
Xiān qín
  • Pre Qin Dynasty;the pre-Qin days (i.e. before 221 B.C. when the First Emperor of Qin united China
先秦 [xiān qín]
  • [be sent in advance;Xian Qin] 历史时期,即从远古起到秦始皇统一全国止,史称为先秦时期。《汉书.河间献王传》:献王所得书,皆古文先秦旧书,注,先秦,犹言秦先,谓未焚书之前

  1. 先秦汉语中V1而不V2是一种常见结构形式,其变化格式有动+动、动+形、形+形、名+名等不同类型;

    The structure " V 1 + Without + V 2 " in the pre-Qin Chinese language was a common practice and had different types such as " V + V ", " V + adj ", " adj + adj " and " N + N " .

  2. 先秦儒家德治思想的现代诠释

    A Modern Explanation of Pre-Qin Confucian Thought of Rule of Virtue

  3. 先秦诸子散文中两种文化差异成因之浅探

    Differences on the Cultural Reasons were Explored among Pre-Qin Dynasty Proses

  4. 先秦汉语双重否定句式研究

    The Study on the Double Negative Sentence of the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  5. 先秦儒家孝伦理及其在汉代的变异

    The Pre-Qin-Dynasty Filial Ethics and Its Changes during the Han Dynasty

  6. 第四章是关于先秦文化中的社会性别观念。

    Chapter four discusses the social gender concept in Pre-Qin era .

  7. 在语言史上,东汉是一个重要的过渡时期,它上承先秦,下启中古。

    In Chinese language history est-han dynasty is an important interim .

  8. 先秦逻辑史上类概念的发展

    The Development of Category in the Logical History of Pre-Qin Period

  9. 论先秦秦汉时期的两重君主观

    On the Dual Concept of Monarchy in Pre-Qin and Qin-Han Periods

  10. 对两种思想史研究的考察&史华慈与葛瑞汉先秦思想史研究比较

    A Reflection on Two Kinds of Investigations of History of Thought

  11. 先秦判断词研究的几个原则

    Principles of The Research on Link Verbs in The Pre-Qin Dynasty

  12. 先秦结婚旅游质疑

    A Doubt on Tourism for Marriage in the Pre-Qin Dynasty Period

  13. 略论先秦礼学的三次发展

    Brief Comment on Three Developments of Theory of Rite in Pre-Qin Period

  14. 先秦食品科技的特点及其评价

    The Characteristics and Appraisal about Food Science and Technology during Pre-Qin Dynasty

  15. 先秦时期德观念的起源及其发展

    The Origin and Development of the Concept of Dein the Pre-Qin Period

  16. 先秦时期的历史哲学思想探源

    The exploration on the historical philosophy thinking in per-Qin period

  17. 先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造

    Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding

  18. 先秦时期北方食品科技变迁研究

    Research into Transition of Food Science and Technology in Northern Pre-Qin Dynasty

  19. 先秦时期的秽人与貊人

    The Hui People and the Mo People in Pre-the-Qin-Dynasty Period

  20. 先秦寓言的特征及其民族文化意蕴

    The Characteristic and Race Cultural Meaning of the First Qin 's Parables

  21. 先秦玉器与玉文化

    Studies on Jades and Jade Culture in the Pre-Qin Period

  22. 简论先秦私学产生的原因

    On the General cause of private schools in Pre-Qin Society

  23. 从先秦到明清古典功利论的演变论先秦儒家义利观及其现代启示

    Evolvement of Classic Utilitarianism from Pre-Qin Period to Ming and Qing Dynasties

  24. 庄子是中国先秦时期的一位思想大家。

    Chuang zi is Chinese pre-qin period a thought everybody .

  25. 先秦墨学的区域性特色述论

    On The Regional Characteristics of Mohism in the Pre-Qin Time

  26. 先秦时期青铜戈·戟研究

    Study on Bronze Dagger-axe ( ge ) and Ji of Pre-Qin Period

  27. 虚词在先秦诗歌里的修辞作用

    On the Rhetoric Role of Function Words in Poems before Qin Dynasty

  28. 试论先秦时期的宗族与宗族社会救助

    A Study on the Clan and Clan Social Assistance in Pre-Qin Dynasty

  29. 先秦儒家生态伦理思想及其现代价值

    On Pre-Qin Confucian Ecological Ethics Thoughts and Its Modern Values

  30. 先秦汉语服饰词汇系统研究

    A Study of Lexical System on Chinese Dress Words of Pre-Qin Dynasty