
  • 网络China Women's University
  1. 中华女子学院法律诊所课程的建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of Clinical Legal Education in China Women 's University

  2. 中华女子学院体育教学现状与对策分析

    An Analysis of Current Situation and Countermeasure on Physical Education in China Women 's University

  3. 信息系统成长阶段理论的应用&中华女子学院山东分院信息系统发展现状及未来展望

    The Application of ' Stages of Growth ' Theory of Information Systems

  4. 一种对能力与素质的分析角度&中华女子学院大学语文与应用写作课程教学跟踪调查

    An Analysis Perspective on Competence and Quality

  5. 女子高校大学生心理健康状况及人格特征研究&以中华女子学院为例

    A Research on Mental Health Status and Personality Characteristics of Female Students in Universities and Colleges

  6. 中华女子学院礼仪与修养课程的教学实践与思考

    Curriculum 's Teaching Practice and Ponder of " Etiquette and Culture " in China Women 's University

  7. 随机抽取中华女子学院及北京市其他三所高校体育公选课的女大学生100名为有氧运动组,另外以同年龄段的其他未经过系统有氧训练的100名女大学生为对照组。

    Another 100 female college students of the same age without systematic aerobic exercise were taken as the control group .

  8. 这是中华女子学院真我风采大赛的开场。

    That was the opening ceremony of the " Elegance of a True Me Competition " at the China Women 's University .

  9. 当代女大学生思想特点与思想政治工作研究&对中华女子学院经济管理系学生的调查与分析

    Female University Students ' Ideology Characteristics and the Research of Ideological Work & A Survey and Analysis of Students of Economic Management Department in China Women 's University

  10. 通过对中华女子学院山东分院女大学生体育锻炼状况的调查与分析,提出促进女大学生参与体育锻炼的建议。

    It provided suggestions on promoting sports exercise of female college students by analyzing the exercise status of female college students in Shandong Branch , China Female College .

  11. 在中华女子学院,像这样的文化活动还有很多,为学生们提供了发挥特长、发展个性、增长才干的舞台。

    The competition is only one of the numerous cultural activities at the university , which provides its students with a stage to prove they are capable and talented .

  12. 调查显示,与在校学生相比,中华女子学院的毕业生,更能认识到大学语文与应用写作课程的重要性。

    The research shows that the students in China Women 's University could better understand the essentiality of Collegial Chinese and Practical Composition Writing than the students in other universities .

  13. 在高校林立、人才荟萃的首都北京,有一所与95世妇会同时出现的清新雅静、独具魅力的大学&中华女子学院。

    Among the numerous institutes of higher learning and an infinite number of talents in Beijing , the Chinese Women 's University has become prominent due to its unique features .

  14. 新的对话:芝加哥大学的10名学生将应中华女子学院的邀请于2014年9月前往北京。

    New Dialogue : A group of 10 students from the University of Chicago will travel to Beijing at the invitation of the China Womens University ( CWU ) in September 2014 .

  15. 2003年中华女子学院对体育教学内容和课程体系进行一定程度的改革,设置了具有学院特色的课内与课外健身俱乐部相结合的女子健身俱乐部教学模式。

    Following the further reform conducted in 2003 , sporting education mode in female body exercise club has established for combined in-class and off-class approach based on effective investigation and exclusive college circumstance .

  16. 运用实验、问卷、数理统计等多种方法对北京师范大学和中华女子学院的学生合作能力进行了调查研究,通过实施拓展训练教学,分析了学生的合作能力在实验前后的差异性。

    We investigate the cooperation ability of students in a college by using methods like experiments , questionnaires and mathematics statistic , and analyze the otherness of the cooperation ability of students before and after the experiment through expand training teaching .

  17. 据《现代教育报》报道,中华女子学院进行的一项关于校园欺凌的研究发现,48.9%的学生被欺负后从未寻求帮助,52.6%的受害者保持沉默是因为怕“在同学面前丢脸”。

    A study on junior middle school bullying conducted by the China Women 's University showed that 48.9 percent of the students never sought help after being bullied , while 52.6 percent attributed their silence to the fear of " losing face among schoolmates , " according to Modern Education News .