
lì fǎ jì shù
  • legislative technique
  1. 五五宪草之立法技术分析

    Analysis on the Legislative Technique of " May Fifth Draft Constitution "

  2. 准用制度是一项重要的立法技术,同时,准用条款是法规范的重要组成部分。

    The system of quasi-application is an important legislative technique .

  3. 法之适用范围的立法技术研究

    A Study on Law-making Skills on the Scope of Legal Application

  4. 刑事诉讼法的三大立法技术问题

    Three Issues on the Technique of Legislation of the Criminal Procedure Law

  5. 论行政诉讼受案范围之立法技术

    On Legislative Technique concerning the Scope of Acceptable Cases in Administrative Procedure

  6. 对档案立法技术的探讨

    To Probe into the Technique of the Archival Legislation

  7. 这就提出了立法技术的理论问题,对立法理论提出了新的课题。

    This raises the legislative technical theory difficulty and the new legislative issues .

  8. 就其立法技术而言,具有明显的缺陷。

    Such legislative technology has obvious fault .

  9. 立法技术的成熟和结构的完善。

    Mature legislative technology and complete structure .

  10. 单纯申明法律责任的规范。这些规范的存在,是刑事诉讼在立法技术上存在问题的一种表现。

    There norms indicate the problems which exist in the legislative technique of criminal proceedings .

  11. 试论地方性法规立法技术

    On the Legislative Technique of Local Regulation

  12. 肉刑废除时立法技术有缺陷,这没有改变肉刑废除的历史必然性。

    The abolition of the death penalty also has the same problem about legislation technique .

  13. 死刑的立法技术特征

    Characteristics of legislative techniques in capital punishment

  14. 最后对修改《体育法》的立法技术进行了探讨。

    Finally to revised " Sports Law " the legislation technology has carried on the discussion .

  15. 立法技术中的几种语言表述问题

    On Language Techniques of Legislative Expression

  16. 盗窃罪之立法技术分析&以两个加重情节为切入点

    An Analysis of the Legislative Technology Against Theft & Using Two Aggravating Circumstances as a Breakthrough

  17. 此外,本部分还介绍了法律拟制和法律推定两种立法技术。

    In addition , this section also describes the legal fiction and the presumption of law .

  18. 通过立法技术的理论梳理对立法技术的概念有一个更清晰的认识。

    Through the legislative technology theory on legislative technology concept have a more clear understanding of .

  19. 在立法技术层面上,其改革的内容分步骤实施,也值得称道。

    The legislative technique to carry out reforms step by step also deserves to be praised .

  20. 同时,须在立法技术上严格界分授权性与强制性规范。

    The legislation should be strictly distinguishing the tow different rules in technically at the same time .

  21. 例示规定的创制,应功能定位准确、立法技术运用得当。

    The formulation of exemplary provisions requires precise definition of functions and appropriate use of legislative techniques .

  22. 基于有限理性论的立法技术及其在《食品安全法》中的适用

    The Legislative Technology and its Application by Food Safety Law : Based on the Theory of Limited Rationality

  23. 现代社会中,法律越来越重要的地位对立法技术提出子更高的要求。

    In the modern society , the higher status of law puts forward higher requirements on legislative technology .

  24. 其一,立法技术是立法得以存在和发展的必要前提和基础。

    First , legislative technique is the certain premise and basis that can make the legislation exist and develop .

  25. 立法技术对立法、法制乃至整个社会发展,有弥足珍贵的价值。

    Legislative technique is voluble to legislation and legal system , and even to development of the whole society .

  26. 正因为如此,产生了一些问题,首先在立法技术上存在逻辑问题。

    Because of this , a number of problems occur , there are logical problems on legislative technique first .

  27. 最后一章从立法技术和实施效果两个层面对“私出外境及违禁下海”律进行评价。

    The final chapter , Evaluation the law in two aspects : Legislative Technology and effect of law Execution .

  28. 随着经济的发展和立法技术的完善,承认一人公司已逐渐成为世界公司法发展的趋势。

    With economic development and perfection of legislative technique , one-person company has gradually become a trend of corporate legislation .

  29. 从立法技术的角度,提出一种公私权益兼顾的位序排列方式。

    Then they put forward an order which gains balance between public and private rights from the technical angle of legislation .

  30. 这是立法技术层面的问题,还是实践操作层面的问题?

    Is this problem of make laws technology plane , and still the problem of plane is operated in the practice ?