
dà bīng
  • Soldier;grunt;common soldier;large troops;the rank and file;the Qing troops
大兵 [dà bīng]
  • (1) [large troops]∶人数多,声势大的军队

  • 大兵压境

  • (2) [common soldier;the rank and file]∶旧时对士兵的俗称,现称普通士兵

  • (3) [the Qing troops]∶指清兵,清人撰文必作此称,以示尊敬

  • 至小东门,大兵如林而至。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

大兵[dà bīng]
  1. 高级军官不愿意与大兵们称兄道弟。

    The brass are reluctant to fraternise with the enlisted men .

  2. 大兵懊恼地在他的位子上稍稍旋转一下身子。

    The soldier swiveled a little in his seat , annoyedly .

  3. 大兵从头至尾都称呼对手为对“日本鬼子”和“下流的小日本

    Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies " Jap suckers " and " dirty Japs . ”

  4. 状态:非常好、上印有制造厂商/年份、大兵个人标签『YAN』样。那家商行的目标是向公司和个人提供进一步的经纪服务。

    Conditions : Very Good , Manufacturer / Year Marking , with Field Marking " RYAN " . The firm aims to provide further ~ services to companies and individuals .

  5. 目前,南昌EMS面临的市场环境急剧变换,国际上的行业巨头大兵压境,国内的竞争者又风起云涌。

    At present , Nanchang EMS faces the market environment transforms suddenly , the international on profession giant main strength threatens the border , the domestic competitor also is blustery .

  6. “大狗”的部分研发资金就来自于DARPA,它的目标是充当“木牛流马”,与美国大兵一起执行任务。

    BigDog was funded in part by DARPA and is envisioned as a kind of robotic pack mule that could accompany soldiers on missions .

  7. 拯救大兵瑞恩故事设定在二战末期诺曼底登陆期间。影片讲述了约翰H米勒上校带领着一小队士兵深入敌后,他们的任务是找回一位在行动中失去了三个兄弟的士兵。

    Saving Private Ryan Set in World War II during the invasion of Normandy , the film follows Captain John H. Miller who takes a small group of soldiers behind enemy lines . Their mission is to retrieve a private whose three brothers have all been killed in action .

  8. 这位美国大兵爸爸约书亚卡尔在YouTube上发布了一条视频,视频中,他的小女儿布丽奇特撕开巨大礼物盒的包装纸,妈妈在一旁给她加油。

    In a YouTube video posted by father Joshua Carr , his little girl Bridget is seen ripping the wrapping paper off an enormous box , with her mother in the background encouraging her to open it .

  9. 新媒体以互联网为先遣,从国外悄然潜入,随后又以户外电视、手机电视、移动电视、网络电视、IPTV等多头部队大兵压境,迅速消解了广电媒体的进入壁垒。

    The Internet , as the guide of New media , enters into our country from abroad quietly , and then outdoor TV , mobile TV , mobile TV , Internet TV , IPTV also influx , and they eliminate the barriers to entry into Broadcast TV Media .

  10. “当然有了,哥们儿”这位大兵回答。

    " I sure have , buddy ," the private answered .

  11. 他是个从伊拉克负伤归来的退伍大兵?

    So he 's a returning war veteran injured in iraq ?

  12. 莫非美国大兵攻打伊拉克是因为伊拉克的女人漂亮?

    Do American soldiers attacking Iraq because Iraq 's beautiful women ?

  13. 有个少女和一个大兵走过大街。

    A girl and a soldier went by in the street .

  14. 卡波司基大兵已经变成那几位军官的专家了。

    Private Kapowski has become something of an expert on those fellows .

  15. 嗨,大兵,这么快就走了,啊?

    Hey , soldier , leaving so soon , huh ?

  16. 你在叫我之前要加上“长官”,大兵!

    You will address me as " sir ", soldier !

  17. 我们要在独立日给海外的大兵们寄包裹

    We 're sending packages to soldiers for the Fourth of July .

  18. 这些大兵逛来逛去,希望碰上花姑娘。

    The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls .

  19. 这些大兵,你知不知道他们让我唱什么?

    These soldiers , you know who they 've got me singing ?

  20. 兄弟,现在我们可不是普通大兵了。

    We 're not under goatskin * now , brother .

  21. 美国大兵被送到了他们本来不该去的地方。

    American soldiers were sent to where they shouldn 't have gone .

  22. 说不定他跟那些大兵一起走了。

    Sont wud he mout go off wid de sojers .

  23. 噢!过来大兵,我们要开始了!

    Oh ! Get over it soldier , we 've gotta do this !

  24. 大兵从头至尾都称呼对手为对日本鬼子和下流的小日本。

    Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies Jap suckers and dirty Japs .

  25. 在意大利吃过比萨饼的美国大兵们想吃比萨饼的时候。

    That was when American soldiers demanded pizza they had eaten in Italy .

  26. “我还以为不会再有大兵来了,”思嘉说。

    " I thought we were about through with soldiers ," she said .

  27. 在巴伐利亚的美国大兵将希特勒的藏书作为战利品零散地带走。

    American soldiers in Bavaria carried off Hitler 's books piecemeal as trophies .

  28. 这颇有美国大兵的精神

    which is pretty much like an American soldier .

  29. “教大兵裹了去,刚逃出来。”

    " I was nabbed by them , but just managed to escape . "

  30. 后来,我看了一部《拯救大兵瑞恩》,奇怪的事情发生了。

    Then I saw " saving Private Ryan ," and a strange thing happened .