
  • 网络Geography teaching;Teaching of Geography;CAIG
  1. 在地理教学之中运用GoogleEarth软件,避免了专业地理信息系统软硬件条件不充分、数据资源不足以及师资培训欠缺等问题。

    Using Google Earth software in geography teaching can avoid problems , such as insufficient in professional GIS hardware , data resources and teacher training .

  2. GIS在中学地理教学中有着重要的作用,主要有查询存储地理信息、制作显示专题地图、进行空间分布与分析的教学等功能。

    The GIS has played an important part in high school geography teaching : inquiring and storing geography information , making the maps of special subject display and carrying out the teaching of the space distribution and analysis etc.

  3. 目前,我国有必要而且有能力将GIS引入到中学地理教学中,这是适应时代发展的需要。

    It is necessary and feasible to apply geographic information system ( gis ) to secondary school geographic education while our country should adapt to social development .

  4. 专业的GIS软件正在走近中学地理教学,可以直接通过网络存取数据;

    Professional GIS soft is walking into the secondary geography , the appropriate data sets is accessible via the Internet without the need for GIS software or data on local computers .

  5. 为适应时代的发展,中学地理教学必须改变常规模式,加强CAI在中学地理教学中的运用。

    In order to suit the development of times , the teaching of geography in the middle schools must change the conventional pattern and strengthen the use of CAI in the teaching .

  6. 针对传统地理教学面临的机遇与挑战,通过对《梅州地理》计算机辅助教学(CAI)课件运行效果的分析,提出了CAI在地理教学中注意的问题及其应用方向。

    Basing on the opportunity and the challenge of traditional geography teaching , this paper raises the existing problems and the using directions of CAI in geography teaching by analyzing the courseware-circulating result of CAI in " Meizhou Geography " .

  7. 可见,德育教育在地理教学中是非常重要的。

    Visible , moral education in geography teaching is very important .

  8. 中学地理教学法课程改革构想

    Reform in Conception to Geography Teaching Method in the Middle School

  9. 高中地理教学案例的开发策略研究

    Research on Strategies to Develop Middle School Teaching Cases of Geography

  10. 中学地理教学情境创设研究

    Research on the Environmental Creation of Geography Teaching at Middle School

  11. 国内外地理教学网站述评

    Discussion and Comment on Geography Teaching Websites at Home and Abroad

  12. 高中地理教学中可持续发展战略的贯彻

    Implementing the Strategy of the Sustainable Development in Senior Geography Teaching

  13. 地理教学理论问题研究

    A Study of the Theory Problem of the Geography Instruction

  14. 地理教学中的阅读教学和思维培养

    On Relations between the Reading and Thinking in Geography Study

  15. 论地理教学中的“图优效应”

    On the " Map Priority Effect " in Geographical Teaching

  16. 在地理教学中培养学生优秀的思维品质

    The thinking character training for the students in the teaching of Geography

  17. 浅谈多媒体在土壤地理教学中的应用

    Discussion on application of multimedia in the soil geography teaching

  18. 谈地理教学对中师生环保意识的培养

    On educating the students to protect enviroment in Geography teaching

  19. 充分运用直观手段提高幼师地理教学效果

    Taking intuitional measures to improve geographical teaching effect in preschool normal schools

  20. 地理教学中的分层递进教学策略

    The Hierarchical - and - Gradual - Teaching Strategy in Teaching Geography

  21. 本文认真阐述了制定创新型地理教学目标的原则;

    To discourse the principles to constitute creative teaching objective ;

  22. 对新时期乡土地理教学几个问题的探讨

    Some issues in native geography teaching in the new period

  23. 从而更好地实现地理教学中融入多元文化教育的真正目的。

    Finally to realize the aim multicultural education in the geography teaching .

  24. 人文地理教学改革与创新教育

    Teaching Reform in the Social Geography and the Creative Education

  25. 试题难点与地理教学

    The difficulties of examination questions and the teaching of Geography

  26. 谈地理教学中的合作式教学

    Discussion on the Cooperative Method of Teaching in Geography Teaching

  27. 同时也探讨了在中学地理教学中进行环境教育的途径,为环境教育的实施提供了切实可行的方法。

    Meanwhile , it also discusses the approaches to practice the education .

  28. 基于中国地理教学研究会的教学团队功能与发展

    Function and development of teaching group based on China Geography Teaching Seminar

  29. 建构主义学习理论与中学地理教学设计

    Constructive Learning Theories and Geography Instructional Design of Middle School

  30. 论中学地理教学中的人文精神培养

    Discussion on Cultivating the Humane Spirits in Geography Teaching in Middle-school Period