
  1. 第四阶段以常绿栎类为主的常绿阔叶林,反映气候热暖潮湿(相当于大西洋期,Q24);

    Evergreen broad-leave forest mainly composed of Quercus ( evergreen ) indicating hot and wet climate ( Q 2 4 , Atlantic period );

  2. 第六阶段以常绿栎类、落叶栎类、松为主的针、阔叶混交林-草原,反映气候温暖湿润(相当于亚大西洋期,Q34)。

    Mixed forest of broad-leave and conifers trees-grassland , Quercus ( evergreen ), Quercus ( deciduous ) and Pinus being the main components , reflecting warm and moist climate ( Q 3 4 , Sub-Atlantic period ,) .

  3. 可与欧洲前北方期、北方期和大西洋期、亚北方期进行对比。

    They can be contrasted with pre North , North , Atlantic and sub North strata in Europe .

  4. 本区剖面顶部的褐黄色砂质粉砂层则是在亚大西洋期(2450~1980aB.P.期间)于暖湿环境下形成的河漫滩相沉积。

    However , the upper brown yellow sandy silt layer in the profile of the area was formed by alluvial flat facies deposits during the warm humid environment of Subatlantic Phase ( 2450-1980 a BP ) .