
  • 网络life story;life-story
  1. 音乐会将涉及大约20首张国荣的流行歌曲,并回顾这位明星的生命故事。

    The concert will feature around 20 of Cheung 's popular songs and look back at the star 's life story .

  2. 在非常优秀的运动员的成绩档案里,有几个纪录是由于这些成绩的后面那动人的生命故事而引人注目的。

    Among the brilliant athletic achievements , a few records stand out because of the moving life stories behind them .

  3. 只有当你有了这样的认识,并单单地以耶稣为满足时,你才能享受神要为你谱写的这独特、精彩、奇迹般的生命故事&你和祂的爱情故事。

    When you come to this realization and feel satisfied with Jesus alone , only then can you enjoy this unique , amazing , miraculous life that God wants to write for you & your love story with Him .

  4. 首先是《微观世界》,它不是单纯地展现自然的生态奇观与各种生物的生存状态等,而是以自然为主角,讲述它们的生命故事。

    The first is a " micro world ", it is not simply to show the natural ecological wonders and a variety of biological survival of the state , but " natural " as the protagonist , tells the story of their life .

  5. 这不是那种我们说病人可能在十年后受益的健康故事,而是在此时此刻就在拯救生命的故事。

    This is not one of those health stories where we say patients might benefit in a decade 's time – this is saving lives today .

  6. 我拍《超时空接触》(Contact,1997年的影片,讲述寻找外星生命的故事)的时候就想:“好吧,这不是在东方,在西方,在我们面前发生的事。你可以抬头看,北方的新边疆在哪儿?”

    Until I made " Contact " [ the 1997 movie about the search for extraterrestrial life ] . That made me actually wonder : " O.K. , it 's not just what 's happening here , east , west , in front of us . You can look up . What 's the new frontier to the north ? "

  7. 它们讲述了一个生命的故事

    They tell the story of a life .

  8. 每天都是你生命宏大故事的一小部分。

    Every day is a tiny part of the grand story that is your life .

  9. 这就是生命的故事。

    That 's The Story Of Life .

  10. 他为国牺牲生命的故事,的确令人可歌可泣。

    B : The story about his sacrificing his life for the country really melt into tears

  11. 在采访中,尼森也首次回顾了理查森的死亡挽救生命的故事。

    In the interview , Neeson was also reviewing for the first time Richerson 's death saved lives .

  12. 解构并重述生命的故事&叙事疗法述评新时期内蒙古民族幼教政策与民族幼教事业发展述评

    In the New Period of Inner Mongolian , the Commentary of National Early Childhood Policy and Educational Enterprise Development

  13. 我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。

    How often have callow youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks .

  14. 几乎每个人,都觉得自己认识的某人,在每年体检中发现了轻微的症状,导致了癌症的早期诊断和治疗,或者听过类似的体检挽救生命的故事。

    Almost everyone thinks they know someone whose annual exam detected a minor symptom that led to the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer , or some similar lifesaving story .

  15. 我生命中的故事,你说笑的吧。

    The story of my life . You 're kidding .

  16. 想象你生命里面新的故事,然后完全相信于它。

    Imagine a new story of your life , and believe in it .

  17. 然而,在这些无忧无虑的笑容背后却隐藏一个关于奉献、决心和生命延续的感人故事。

    But behind their apparently carefree smiles lies an inspiring story of devotion , determination and survival .

  18. 《冒着生命危险讲述新闻故事》用大量特别的片断和图像使我们想起摄影机后面的那些记者。

    With its abundance of extraordinary footage and pictures , Dying to Tell the Story made us remember those behind the cameras .

  19. 事实上尼克松还曾经还受到一次生命威胁,这个故事的另一位主角就是亚瑟·布雷蒙,他曾经在1972年试图暗杀乔治·华莱士。

    Arthur Bremer , on the other hand , is best recalled for his attempted assassination of presidential hopeful George Wallace in 1972 .

  20. 《实习医生格蕾》讲述的是在一间虚构的西雅图仁爱医院里,医护人员所经历的生命与死亡的故事,每集平均能吸引1900万的观看人群。

    Grey 's Anatomy follows the life and death dramas of medical staff at a fictional Seattle hospital and draws an average 19 million viewers an episode .

  21. 20世纪40年代上海沦陷区,张爱玲用一个个穿透生命和人性的故事为中国现代文学史增添了无数话题。

    In the 40s of the 20th century , Shanghai being the enemy-occupied area , Zhang Ailing added numerous topics to modem Chinese literature with stories which analysed life and human nature deeply .

  22. 一生中我都在渴望填补空白,贪婪地抓住每一张照片、每一个故事,或是每一张纸,希望从那里发现更多关于这位给予我生命的男人的故事。

    During my whole life , I 'm eager to fill up the blanks . I grab every photo , every story or even every piece of paper greedily , wishing to find more about the man who gave my life to me .