
  1. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。

    As China 's most complicated space project , the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time .

  2. 地外天体撞击地球的数学模型

    Mathematical Modes of Colliding Batwing of Earth with Outside Objects

  3. 这是我国首次地外天体采样返回任务。

    It is the country 's first attempt to retrieve samples from an extraterrestrial body .

  4. 通过数学公式反映地外天体撞击地球的有关规律。

    The adoption of the relevant laws of celestial bodies colliding with Earth is reflected by the mathematical formula .

  5. 通过数学模型研究地外天体撞击地球的问题,得出地外天体撞击地球的概率公式。

    Through mathematical models to the study of celestial collision with Earth , the celestial collision probability formula is got .

  6. 我国的嫦娥五号探测器将择机实施月面软着陆,开展我国首个地外天体采样任务。

    China 's Chang'e-5 probe is preparing for a soft landing on the moon to undertake the country 's first collection of samples from an extraterrestrial body .

  7. 这将是中国首次航天器首次在地外天体软着陆,开展月球勘查。

    This will be the first time for China to send a spacecraft to soft land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body and conduct surveys on the moon .

  8. 地质环境变化的动力是地外天体引力、地球内动力、地球表层外动力和人类社会工程经济活动4种地质作用。

    The dynamic forces of geo-environmental changes are the gravitational force of celestial bodies , endogenetic force in the Earth , exogenetic force on the Earth surface and human activities .

  9. 该飞船于11月24日发射,周二在月球近侧着陆,其任务是取回中国首个地外天体样本。

    Launched on Nov. 24 , the spacecraft landed on the near side of the moon on Tuesday with a task to retrieve China 's first samples from an extraterrestrial body .

  10. 周六晚上,“嫦娥三号”探测器在月球表面着陆区“彩虹湾”成功着陆,标志中国已成为继苏联、美国后世界上第三个实现地外天体软着陆的国家。

    Chang'e-3 landed on the moon 's Bay of Rainbows Saturday night , making China the third country in the world to carry out such a rover mission after the United States and former Soviet Union .