
  1. 黄土高原末次间冰期气候的不稳定性特征

    Climatic instability characteristic in Loess Plateau during the last interglacial age

  2. 倒数第二次冰期气候不稳定性的黄土记录

    Climatic instability during the penultimate glactiation : Evidence from loess record

  3. 岩溶洞穴堆积与第四纪冰期气候

    Deposits in limestone cave of erosion and the Quaternary climatic changes

  4. 18000年前冰期气候的数值模拟

    The numerical simulation of the climate of 18000 years before present

  5. 中国东部山地第四纪冰期气候问题

    Climatic problems of Quaternary glaciation in the eastern China mountains

  6. 洛川地区倒数第二次间冰期气候变化研究

    Climate Change during the Penultimate Interglacial in Luochuan Area

  7. 早新生代温室气候及冰期气候转型的模拟研究

    Reviews of Modelings of Green-house Climate and Ice-age Transformation in the Early Cenozoic

  8. 中国东部第四纪冰期气候与环境的基本特征

    On basic features of climate and environment in Quaternary glacial period in eastern China

  9. 北仑港区宁波组晚大理冰期气候特征

    The climate features of post Dali glacial epoch of Ningbo Formation , Beilun harbour area

  10. 中纬度亚洲现代间冰期气候变化的西风模式讨论

    A discussion on the westerly-dominated climate model in mid-latitude Asia during the modern interglacial period

  11. 但相对于末次盛冰期气候的变化,这两个因子的贡献都是比较小的。

    However , both factors have rather small contributions to the climate change in the LGM .

  12. 中国黄土区东亚古季风气候与冰期气候对比研究

    A Comparative Study between the East Asia Paleomonsoon Climate and Glacial Climate in Chinese Loess Area

  13. 中国黄土古土壤堆积是全球冰期间冰期气候变化与东亚古季风气候变化共同作用的结果。

    Chinese Loess Paleosol sediments were just controlled by both the factors of glacial interglacial and paleomonsoon climate .

  14. 这种全球性的冰期气候背景对中国东部气候的影响是十分重要的。

    The background global macroclimate in the ice age yields immense influ-ence on the climate of East China .

  15. 陇西黄土高原马兰黄土划分与末次冰期气候快速变化研究

    High Resolution Record of Malan Loess in the Longxi Loess Plateau and Rapid Climate Changes during the Last Glaciation

  16. 内蒙古岱海湖泊沉积记录的小冰期气候环境

    A Preliminary Study of Climate Change During the Little Ice Age Inferred from Lacustrine Sediments in Daihai Lake , Inner Mongolia

  17. 流域生物、化学风化对小冰期气候变化的响应

    A rapid response of chemical weathering and biocommunity to the Little Ice Age climate oscillation in the Daihai Lake watershed , northern China

  18. 依据冰期气候地层法的分析、研究和对比,冰臼群大约形成于距今约2~3百万年的第四纪早期。

    The moulins were formed in early Quaternary , about 2 ~ 3 Ma B.P. , according to the study on climatic stratigraphy .

  19. 以前冰期气候对于欧洲生物分布的影响,据福勃斯的解释,大致如下。

    The former influence of the glacial climate on the distribution of the inhabitants of Europe , as explained by Forbes , is substantially as follows .

  20. 中国小冰期气候与环境变迁是在全球气候环境异常影响下发生的。

    The climate and environmental changes of the Little Ice Age in China occurred under the abnormal influence of the whole globe 's climate and environment .

  21. 晚更新世以来,全球经历了末次冰期间冰期气候大尺度气候旋回,同时也发生了一系列百年千年尺度的气候突变事件。

    The world has experienced a series of rapid changes of centuries to millennium , as well as the last interglacial-glacial cycle of large time scale since The Late Pleistocene .

  22. 这对于深入理解小冰期气候变化的机理具有启迪作用,同时也为世纪尺度气候变化研究与气候情景预测提供了新的思路和方法。

    It is helpful to understand the mechanism of LIA climate change deeply , and it provides a new thought and method for research of centennial climate change and forecast of climatic scenario at the same time .

  23. 利用最新的太阳辐射变化资料和火山灰记录通过气候模式的模拟试验来探讨小冰期气候的形成因子,并揭示其动力学机制。

    In order to explore main causes and dynamic mechanisms , the latest data of past sequences of solar radiation and volcanic dust are adopted in this paper to simulate the climate change during the Little Ice Age .

  24. 约380aBP以来受人类活动影响,孢粉记录小冰期气候特征不明显,但约150aBP以来的气温上升显著。

    Since ~ 380 aBP the climate was affected by human activities and the climatic features of the Little Ice Age recorded by sporopollen are not pronounced , but since ~ 150 aBP the temperatures have risen remarkably .

  25. 末次冰期旋回气候高度不稳定性研究

    A Study of the Highly Unstable Climate in Last Glacial Cycle

  26. 中国小冰期区域气候演化研究

    Study on Regional Climate Change during the Little Ice Age in China

  27. 靖远黄土记录的末次冰期旋回气候变化研究

    The Paleoclimate Evolution in Jingyuan Loess Records in Last Glacial Interglacial Cycle

  28. 广西扶绥南山洞新发现的人类化石和蒙古野驴化石&末次冰期华南气候变化的哺乳动物化石新证据

    Human fossil teeth newly discovered in Nanshan cave of fusui , guangxi

  29. 冰川冰期与气候冷暖方法;

    Glacier drift epoch and climate changes method ;

  30. 中国小冰期的气候

    Climate in China during the Little Ice Age