
  • 网络pre-qin philosophers
  1. 先秦诸子经济哲学思想之本末论

    On the Fundamentals and Incidentals in Economic Philosophy of Pre-Qin Philosophers

  2. 从名实之争看先秦诸子对语言与客观事物关系的探讨

    Pre-Qin philosophers ' ideas on relationship between language and objects

  3. 先秦诸子散文中两种文化差异成因之浅探

    Differences on the Cultural Reasons were Explored among Pre-Qin Dynasty Proses

  4. 20世纪先秦诸子散文研究之回顾与思考

    Research in Pre-Qin Philosopher Prose during the 20th Century in China

  5. 先秦诸子文学的人格品位及其社会价值

    The Personality Quality in Early Qin Literature and its Social Value

  6. 第三章,阐述他在先秦诸子思想研究中的成果。

    Chapter ⅲ, elaborates his ideas on Pre-various schools of thought .

  7. 先秦诸子散文的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characteristic of Prose of Philosophers of Pre-Qin Period

  8. 复古思潮与先秦诸子的悲剧意识和悲剧人生

    Back-to-the Ancient Ideology and the Tragic Consciousness and Life of Pre-Qin Scholars

  9. 先秦诸子散文对话研究

    A Study on the Dialogue of Zhu-Zi Proses in the Period of Pre-Qin

  10. 先秦诸子散文是特殊的文学现象。

    Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon .

  11. 先秦诸子散文写作理论初探

    Initial Study on Theory of Prose Writing by the Pre - Qin Scholars

  12. 先秦诸子的理想国理论探析

    Probing the Ideal Realm Theories of Various Schools of Thoughts in Pre-Qin Times

  13. 在先秦诸子之学中,墨学可谓独具一格。

    Among the schools in Pre-Qin dynasty , Mohist was very unique one .

  14. 中国林业政策思想的历史渊源&论先秦诸子学说中的林业思想

    Historical Origins of Forestry Policy and Ideology in China

  15. 先秦诸子哲学与中国艺术思想

    Influence of pre-Qin scholars on Chinese artistic thought

  16. 墨家义利观与先秦诸子有所不同。

    The Mohists'concept of morals and benefits differ from the pre Qin Philosophers ' .

  17. 先秦诸子时代,墨家与儒家并称显学。

    During the period of pre-Qin scholars , Mohism and Confucianism were two remarkable schools .

  18. 近二十年研究《黄帝内经》与先秦诸子学说关系之文献述评

    A Review on the Study of " Huang Di Nei Jing " Last Twenty Years

  19. 情采纷呈,显一家之“文”:是千恣百态的先秦诸子散文表现的鲜明审美特征。

    Its aesthetic characteristic is easily and distinctly found in the colorful and various expressions .

  20. 《先秦诸子进化论》是先生以西方进化论思想来看待中国哲学的重要作品之一。

    The Sociological Analyse on the Transmission of the Theory of Evolution in Modern China ;

  21. 任何思想的产生都有其渊源和学术背景,先秦诸子之经济思想也不例外。

    Every thought including these philosophers ' economic thought has its origin and learning background .

  22. 先秦诸子的地域文化特性

    The Pre-Qin Scholars ' Regional Cultural Characteristics

  23. 先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜&庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同

    A Banner of Early Qin Fables

  24. 在先秦诸子中,庄子是少数曾对语言提出重要意见的人。

    Zhuang Zi was one of the few pre-qin scholars who made important statements about language .

  25. 人本主义视角下先秦诸子散文的价值发现。

    Second , the valuable discovery of Pre-Qin thinkers ' prose humanism under the humanistic perspective .

  26. 先秦诸子散文教学的现状及实施人本主义教育理论的策略。

    Third , the status of Pre-Qin thinkers ' prose teaching and strategy of humanistic education .

  27. 先秦诸子的平均思想,主要表现在主张经济平均、政治平均和社会平均三个方面。

    The average thought they advocate mainly includes three aspects of economy , society and politics .

  28. 先秦诸子哲学对宗教传统的继承与转化

    The Inheriting and Transforming to the Tradition by Various Schools of Philosophical Thoughts in Pre-Qin Times

  29. 《黄帝内经》哲学中的人性论与先秦诸子相关学说研究

    Research on the Theory of Human Nature in Huangdi Neijing and the Related Doctrine of Pre-Qin Philosophers

  30. 尤其是国家政治实践中是否应该实行赦免,自先秦诸子而降就聚讼不已。

    Especially the national political practice , whether should execute Pardon system triggered a controversy by Zhu-Zi .