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  1. 我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。

    We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats .

  2. 如果他先登车,你们就会抱怨。

    If he got the frst tcket , you 'd compian .

  3. 你们几个先登上船尾。

    This group will go first and board the stern .

  4. 先登山顶随地坐。

    He that comes first to the hill , may sit where he will .

  5. 妈妈告诉我,长城是世界著名的旅游胜地,叫我跟外国游客比一比,看谁先登上去。

    She encouraged me to compete with foreign tourists and see who was the first one to reach the top .

  6. 捷足者未必一定先登,强者亦未必一定取胜--这也就是打赌之道。

    The race is not always to the swift , nor the battle to the strong-but that 's the way to bet .

  7. 萨姆,我们先去登最顶峰好吗?

    Shall we climb up the highest peak first , Sam ?

  8. 玄古:先皇已经早登极乐。

    Hyeongo : He already went to Heaven .

  9. 你先写篇文章登到波士顿学生报上去

    and you could start by getting a story in the BU student newspaper .