
sī xiǎnɡ jué wù
  • Ideological awareness;political consciousness/awareness
  1. 注重精神鼓励,提高思想觉悟;

    Pay attention to the spirit encouragement , raise the spirit awareness ;

  2. 其次必须唤醒个人对自由的要求,提高自己的思想觉悟。

    Second , the individual requirements of the freedom must be awaken , and improve their ideological awareness .

  3. 境界教育是旨在促进人的境界即内在精神修养和思想觉悟水平提升的教育活动的总称。

    Horizons education is a general title of the educational activities which aim at expanding people 's inner horizons .

  4. 会计职业道德主要是从思想觉悟方面对会计人员的行为进行规范。

    The accountant occupational morality means that accountants'actions must be conformed to the standard , after their political consciousness being heightened .

  5. 21世纪的大学生不仅要有高度的思想觉悟,渊博的文化科学知识,还必须有强健的体魄。

    21st century students should hold high ideological consciousness and rich knowledge about culture and science as well as strong physique .

  6. 它在帮扶弱小,提升大众的审美水平和宣扬积极的道德思想觉悟方面,有重要作用。

    There are important effects in helping poor , improving the aesthetic standards of the public , promoting the positive thoughts of moral .

  7. 阐述了新世纪图书馆馆长应具备的思想觉悟、德品质、通能力、导艺术和综合素质能力。

    This paper expounds the political consciousness , moral character , communicating ability , leadership style , and comprehensive quality that the library director should possess .

  8. 农民革命者由于时代局限及其政治思想觉悟,认可封建宗法制度,开始出现异化问题。

    And because of the limitation of the time and political conscience , alienation emerged among the leaders of peasant uprisings , some of them acknowledging feudal patriarch system .

  9. 在我国社会主义建设的新时期,对提升我国国民思想觉悟和道德意识等方面发挥了巨大的思想指导价值。

    Under the new period of socialist construction of China , It plays a very crucial role in the areas which promote our national political consciousness and moral consciousness .

  10. 教师作为教书育人的主要执行者,也是学校精神文明建设的主体,肩负着重大而光荣的使命,不仅要有精深广博的专业文化科学知识,更要有高度的政治思想觉悟和高尚的道德情操。

    As the main performers of imparting knowledge and educating people , teachers are the main body of the construction of ideological civilization , shouldering the great and glorious mission .

  11. 它提高了人们的思想觉悟,打破了思想界笼统的,盲目的,过渡的变化的状况,掀起了反帝反封建斗争的高潮。

    It arouses the people 's consciousness , breaks " sweeping , blindly and interim " change situation in thought circle and raises the climax of anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist struggle .

  12. 未来需要的是有高度思想觉悟,能敏锐地接受各种新的信息,做出判断,做出正确的反映,能说会写,有一定的文化修养的人才。

    In the future , we require people who can think more profoundly , can incisively accept new information and make correct decision , can talk and write and have some literacy .

  13. 大学生具有较高的思想觉悟、热心社会公益事业,他们利用业余时间,结合所学专业知识,向社会、他人提供义务服务,奉献爱心。

    The students have a high ideological consciousness and enthusiastic in public welfare , they take use of their spare time and professional knowledge to provide free service for people and society .

  14. 加强高校宿舍文化建设,为学生成长成才提供一个安全、整洁、文明、和谐的休息学习环境,对学生思想觉悟、道德品质、身体健康和素质能力的提高将会起到潜移默化的作用。

    Strengthening the construction of the dormitory culture in universities and offering students a safe , tidy , civilized and harmonious environment will influence the improvement of students ' thoughts , morality , health and ability .

  15. 文中从培养学生的思想觉悟、道德文明、自强精神、上进意识和健康成长等方面,重点论述了如何加强高职院校的思想政治教育。

    The article discussed ideological and political education in vocational colleges from aspects of fostering students ' basic political consciousness and morality , fostering students ' self-dependence and healthy growing and point out the work key point .

  16. 而高校理应责无旁贷地承担起培养公民的职责,把培养合格公民作为第一要务,切实加强大学生的公民意识培养,启发公民思想觉悟,培育公民应具备的素质。

    Universities should be duty-bound to assume the duties of cultivating citizens , to train qualified citizens as a top priority , to strengthen the civic awareness training of students , to inspired citizens ideological consciousness and to cultivate citizenship .

