
mó dāo shí
  • grindstone;whetstone;hone
  1. 把磨刀石上的那把镰刀拿去。

    Take the sickle which is lying on the grindstone .

  2. 刀在磨刀石上可以磨尖,钢铁是在火中练就的。

    A knife is sharpened on the grindstone ; steel is tempered in fire .

  3. 家家户户门外都有一个老头或是老太婆在剥竹笋当晚餐,或在编织,或在磨刀石上打磨镰刀;这完全是一幅布鲁盖尔(bruegel)笔下世界的亚洲版。

    Outside every doorway is an old man or woman stripping bamboo shoots for dinner , or knitting , or sharpening a scythe with a whetstone ; an Asian version of the world according to Bruegel .

  4. 最锐利的锋刃是在粗糙的磨刀石上磨出来的。

    The finest edge in made with the rough blunt whetstone .

  5. 好脑筋需要书本,就如同宝剑需要磨刀石。

    And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone .

  6. 或者是那套厨刀和磨刀石。磨刀很重要的。

    Or a knife set and a sharpener . Sharpening 's very important .

  7. 珩磨在细磨刀石上磨快

    To sharpen on a fine-grained whetstone . commutator stone

  8. 珩磨在细磨刀石上磨快搅拌磨制备磷渣超细粉的粉磨动力学研究

    Research on the Grinding Dynamics of Phosphorous Slag Superfine Powder with Stirred Mill

  9. 这对磨刀石是一个机会你多种方法的参与。

    This is an opportunity to hone your participation in a variety of ways .

  10. 他在磨刀石上磨斧头。

    He grinds the ax on the grindstone .

  11. 这块石头被用作磨刀石。

    This stone acts as a knife-sharpener .

  12. 竞赛是智力的磨刀石。

    Emulation is the whetstone of wits .

  13. 62.我决不介意你不友善的提醒说我的磨刀石妨碍了你的汽缸。

    62 . I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder .

  14. 珩磨在细磨刀石上磨快基于人工神经网络不锈钢套珩磨加工油石特性参数的智能选择

    Intelligent Property Parameters Setting of Fine-grained Oilstone in Honing Stainless Steel Jacket Based on Artificial Neural Network

  15. 你能看到剪刀、你可以看到吸水棉、两块磨刀石。

    You can see a scissor , you can see a sponge , two stones to sharpen the cutters .

  16. 生活如磨刀石,是将你磨蚀或是磨得灿烂光亮,皆取决于你自身材料如何。

    Life is a grindstone . Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you are made of .

  17. 细磨刀石纹理细密的磨刀,可使切削工具刀刃锋利不要摆弄刀口锋利的刀!

    A fine - grained whetstone for giving a keen edge to a cutting tool . Don 't mess around with sharp knives !

  18. 罗瑞先生再次望向窗外时,地球这大磨刀石已经转动,太阳已在院里映出一片血红。

    The great grindstone , Earth , had turned when Mr. Lorry looked out again , and the sun was red on the court-yard .

  19. 是占领大厦的人让他们从大门进来使用磨刀石的;

    The people in possession of the house had let them in at the gate , and they had rushed in to work at the grindstone ;

  20. 于是他又在磨刀石上一磨再磨,真是滑稽,使我禁不住要放声大笑。

    Then he would put it on the stone again and whet , whet , till I could have laughed aloud , it was so very ludicrous .

  21. 而第一份工作,除了带来一时的新鲜感和对未来的无限憧憬之外,它更像是一块磨刀石,在反复磨砺中把我们打造成职场所需要的样子。

    While the first job , in addition to bring a fresh and boundless vision for the future , it is more like a grindstone , in repeated sharpen make us the workplace needs .