款无人机:Solara50和Solara60。

    Titan Aerospace , a one-year-old venture-backed aircraft designer , last week unveiled its Solara 50 and Solara 60 unmanned aircraft .

  11. 据说这个项目的代号是“泰坦(Titan)”,并且汇集了上百名工程师。

    The program is believed to be codenamed " Titan " and involve hundreds of engineers .

  12. 他还曾参加过伊利诺伊卫斯理大学的泰坦足球队(Titans)。

    He also played football for the Titans , Illinois Wesleyan 's team .

  13. 科学家利用NASA土星探测船“卡西尼号”传回的数据,分析了土星泰坦表层的复杂化学物质。

    Data from NASA 's Cassini probe analyzed the complex chemistry on the surface of Titan-the only moon known to have a dense atmosphere .

  14. 当然,泰坦能否成功,至少在美国很大程度上取决于联邦航空管理局(FAA)是否允许这种飞行器在国家空域中飞行。

    Of course much of Titan 's success , at least in the U.S. , hinges on the FAA clearing the aircraft to fly in the national airspace .

  15. 在这部系列漫画中,泰坦增加了印刷页数,并邀请了艾丽斯·X·张在内的多位艺术家设计新封面。该漫画首卷以福尔摩斯与华生的初次会面开篇,最终在这对好友一同迁居的故事中落幕。

    Titan is offering extended page counts , as well as new art and covers by artists including Alice X Zhang , in its manga series , the first issue of which opens with Holmes and Watson 's first meeting and ends with the pair moving in together .

  16. 泰坦并没有把这些概念机叫遥控无人机(drone),也不用这个行业所习称的无人机系统,而是叫它们大气层卫星。因为它们就像轨道卫星一样,能在空中长时间巡航逗留。

    Titan doesn 't refer to these concept aircraft as drones or by the industry-preferred unmanned aerial system , but instead calls them atmospheric satellites for their ability to remain aloft for extended periods of time just as orbital satellites do .

  17. 泰坦并没有把这些概念机叫“遥控无人机”(drone),也不用这个行业所习称的“无人机系统”,而是叫它们“大气层卫星”。因为它们就像轨道卫星一样,能在空中长时间巡航逗留。

    Titan doesn 't refer to these concept aircraft as " drones " or by the industry-preferred " unmanned aerial system , " but instead calls them " atmospheric satellites " for their ability to remain aloft for extended periods of time just as orbital satellites do .

  18. 所有Ulduar的副本都是由泰坦建造,你会感觉很宏伟。但开发者并希望玩家需要坐骑或者其他东西才能跑完整个副本,并会尽量让副本变得更小一些。

    All the dungeons in Ulduar were built by Titans and will really feel huge , however devs didn 't want players to need a mount or anything like that to go through it and tried to keep it small .

  19. 毕竟,如果有个同事在鼠标旁边养上一只宠物蜘蛛,还给它起名为希腊神话中的诸界吞噬泰坦神——克罗诺斯(Cronos),还有比这更能显示“我是一个超级怪人”的吗。

    After all , few things say " I 'm a colossal weirdo " like a colleague who keeps a pet spider named after the Greek god Cronos , the all-devouring King of the Titans , next to his computer mouse .

  20. 盖亚:你知道强大的泰坦克罗诺斯。

    Gaia : You know of the mighty Titan , Cronos .

  21. 从外界看来,她像是一个征服的泰坦巨人。

    From the outside , she looked like a conquering titan .

  22. 从前,有一个地方住着一族叫泰坦的巨人。

    There once lived a race of huge giants called Titans .

  23. 我要去芝加哥泰坦瑞大奖赛参赛了。

    I 'm gonna compete in the Chicago Taittinger trophy .

  24. 那他是怎么把泰坦关进精神病院的?

    How 's this guy keeping Titan locked up in Belle reve ?

  25. 泰坦魔芋花独特的气味在半英里外就能闻到。

    Its distinctive smell can be detected from half a mile away .

  26. 泰坦模式改变了导弹发射井的控制点。

    Titan mode changes the control points to missile silos .

  27. 泰坦:最好的总要留到最后。

    Titan : We 've saved the best for last .

  28. 芝加哥泰坦瑞大奖赛国标舞比赛现在开始。

    The Chicago Taittinger trophy standard competition will now begin .

  29. 他把两名泰坦人普罗米修斯和伊比米修斯找来。

    He called the Titans Prometheus and Epimetheus to him .

  30. 说实话,人在泰坦上可以仅靠肌肉的力量就飞起来。

    In fact , humans on Titan could fly by muscle power .