
  • 网络The School of Athens;Academy of Athens
  1. 他最伟大的作品是《雅典学院》和《西斯廷圣母像》。

    His greatest works are the School of Athens and the Sistine Madonna .

  2. 卡拉瓦乔戏剧性的明暗和夸张的姿态与拉斐尔的《雅典学院》的崇高静穆之间做比较也同样能清晰的体现这种转变。

    Different from the sublimity and quietness in the painting The School of Athens , Caravaggio dramatic shading and exaggerative style can also embody this change .

  3. 宏伟威严的雅典学院拱门中,各个时代伟大杰出的学者跨越时空,在梵蒂冈博物馆高耸的墙壁上思考、讨论,为人类不断追求着智慧与真理。

    Under a magnificent arch , the most renowned scholars of ancient Greece discuss truth and pursue wisdom for all mankind in The School of Athens .