  17. 根据民族资产阶级中各类人思想政治觉悟的高低,有区别地开展教育或斗争;

    According to their various political , ideological consciousness of the national bourgeoisie , he carried out education or struggle differently and variously .

  18. 旅游作为社会教育的手段,有助于提高人们的思想政治觉悟和培养人们高尚的道德情操。

    As a means of education , tourism is helpful to the improvement of people 's moral and political , awareness and the fostering noble spiritual sentiment .

  19. 文风是思想政治觉悟、知识水平、工作作风、办事能力的综合反映。

    The style of writing is a comprehensive reflection of the political consciousness , the knowledge , the style of work and the ability of handling affairs .

  20. 但总体上,思政课仍盛行灌输式,提高学生思想政治觉悟,促进学生全面发展的目标并未真正实现。

    But on the whole ," indoctrination " still prevails in ideological and political lessons , improve students ' ideological and political consciousness and make them develop comprehensively .

  21. 大学生的性别观念和行为,是构成大学生素质的有机组成部分,是和他们的文化素养、道德品质和思想政治觉悟紧密相连的。

    Students of gender attitudes and behavior , constitute an integral part of the quality of university students , and it is their cultural qualities , moral character and closely linked to the ideological and political consciousness .

  22. 浅议实现思想政治课觉悟目标的原则和途径

    Principles and Ways to Realize the Aim of Politics THOUGHT

  23. 从三方面全面地对大学生进行思想教育,以提高大学生的思想觉悟,从而成为全社会合格的人才。

    From three comprehensive ideological educations of college students to enhance the ideological consciousness of students to become a society of qualified personnel .

  24. 知识经济时代要求我们培养出高素质的知识型人才,而传统的思想政治教育只注重提高教育对象的思想政治觉悟,知识含量、信息含量不高,缺乏吸引力,影响教育效果。

    It is not rich in the knowledge and information content as well as lack of attraction , affecting the education effect .

  25. 园艺植物育种专业课的教学,不仅要注重学科基本理论的教学,也应当注重学生综合素质的培养,努力促进学生思想品德的培养,提高学生的思想认识、政治觉悟和道德品质;

    During the course of horticulture breeding , educators should not only focus on the basic theory teaching but also on the cultivation of students ' overall qualities . In details , educators should do as follows : make great efforts to improve the students ' morality and political consciousness ;

  26. 思想政治教育的目的不仅是要提高学生的思想政治觉悟,更是要规范学生的日常行为。

    The purpose of the ideological and political education is not only to raise the level of students ' ideological and political consciousness , but also to standardize their everyday behaviors .

  27. 学习“三个代表”重要思想,应当把真理标准和价值标准结合起来,在提高我们的思想觉悟和政策水平的同时,把“三个代表”重要思想转变成为社会主义现代化建设的实际行动。

    On studying it , we should connect the standard of the truth with that of the values , improving our ideological consciousness and standard of policy and changing its influence into the action of the socialist construction of modernization .

  28. 本文认为高校后勤社会化进程中后勤职工的思想政治工作,是实现高校社会化的可靠保证,是提高高校后勤职工思想觉悟和职业道德水平的主要手段;

    First , the political working thought for the rear service staff is the reliable guarantee to realize the socialization of college rear services . It 's a main tool to lift the level of staff members ' morality and their consciousness of political working thought .

  29. 体现主体思想就是说要坚持革命和建设的主人翁立场,并以自主和创造性方式提高思想觉悟。

    To materialize the Juche Idea means to maintain the position of owner of the revolution and construction and improve it from an independent and creative way .

  30. 思想学习是中小学教师思想改造的基本形式,它通常表现为日常的政治时事学习与假期的集训与轮训,学习的主要内容以提高政治思想觉悟为主。

    Ideological study is a fundamental form to ideologically remold the primary and middle school teachers , and generally consists of study of political daily news , and the centralized and / or rotation training on holidays , with contents stressing to improve trainees ' political and ideological consciousness .