
  • 网络local population
  1. 收集标本不会严重危及地方种群。

    Specimens can be collected usually without severe depletion of local populations .

  2. 两种不同地方种群尼罗罗非鱼遗传差异和分子遗传标记

    Study on the genetic variation between two geographic populations of Nile tilapia and their molecular markers

  3. 其种群已明显分为至少18个数量不等且相互隔离的地方种群。

    However , the population has been evidently divided into 18 isolated small local populations with different numbers of individuals .

  4. 文中还探讨了大陆组总体上没有出现明显地理结构及部分地方种群存在一定程度遗传分化的可能原因。

    The possible reasons for the lack of obvious geographic structure on the whole in the mainland group and the genetic differentiation in some local populations of the mainland group were also discussed .

  5. 大鲵曾在我国分布广泛,由于非法捕捉和栖息地丧失等原因,大鲵分布范围和资源已急剧下降,其中一些地方种群已经灭绝,部分种群已面临灭绝的危险。

    Chinese giant salamander he animal had ever distributed widely , but its distribution range and population number declined sharply in recent years because of excessive hunting for commercial trade and loss of habitat , parts of its populations have been in a endangered way .

  6. 江西地方猪种群亲缘关系的生化遗传学研究

    Biochemical Genetics Study on Blood Relationship among Native Pig Populations in Jiangxi

  7. 不同地方乌骨鸡种群遗传多样性的微卫星DNA分析

    Genetic Diversity in Black-bone Chicken Lines as Revealed by Microsatellite DNA Markers

  8. 该洞穴可能栖居了某些种群的蝙蝠,在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的其他地方发现这些蝙蝠种群携带有线状病毒。

    This cave is thought to harbour bat species that have been found to carry filoviruses in other locations in sub-Saharan Africa .

  9. 本文将产业发展的地方集聚现象看作是产业整体演化下相对独立演化的地方种群生态系统,从而将集群演进纳入种群演化的框架之下。

    At the meantime , I reshape the idea of industrial cluster evolution by regarding a cluster as a special phenomenon of industrial population , that is , a local subpopulation which evolve relatively independently of the whole industry .