
  • 网络SEMARANG;samarang
  1. 三宝垄是爪哇首府,同时也是重要港口。

    Semarang is the capital city of Middle Java and has a harbour .

  2. 我并不理解为什麽三宝垄会突然发生这种事。

    I did not know and understand why Semarang society attacked and burnt these shops suddenly .

  3. 当夜晚降临,供电被切断以后,三宝垄就变成了一座恐怖的黑暗之城。

    In the night , situation of Semarang city was horrible and dark , as the electricity off .

  4. 那段日子,三宝垄的局面混乱不堪,黑烟四起,整座城市就如同战场。

    At this day , Semarang city was so disorder and tense . A black smoke appeared everywhere and Semarang really in chaos situation .