
  • 网络atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
  1. 土壤腐殖质组成对大气二氧化碳浓度升高的响应

    Responses of Fractions of Soil Humus to Free - Air CO _ 2 Enrichment

  2. 科学家说,大气二氧化碳浓度的增加可能改变草原的性质,并减少它们作为牧场的价值。这项研究发表在了本周(8月27日)出版的《美国科学院学报》上。

    Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could change the nature of grasslands and decrease their usefulness as grazing pastures , say researchers .

  3. 大气二氧化碳浓度增高可通过降低枯落物质量和增加草原生态系统土壤水分间接地影响枯落物分解。

    Elevated CO 2 concentration influences litter decomposition indirectly by decreasing litter substrate quality and increasing soil moisture content in dry grassland ecosystems .

  4. 研究结果表明,在大气二氧化碳浓度的反演过程中这些因素对精度的提高存在一定的影响。

    The result demonstrates that in the process of CO retrieval thoughtful considerations are desired for sensitive factors above-mentioned so as to improve the accuracy .

  5. 不过,尽管海洋浮游有孔虫中的硼同位素作为大气二氧化碳浓度的替代指标很具有潜力,但还需要进行更加深入地研究。

    However , although marine planktonic foraminiferal boron isotope has great potential to be a proxy for atmospheric pCO2 , further studies on calibrations are required .

  6. 根据今天(6月30日)发表在《科学》杂志上的一项研究,此前科学家对于大气二氧化碳浓度上升将促进作物产量的估计可能过于乐观了。

    Scientists'predictions that rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will boost crop yields have been too optimistic , according to a study published today ( 30 June ) in Science .

  7. 模式试验的结果表明:大气二氧化碳浓度倍增能使低纬地面增温1~2℃、高纬地面增温6~8℃。

    Numerical experiments show that doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide results in temperature increase of 1 ~ 2 ℃ at the low latitude surface and 6 ~ 8 ℃ at the high latitude surface .

  8. 如何减少二氧化碳排放,控制大气中二氧化碳浓度,是人类面临的难题。

    How to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and control atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is the human problems .

  9. 大气中二氧化碳浓度的提高对于植物的影响至今为止尚很少为人所知。

    The effect that boosting this gas 's concentration in the atmosphere will have on plants is very poorly understood .

  10. 该指标表示预计大气中二氧化碳浓度翻倍所能引致的升温量。

    This measures the amount of warming that can eventually be expected to follow a doubling in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide .

  11. 森林碳汇:是指森林系统减少大气中二氧化碳浓度的过程、活动或机制。

    Forest Carbon Sinks : this refers to the procession , activity and mechanism of forest system reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide in atmospheric .

  12. 土壤有机碳库特别是森林土壤有机碳库的微小变化可显著地引起大气中二氧化碳浓度的变化,从而影响全球气候变化。

    The small change of the soil organic carbon pool , particularly forest soil organic carbon pool , can significantly change the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration , which may affect the global climate .

  13. 工业化之后,随着人类对化石燃料的使用,导致大气中二氧化碳浓度增加,温室效应扩大,环境问题日益严重。

    After industrialization , the use of fossil fuels results in the increase of the concentrations of carbon dioxide and the expansion of greenhouse effect , with environmental problems more and more serious .

  14. 本文利用简单的一维能量平衡模式模拟全球冰雪面积增减,太阳常数增减,地面反照率增减,大气中二氧化碳浓度增减以及气溶胶浓度增减等对全球温度的影响。

    Changes of the global temperature induced by the changes ice and snow areas , solar con-stant , surface albedo , carbon dioxide , and aerosol have been simulated with a one & dimensionalenergy balance model .

  15. 随着大气中的二氧化碳浓度持续上升,令地球升温,研究人员热衷于探讨所谓的“碳捕捉与封存”(CCS)解决方案。

    With carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere marching ever upwards and warming the planet , researchers are keen to investigate so called " carbon capture and storage " ( CCS ) solutions .

  16. 如果基于目前已做出的承诺达成协议,那么大气中的二氧化碳浓度可能将升至至少550ppm的水平,或者还会更高。

    If an agreement based on the offers already made was reached , then atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide would probably rise to at least 550ppm , and possibly higher .

  17. 有机碳是保持土壤健康的重要成分,同时也影响着大气中的二氧化碳浓度。

    Organic carbon is an important component of soil health and also influences atmospheric carbon dioxide levels .

  18. 即使大气中的二氧化碳浓度更高,但温室效应并不能将冰冻的火星暖化。

    And even with a much thicker CO2 atmosphere , the greenhouse effect could not have warmed Mars above freezing .

  19. 2013年过去的5月,大气中的二氧化碳浓度达到了人类有史以来的最高峰值,注意我说的是从智人类开始。

    This past May , concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere reached levels never before experienced by us , Homo sapiens .

  20. 他们重点分析了两种矿物:磁铁矿和菱铁矿,这两种矿物可以为大气中的二氧化碳浓度提供征兆。

    They focused on two minerals , magnetite and siderite , that can provide a bellwether of the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere .

  21. 即使假定我们今天将碳排放总量减半,对大气中的二氧化碳浓度也不会产生直接影响。

    Even if we , say , halve all carbon emissions today , it would not have an immediate effect on atmospheric CO2 concentrations .

  22. 许多科学家认为,要想把温度控制在这一范围以内,大气中的二氧化碳浓度不应超过450ppm(百万分之450)。

    If temperatures are to stay within that range , many scientists say the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should not exceed 450 parts per million .

  23. 我们该感到欣慰,二氧化碳给我们温暖使我们舒舒服服,但是大气中二氧化碳的浓度正在稳步升高,其恶迹也就由此而生。

    We can be thankful that carbon dioxide is keeping us comfortably warm , but the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going up steadily and that is where the villainy comes in .

  24. 同时测量大气中二氧化碳和水汽浓度的红外气体分析仪

    Infrared Gas Analysis Instrument of Detecting Consistency of CO2 and Vapor in the Atmosphere Simultaneously

  25. 讨论人类活动对大气中二氧化碳的影响,特别是大气中二氧化碳浓度的变化趋势及其预测问题。

    The impact of man 's activity on the cycle of atmospheric caribou dioxide and the increasing trend of the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide are discussed . Problems in the prediction of the secular trend of atmospheric carbon dioxide are reviewed .