
  1. 新文化运动是中国近代史上一场思想启蒙运动,且历史意义重大。

    The new culture movement was an ideological enlightenment in Chinese modern history , and was of great history significance .

  2. 严复在近代中国思想启蒙运动和中西文化交流史上是一个举足轻重的历史人物。

    Yan fu turned to be proved as one of decisive roles in the historical process of China 's Enlightenment and east-west cultural exchange .

  3. 戊戌变法作为中国现代化的一次尝试,虽然未取得预期的成效,但它革旧俗、变科举、废八股、兴办新式学堂,发动了近代中国的第一个思想启蒙运动。

    As an attempt to modernizing China , the Hundred Days Reform in1898 failed , but its reforming drove the first enlightenment movement in modem China .

  4. 近代中国,学西方反传统的思想启蒙运动是在民族存亡危机的背景下出现的。

    In modern China , the counter-tradition enlightenment campaign , which followed the example of the West , appeared when the nation was in danger of extinction .

  5. 在人类历史上,每逢新旧时代的交替时期都会发生大规模的思想启蒙运动。

    In the history of mankind , each time at the transition of the old and the new , there was always a large scale of movement of enlightenment of thoughts .

  6. 以欧洲现代化进程及其相关的思想启蒙运动为参照,鲁迅创作选择了彻底的启蒙而反对循环式的为革命而革命。

    Refering to the European modernization and the thought enlightenment , Lu Xun 's creation chooses a standpoint of thorough enlightenment , and oppose revolution which only for the sake of revolution .

  7. 西方人由于受到基督教思想,启蒙运动思想和实用主义的影响,在沟通中表现为直接,注重结果和个性化。

    Western people , however , are much influenced by Christianity , The Enlightment and Pragmatism , therefore , showing themselves to be direct , outcome-oriented and individualistic .

  8. 中国启蒙运动发生的特定时刻规定了名为思想启蒙的运动实则以明确的政治目标为指向。

    " The specific time " occurring during the Chinese Enlightenment time had stipulated the movement being called the thought enlightenment , which actually directed to the explicit political goals .

  9. 中国思想参与了欧洲启蒙运动以实践理性取代宗教神学的世俗化进程;

    Second , Chinese thought took part in the course of practical reason instead of theology .

  10. 其次,则在于梅斯特思想在整个反启蒙运动中的重要地位:在早期的反启蒙运动中,梅斯特的学说是最有意义和最有影响的形式之一。

    Secondly , this dissertation focuses on the significance of Maistre 's thoughts in the whole counter-enlightenment movement - his thoughts are one of the significant and influential forms in the early counter-enlightenment history .

  11. 康德身处启蒙时代,深受启蒙思想的影响,启蒙运动的思想巨匠牛顿、马丁·路德、休谟、卢梭等都极大地影响了康德,使他开始关注人本身。

    Being in the Enlightenment , deeply influenced by the thought of age , much affected by the thinkers of Enlightenment-Newton , Martin-Luther , Hume , Rousseau etc , Kant began to concern the human being itself .

  12. 早在西班牙经院哲学家的思想中就蕴含着自生自发秩序思想,经由苏格兰启蒙运动,奥地利学派尤其是卡尔·门格尔的发展,最终形成了这一思想的历史传统。

    Early in 16 C ' in Spain , since the scholars of Salamanca School had had spontaneous order 's thought , the history tradition of the thought was formed after the development of Enlightenment in Scotland and Austria School , especially Carl Menger .