
  • 网络Nature and Nurture;Nature versus nurture;nature-nurture;nature vs. nurture
  1. 我觉得我的学习重点可以是“先天与后天”。

    I was thinking my emphasis of study could be nature versus nurture .

  2. 同时强调了先天与后天因素相互作用的重要性。

    The issue of the complex interaction of nature versus nurture is addressed .

  3. 人类认知结构先天与后天的比较及其意义

    Comparison of Human Inherent and Extrinsic Recognition Structure and Its Significance

  4. 个人发展:幸福,成功,先天与后天

    Personal Development : happiness , success , nature or nurture

  5. 他也没有过多地纠结于先天与后天的争论。

    He also doesn 't deal with the nature vs nurture debate too much .

  6. 由于在精神疾病中,先天与后天因素的纠缠没完没了,因此那样的争论实在没什麽意义。

    Such arguments are quite pointless given the vast intertwining of the two in psychiatric disease .

  7. 最大的争议:先天与后天、自由意志、意识、人类个体差异、自我与社会。

    The great controversies : nature and nurture , free will , consciousness , human differences , self and society .

  8. 侦察意识的培养、锻炼则要强调先天与后天相结合、知识与经验相结合、思维与心理相结合。

    However , The cultivation and exercise of reconnaissance consciousness should be emphasized the combination of knowledge and experience , thinking and mind .

  9. 从本质上说,道格特让皮克斯的儿童电影试图探索先天与后天这一心理学上的问题,最后达到折中的妥协。

    Essentially , Docter has made a Pixar film for kids that tries to run at the nature-versus-nurture question and ends up splitting the difference .

  10. 它带出人类智性生活中许多重大争议:先天与后天、自由意志、意识、人类个体差异、自我与社会。

    It raises many of the great controversies of intellectual life : nature and nurture , free will , consciousness , human differences , self and society .

  11. 我们学习了认知神经学,引用面部识别的研究,作为重要的例子分析-,还学了人体差异,行为遗传学,先天与后天,性与食物。

    We learned about cognitive neuroscience using the study of face recognition as an important case study & human differences , behavioral genetics , nature and nurture , sex and food .

  12. 过去十几年间,有关智力的遗传研究超越了最基本的先天与后天之争,通过发展的遗传分析、多变量遗传分析以及对遗传与环境交互作用的探讨获得了许多重要发现。

    Over the past few years , genetic research on intelligence has moved beyond the rudimentary nature-nurture question to make several important discoveries about intelligence by developmental genetic analysis , multivariate genetic analysis , and the analysis of GE interaction .

  13. 先天视障与后天视障学生SCL-90的测试比较

    Compare of SCL-90 between Inborn and Postnatal Visual Disable Students

  14. 先天性与后天性实验白内障晶体中九种元素含量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Nine Elements in Lenses Between Congenital

  15. 这项工作对接任者先天继承与后天习得的能力均有所考验。

    It is a job that will test skills both inherited and learned .

  16. 在解释个体的恶行时,先天本性与后天培育的成分兼而有之。

    There is an element of both nature and nurture in explaining the evil actions of individuals .

  17. 先天模块与后天文化资源的相互作用论&B.Butterworth的数字模块理论述评

    The Interaction of Innate Module and Acquired Cultural Resources & A Review on B.Butterworth 's Number Module Theory

  18. 面中部后缩畸形包括先天性与后天性畸形,是颅颌面外科的比较常见的疾病,严重影响患者的生活质量。

    Midface retrusion , including congenital and acquired deformities deformity , is common disease in craniofacial surgery which seriously affect quality of life .

  19. 高度概括地说,可以将关于同性恋成因的说法归结为先天说与后天说两大类。

    High in a nutshell , you can view on the causes of homosexuality comes down to innate and acquired , said that the two categories .

  20. 和先天禀赋与后天培养之争的多数分支一样,练习和天赋之争已经催生了多个阵营,而各阵营对练习的影响的估计,差距最高可达50个百分点。

    Like most branches of the nature-nurture debate , this one has produced multiple camps , whose estimates of the effects of practice vary by as much as 50 percentage points .

  21. 综述学者们已有的研究成果,笔者认为素质是一种先天遗传与后天培养相结合的人的身心特点的综合的、内在的、整体的体现。

    It is occurred to me that quality is an innate combination of genetic intelligence and acquired knowledge , as well as an integrated and internal expression of physical and psychological characteristics .

  22. 素质,是人的先天禀赋与后天环境和教育影响下形成并发展起来的生理素质、科学文化素质、思想道德素质的总和。

    Qualities is the combination of the qualities of psychology , science , culture , ideology and morality , which is formed from the people 's inborn talents at first and later under the influence of the environment and education .

  23. 本文运用探索性空间数据分析对东北亚各国经贸状况进行对比分析,主要归为先天差异与后天差异两类。

    The thesis analyzes comparatively every Northeastern Asian countries ' economic and trade situation by means of exploratory spatial data analysis , and it suggests that the differences among these countries are mainly attributed to their congenital and acquired divergences .

  24. 正如一些学者所说:一个人的行为方式、思维方式、心理健康水平以及主体性的生成等都是个体先天素质与后天的教育相互作用的结果,其中家庭环境、家庭教育尤为重要。

    As the scholars sayings that the way of act , personality , and mental healthy level of the people are all caused by the reciprocity of personal inner quality , acquired environment and education . Especially for the family surroundings and education are more important .

  25. 离子通道的病变类型在先天性LQTS与后天性心脏病中有明显的不同。

    There is a significant difference in the pattern of disordered ion channels between the congenital long QT syn-drome ( LQTS ) and the acquired heart disease .

  26. 直觉是人们的先天本能,同时与后天教育密切相关。

    Intuition is an inherent instinct of buman being and in the meantime it is closely related to acquainted education .