
  • 网络Frozen Planet;Ice Planet;Titan A.E.;Titan A.E
  1. 豪斯大人有着一颗像冰冻星球一样冷的心,而你却说他向我们道歉?还是自发的?

    Lord Hoth has a heart as cold as an ice planet , and you 're telling me he apologized ? Unprompted ?

  2. 制片人丹·瑞兹带领冰冻星球栏目组

    Producer , Dan Rees , led the Frozen Planet team

  3. 但我们能对冰冻星球的现象作出响应吗

    but can we respond to what is happening now to the frozen planet ?

  4. 如何使冰冻星球产生急剧变化

    are dramatically changing the Frozen Planet .

  5. 对于这个团队来说,在冰冻星球最大的挑战是距离他们的临时根据地非常遥远。

    The greatest challenge for the team-making frozen planet was the extremely remote of their locations .

  6. 冰冻星球节目组来到了西伯利亚

    Frozen Planet travelled to Siberia ,

  7. 在冰冻星球火山附近巡逻的是杀人鲸,世界上最凶猛的动物。

    Patrolling the icy shores of the volcano are killer whales , the most thuddingly in the world .

  8. 水星,最小的行星之一,曾经被期望从里到外都是一颗冰冻星球。

    Mercury , one of the smallest planets , would have been expected to be really frozen all the way through .

  9. 利用多个小组和照相机,冰冻星球的团队才能捕捉到鲸鱼的故事。

    By using multiple crews and cameras , the frozen planet team would be able to capture the full Erebus story .