
  • 网络Ya'an City;Ya an;yaan;Ya'an Shi
  1. 雅安市水资源开发利用与保护对策探讨

    Water resources exploitation and protection in Ya'an City of Sichuan Province

  2. 雅安市雨城区土地储备研究

    Study on Urban Land Reservation and Management in Yucheng District , Ya'an City

  3. 雅安市雨城区农用地价格评估研究

    Study on Appraising Farming Land Price in Yucheng District Ya'an City

  4. 雅安市耕地土壤重金属健康风险评价

    Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Arable Soils of Ya'an

  5. 周四晚上,暴雨袭击了雅安市石棉县。

    Downpours battered Shimian County in the city of Yaan Thursday evening .

  6. 雅安市适龄儿童麻疹疫苗强化免疫前后抗体水平分析

    Analysis of Measles Antibody Level of Ordinary Children Before and After Immunization

  7. 四川省雅安市耕地利用及其保护的协调发展

    Development of Farmland Using and Protection in Coordination in Ya ' an City

  8. 雅安市农业信息化发展途径探讨

    Investigation of Development Ways of Agricultural Informationalization in Ya'an

  9. 雅安市滨河步行街规划设计体会

    Planning and design of the riverside pedestrian mall in Ya ' an city

  10. 四川省雅安市泥石流风险区划

    Zonation of Debris Flow Risk in Ya ' an City , Sichuan Province

  11. 雅安市城市化与环境耦合发展关系研究

    The Research on Coupling Development Relationship between Urbanization and Environment in Ya ' an

  12. 四川雅安市草坪绿化现状调查

    Current Situation of Turf Developement in Ya'an City

  13. 雅安市生态旅游可持续发展问题与对策研究

    Research on the Sustainable Development of Eco-tourism in Ya'an City : Problems and Strategies

  14. 区域生态系统服务功能价值评估研究&以雅安市为例

    A Research on Assessment of Regional Ecosystem Services Value & With Ya'an City as an Example

  15. 位于中国西南的四川省雅安市是一个多雨的城市,被称为雨城。

    Ya'an in south-western Sichuan province is a place so wet it 's known as Rain Town .

  16. 雅安市雨城区鼠、蝇、蜚蠊现状调查分析

    A Investigation on the Mice , Flies and Cockroaches in the Yucheng District of Ya ′ an City

  17. 雅安市旅游业发达,又有着浓厚的文化氛围,因而外地的游客也很多。

    With a developed tourism and strong cultural atmosphere , Ya ' an attracts a lot of visitors .

  18. 雅安市陇西河上游流域水稻平衡施肥防治面源污染研究

    Study on Balanced Fertilization on Rice to Control and Prevent Non-point Source Pollution in Longxi River Basin of Ya'an

  19. 四川省雅安市雨城区地震灾后居民医疗服务需求与利用分析

    Analysis of the residents ' demand and utilization of post-earthquake-disaster medical service in Yucheng district of Ya'an city Sichuan province

  20. 四川省雅安市的自然地理条件非常适合竹林的生长。

    The natural and geographical conditions in Yaan city of Sichuan Provinces are very suitable for the growth of bamboos .

  21. 雅安市宣传部表示山体滑坡与洪灾导致几座高速公路交通中断。

    Landslide and floods resulted in the suspension of traffic on several highways , the city 's publicity office said .

  22. 当今年4月20日7.0级地震发生在雅安市庐山县,基地本身也发生了类似的受损情况。

    That facility itself fell victim to similarcircumstances when a 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Lushan County of Ya'an onApril 20 this year .

  23. 商务部发表声明,要求当地政府保障地震灾区雅安市的市场供应。

    The ministry requires local authorities to keep up with the market supply situation in quake-hit regions of Ya'an City , according to a statement .

  24. 四川省是我国产茶大省,雅安市是四川省的主要产茶区之一。

    Sichuan is a big tea planting Province in China , while Ya ' an City is one of the major tea production areas in Sichuan Province .

  25. 冶勒水电站工程位于四川省凉山州冕宁县和雅安市石棉县境内,为南桠河流域梯级规划“一库六级”的第六级龙头水库电站。

    Yele Hydroeletric Project , With the leading reservior station of Nanya river cascade development , is located on Nanya River in Mianning county and Shimian county of Sichun Province .

  26. 省委、省政府主要领导多次到现场指导、检查工作,雅安市政府也从人力、财力、资源等方面也给予大力支持。

    Provincial party committee and government leaders has been to the scene guidance , inspection , Ya'an City from human , financial , and other resources also provide great support .

  27. 通过野外调查和发放表格填报的方式收集雅安市雨城区与移民安置相关的各种资料,以行政村为基本评价单元,对移民安置区选择的适宜性进行了分析。

    The relevant data of resettlement for each resettler are gathered by means of investigation and tabulating in Yucheng District of Ya'an City , located at the reservoir of the Three Gorges Project .

  28. 第二部分包括文章的第三章和第四章,主要是对雅安市茶叶企业融资问题及融资结构与经营绩效关系的实证分析。

    The second section is the center of this study including the chapters 3 and 4 . Analysis of the financing problems , specially the relationship between the financing structures and operating performance , is included .

  29. 论文以四川省雅安市雨城区为研究区,将逻辑回归模型引入区域降雨型滑坡预警预报,建立了同时考虑降雨强度和降雨过程的降雨临界值表达式。

    Yucheng District of Ya'an City , Sichuan province , was chosen as the research area in the paper . Logic regression model was applied into the precipitation-induced landslide early warning and forecast . The expression of rainfall threshold considering both the rainfall intensity and rainfall process was established .