
  • 网络roundness;psephicity
  1. 由于黄河水的长距离搬运作用,颗粒磨圆度高、表面强度低;孔隙率高,毛细作用剧烈。

    It has high psephicity , low surface strengths , high porosity and intensive capillarity because of the long transport function of the water .

  2. 泥质灰岩颗粒的磨圆度较高,颗粒表面相对光滑,但可见线状擦痕等刻蚀形态。

    Argillaceous limestone particles have relative higher psephicity and smoother surfaces but a lot of linear scratches can be observed on the particle surfaces .

  3. 颗粒磨圆度为次圆一次尖,分选中等。

    The particle degree of roundness is subrounded first hypocone .

  4. 岩石粒度偏细,主要为细砂岩,磨圆度为次棱角状,分选性中等&好。

    The grain of the sandstone was fine , sub-angular , but sorting medium-good .

  5. 砂岩的成分成熟度较高,结构成熟度中等,分选中等-好,磨圆度好。

    Sandstone compositional maturity is high and medium textural maturity . Sorting and roundness is good .

  6. 砾岩主要砾石成分为燧石,磨圆度较好,普遍含金刚石。

    Chert with good abrasion is the major content in conglomerate , and diamonds are contained in it generally .

  7. 灰仓与水力贮灰场灰的不均匀系数和颗粒磨圆度有区别;

    The difference of coefficients of uniformity and roundness of particles between the fly ash in silo and in lagoon is discussed ;

  8. 实验发现,由于砂岩的孔隙率大,矿物颗粒的分选度和磨圆度较好,颗粒间孔隙的连通性很好,其渗透率最高;

    Experiments led to the conclusions : · that sandstone has high permeability because it has high porosity , good gradation and fine psephicity of grains , and perfect connectivity between inner pores .

  9. 成分成熟度偏低,结构成熟度中等偏低,分选好,磨圆度呈次棱角状;胶结类型以孔隙式胶结为主。

    The compositional maturity was on low side and structural maturity was middle or slightly low ; well-sorted ; the psephicity was commonly assumed hypo-edge angle , cementation type was mainly pore cementation .

  10. 储层孔隙度随岩石颗粒分选、磨圆等结构成熟度的增高而增大,随长石等易溶成分的增加而增大;

    The more material the structure of rock structural grain sorting and roundness , the bigger the reservoir porosity , and with the increase of the fusible ingredient such as feldspar , the porosity become bigger ;