
  • ideology and morality;Moral Education;moral character
  1. 目前,思想品德方面的相关教科书都已过时了。

    Teaching materials that are currently used in moral education courses are outdated1 .

  2. 思想品德教育应重视学生自我教育能力的提高

    Moral Education : Stress on Raising the Students ' Self-education Ability

  3. 思想品德教育在素质教育中处于核心地位。

    Ideology and morality play a key role in quality education .

  4. 其次,论述社区环境对中学生思想品德的影响;

    Secondly , the author tells the influence of the community .

  5. 挖掘图书馆在学生思想品德教育方面的积极作用

    Giving an Active Play to Library in Ideological and Moral Education

  6. 高校思想品德修养课教学应追求的三个理念

    Pursue Three Ideas during the Teaching of Thinking-moral Course in University

  7. 从思想品德结构探寻德育科学化途径

    Searching for A Scientific Way of Moral Education from Moral Structure

  8. 初中生思想品德成长记录袋评价的实施状况研究

    A Study of Implementation of Student Ideological and Moral Portfolio Assessment

  9. 发挥《法律基础》课程思想品德教育功能的思考

    On the Role of Law Foundation in Ideology and Morality Education

  10. 关于职业技术院校学生思想品德考核问题

    The Assessment issue of Vocational and Technical College Students Ideological Cultivation

  11. 新课程中思想品德课教师角色转变的研究

    The Study of Teacher 's Roles in the New Curriculum

  12. 浅谈雏鹰争章与思想品德教育的有机结合

    Organic Conbination of Medal Contention for Eyas and Ideological and Moral Teaching

  13. 加减乘除&提高思想品德教学实效性的良方

    An Approach to Raising the Effectiveness of Ideology and Moral Character Education

  14. 体育教师在学生思想品德教育中的作用

    The Teacher 's Function In the Students ' ideological And Moral Education

  15. 环境保护教育:思想品德教育的一项新内容

    Environmental Protection Education : A New Element of Ideological and Ethical Education

  16. 思想品德是意识行为方面的,也是政治道德方面的。

    Moral consciousness , and the behavior of political morality .

  17. 论思想品德教育中的知行统一

    On the Unity of Knowledge and Practice of Ideological Education

  18. 学生思想品德测评的三个问题

    Three Problems about Measurement of Students ' Ideology and Morality

  19. 多媒体技术在思想品德课教学中的应用

    The Usage of Multimedia Technology in Ideological and Moral Teaching

  20. 浅议初中思想品德课的开放式考试

    A Brief Discussion About the Open Examination of Ideology-Morality in Junior Schools

  21. 通过高等数学教学进行思想品德教育的几点尝试

    Attempts in Carrying out Moral Education in Advanced Maths Teaching

  22. 新时期大学生思想品德形成与发展的特殊性

    The Particularity of Cultivating Ideological and Moral Qualities of the New-age Undergraduates

  23. 诚信教育对大学生的思想品德发展至关重要。

    It is critical for college students to develop it .

  24. 第二部分是教师眼中的思想品德课。

    The second part is the moral lesson in teachers ' eyes .

  25. 高等学校思想品德课程建设的历史沿革

    The Historical Development of Ideological and Moral Education for Colleges and Universities

  26. 当前高校思想品德教育新取向的探讨

    New Orientation of Ideological and Moral Education in Universities Today

  27. 第三,改革和完善中专学生思想品德教育体系;

    Reforming and perfecting moral character education system for vocational school students ;

  28. 论思想品德修养课教学模式、方法与设计

    On Teaching Mode , Method and Design of Ideological and Ethical Training

  29. 思想品德课与青少年健全人格的塑造

    Ideological and Moral Class and the Shaping of Youngsters ' Sound Personality

  30. 谈小组合作学习在初中思想品德教学中的应用

    About the Application of Group-cooperative-study in the Teaching of Junior Moral Education