
  • 网络Reproduction strategy
  1. 本论文主要研究了温度、食物的种类和浓度等对不同品系的角突臂尾轮虫个体大小对策、生殖对策的影响。

    The effects of temperature , food type , food concentration on body size strategy , reproduction strategy of three B. angularis strains ( QD , WH , and GZ strain , collected respectively from Qingdao , Guangzhou and Wuhu city ) were studied in this article .

  2. 短命植物抱茎独行菜的生殖对策分析

    Reproductive Strategies on Ephemeral Plant of Lepidium perfoliatum

  3. 鉴于以上实验结果,对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊生殖对策的生态与进化意义进行了分析。

    The ecological and evolutionary significance of this reproductive strategy of B.odoriphaga was discussed .

  4. 太白红杉种群的生殖对策研究Ⅱ.生殖力和生殖值

    Studies on reproductive strategy of Larix chinensis ⅱ . The fecundity and reproductive value

  5. 其生殖对策及进化是高寒环境选择的结果。

    Its reproductive strategy and evolution was the result of the selection of alpine enviroment .

  6. 高海拔种类(亚种)生殖对策有明显的多样性,主要有4种模式:(1)产大窝大卵;

    The reproductive strategies of Galliformes in alpine area obviously exhibit diversity . There were mainly four patterns : ( 1 ) large clutch size of larger egg ;

  7. 近年来苔藓植物生殖生态学研究主要集中于繁育系统、生殖代价与对策,以及不同生殖方式对种群遗传变异的影响等方面。

    Recently investigations on reproductive ecology of Bryophytes have got remarkably progresses , mainly including breeding system , cost and strategy of reproduction , as well as influence of reproductive pattern on genetic diversity of population .

  8. 研究了太白红杉种群的年龄结构、生殖年龄结构、生殖力和生殖值,分析了太白红杉种群的生殖适合度和生殖对策。

    The age structure , reproductive age structure , fecundity and reproductive value of Larix chinensis were studied , the reproductive fitness and the reproductive strategy were analyzed in this paper .