
shēnɡ huà yí chuán xué
  • biochemical genetics
  1. 血红蛋白GTaipei生化遗传学研究(附三个家系分析)

    Biochemical genetics of hemoglobin g Taipei ( an analysis of three pedigrees )

  2. 江西地方猪种群亲缘关系的生化遗传学研究

    Biochemical Genetics Study on Blood Relationship among Native Pig Populations in Jiangxi

  3. 目的探讨粉螨的酯酶同工酶和相关蛋白质在分类及生化遗传学上应用价值。

    Objective To study the applied value of isoenzyme patterns snd proteins in taxology and genetics of acaroid mites .

  4. 系统回顾了医学遗传学的发展历程,从形式遗传学、细胞遗传学、生化遗传学直到近代的分子遗传学;

    The history of medical genetics was reviewed in this article , through formal genetics , cytogenetics and biochemical genetics to molecular genetics .

  5. 自生化遗传学立场,对家蚕茧荧光色与品种、性别和蔟中温湿度的关系以及遗传机制进行了研究。

    The relationship between cocoon fluorescent colour ( FC ) and varieties , sex , mount-ing environment and the inheritance pattern of FC were studied .

  6. 从形态学、生理生化、遗传学和分子生物学等方面综述了近年来国内外植物N素营养基因型差异的最新研究成果,并指出通过新品种选育提高植物N素利用效率切实可行。

    The new advances in plant nitrogen nutrient genotype variation are reviewed through morphology , physiology , biochemistry , genetics and molecular biology . And it is practical to improve plant nitrogen utilization efficiency through the breeding program .

  7. 背景与目的生化及遗传学研究提示ras蛋白在细胞增殖分化信号从激活的跨膜受体传递到下游蛋白激酶的过程中起重要作用。

    Background and objective Biochemical and genetic researches suggest that ras protein plays an important role in transduction process of cell proliferation differentiation signals from activated transmembrane receptors to substream protein kinases .

  8. 最近对拟南芥的生化和遗传学研究证实铜离子参与了乙烯信号的感受和转导。

    Recently , biochemical and genetic studies on Arabidopsis provided solid evidences that copper plays a critical role in ethylene perception .

  9. 肥满度指数,也称身体状况指数,广泛应用于各个动物类群和生态学、生理、生化、遗传学以及养殖业。

    Relative fatness indices , also termed as body condition indices and ponderal index , were well used in ecology , physiology , biochemistry , genetics and culture of vertebrates and some invertebrates .

  10. 然而,关于中国大鲵的研究主要集中在种群分布和生态保护、胚胎发育和生殖系统结构及受精过程、生理生化、遗传学基础性研究等方面,而对于其分子方面的研究却很少。

    Study on Chinese giant salamander , however , mainly concentrated in the population distribution and ecological protection , embryonic development and reproductive system structure and process of fertilization , physiological , biochemical and genetic basis research , but rarely for the study of its molecular aspects .

  11. 木薯生理生化及其分子遗传学研究进展

    Advances in physio-biochemistry and molecular genetics in cassava

  12. 综述了植物种类及不同品种间,特别是甘蓝型油菜品种间硼效率差异的生理生化机理及遗传学和分子生物学研究进展。

    The physiological and biochemical , genetical and molecular biological mechanisms of B efficiency differences among different plants and species , especially between Brassica napus species were reviewed .

  13. 近几年来对偏头痛生化机制和分子遗传学的研究标志着研究深入到了细胞、分子水平。

    For the past few years , the researches relative to the biochemical mechanism and molecular genetics of migraine marked it had penetrated into cell and molecule levels .