
fǔ dǎo bān
  • an auxiliary class;a tutorial class
辅导班[fǔ dǎo bān]
  1. 所以我打算在这个假期给他报个辅导班。

    So I plan to buy a tutorial class for him during the holiday .

  2. 中学化学课外辅导班现象透视

    The Perspective of Chemistry Tutorship after School in Middle School

  3. 你今天有没有去戒酒辅导班?

    Did you go to the alcohol cessation class today ?

  4. 下个月在武汉(辅导班网)有些新东西展览。

    There will be something new on show next month in Wuhan .

  5. 昨天中国(辅导班网)的西北地区发生了地震。

    There was a big earthquake in the Northwest of China yesterday .

  6. 寒假一到,各种辅导班就火起来了。

    Remedial classes become popular as soon as the winter vacation comes .

  7. 中国(辅导班网)的敦煌在戈壁滩的腹地。

    Dunhuangin China is deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert .

  8. 男:你知道吗,学校里有专门的辅导班。

    M : You know , there is a tutoring service on campus .

  9. 他在北京(辅导班网)某一饭店工作。

    He works in some restaurant in BeiJing .

  10. 她好象没有去过北京(辅导班网)。

    She doesn'tseem to have been to Beijing .

  11. 几乎所有的韩国中小学生都有上辅导班的经历。

    Almost all Korean students in primary and high schools have attended tutorial classes .

  12. 英语课外辅导班对小学生英语学习影响的研究

    A Study of the Influence of Extra-Curricular Class upon English Learning of Primary School Pupils

  13. 在授课专业性等项目上,辅导班的教师几乎可以被称为“专家”,得分高可以理解。

    It is acceptable that tutors , often experts , rank better in teaching professionalism .

  14. 参加辅导班却又担心大班教学效果欠佳?

    Did you ever attend a coaching class but worried that the quality was not satisfactory ?

  15. 还可以参加为期两周的辅导班。

    Two-week classes , for example .

  16. 孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去。

    The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children 's regular school work .

  17. 我希望总有一天我会去北京(辅导班网)见他的。

    I hope I will be able to go to Beijing to see him one day .

  18. 宝咪:是啊,再说我们又不是要创办数学辅导班之类的俱乐部。

    Baomie : Yeah , especially since we 're not starting a math tutoring class or something similar .

  19. 实践证明,辅导班价值有限,除非基础太差,最好不要报。

    Practice has proved that remedial classes limited value , unless the basis that bad , best not reported .

  20. 三个在愤怒控制辅导班上结识的女人决定一起合作用很不传统的方式做笔传统的买卖。

    Three women who meet in an anger-management class decide to form a traditional business with very untraditional methods .

  21. 我公司常年举办雅思考前辅导班,以缩短留学生在国外学习英语的时间。

    In order to shorten the period of studying English overseas we have organized training courses for IELTS periodically .

  22. 我们所关注的问题一:长春市化学课外辅导班的教学条件、师资配备如何?

    Concerned issue one : How about the teaching condition , qualified teachers of chemical cocurriculum after school in Changchun ?

  23. 调查显示,上过辅导班的学生认为,辅导班老师在教书和育人两方面都比公立学校老师做得好。

    And new statistics show that students think teachers in tutorials are professionally and psychologically superior to those in public schools .

  24. 我希望这些是有用的,比只读课本或进辅导班好得多了。

    I hope they are helpful and these are so much better than just reading the text book or going to tutoring .

  25. 在台湾,人们极为看重教育,到处都可见补习班,父母亲总是迫不及待地将刚学会拿笔的孩子送去课后辅导班。

    Many Taiwanese Christians are the only Christians in their families , and parents are heavily against their children turning to such a faith .

  26. 方法:选取一年级的两个班,一个为团体心理辅导班46人,进行为期30课时,共15次的团体辅导,另一个班为对照班(50人),不进行团体辅导。

    Methods : Two classes of the same grade were chosen , one was group psychological guidance class , and the other as control .

  27. 此外,家长给孩子报辅导班等额外增加的作业量,间接地抵消甚至超过了学校给学生减负的任务。

    Besides , additional assignments parents bring to students through extra interest classes have indirectly cancelled out or exceed the workload that schools have reduced .

  28. 在英语辅导班里我结交了几个志同道合的朋友,分手时我们约定保持联系。

    I made a few friends whom we were in kinder spirits in New Oriental School , we pronounced to keep in touch when we separated .

  29. 结果显示,辅导班老师在所有项目上的得分都要高于正规学校老师。

    The survey found that private tutors scored higher than teachers in normal schools on all the items queried : teaching skills , professional dedication and personality .

  30. 我有许多朋友从不参加这种辅导班,他们说我是在浪费钱财,然而他们如今一直在干着同样的工作。

    I have friends who did not take those classes who told me I was wasting my money , and yet they 're still at the same job .