
  1. 地幔对流、地球自转速度变化与板块运动

    Mantle convection , variation of earth 's rotational rate and plate movement

  2. 潮汐是怎样使地球自转速度变慢的

    How the tide decelerates the rotation of the earth

  3. 太平洋海温场的变化与地球自转速度的关系

    Relation between variation of Pacific sea temperature and the velocity of Earch rotation

  4. 大气热力状况在地球自转速度季节变化中的作用

    The Role of Atmospheric Temperature in Seasonal Change of Velocity of Earth Rotation

  5. 来自月球的引力同样促成了地球自转速度的降低。

    The gravity pull from the Moon also contributes to the slow down .

  6. 气候及其环流因子对地球自转速度变化的若干响应

    Some respondences of climate and its circulation factor to the variation of earth rotation

  7. 我国气候振动与地球自转速度变化的关系

    Relationship between the climatic oscillation over China and change in speed of the earth 's rotation

  8. 该文研究了东北地区夏季温度与地球自转速度变化的关系。

    The relationship between temperature of Northeast China in summer and the earth rotation speed is studied .

  9. 最后,作者论述了地球自转速度变化影响天气气候的空间特征和时间尺度。

    The space characters and time scales of weather-climate influenced by the variation of earth rotation 's velocity have been discussed .

  10. 本文还对赤道东太平洋海温异常与地球自转速度变化的关系做了分析。

    In addition , analysis is performed of the sea-surface temperature anomaly in the eastern equatorial-Pacific in relation to the variation of the speed .

  11. 据前人统计,厄尔尼诺出现于地球自转速度急剧变慢的第二年。

    As predecessors ' statistics , El Nio comes out in the second year when the rotation speed of the earth changed sudden slowly .

  12. 地球自转速度变化在地震预报中的地位初探在自转条件下地壳中应力分布的探讨

    PRELIMINARY EXPLORATION ON POSITIONS OF VELOCITY VARIATION OF EARTH ROTATION IN EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION Discussion about the distribution of stress in lithosphere in the earth rotation

  13. 进一步分析表明,地球自转速度和太阳黑子周期长度的变化对高原及北半球本世纪气候的突变和阶段性变化起着重要的作用。

    Further analyses show the variation of earth rotation rate and sunspot cycle length have important role on the climate abrupt change in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau .

  14. 具体表现为:地球自转速度减慢(加快)时,大洋低纬度东部升温(降温),太平洋的西北部和西南部降温(升温),大西洋和印度洋中高纬海域降温(升温)。

    While the SST in the northwest and southwest areas of the Pacific , mid-high latitude area of Atlantic and the Indian Ocean decreased ( increased ) .

  15. 同样是地球自转速度变慢,因不同区域地壳与地幔的耦合关系不一样,速度变化对不同区域地壳活动的影响也不同。

    Because the couplings between crust and the earth mantle are different in different region , the same variation of earth rotation must induce different crust activities .

  16. 本文应用近百年来的天津气温资料,对渤海地区的气候变化规律冷暖特征进行了分析并探讨了大气活动中心及地球自转速度变化对渤海地区冷暖趋势的影响。

    By use of the temperature data in Tianjin in recent hundred years , the regulations of climatic change and the characteristics in coldness and warmness are analysed in the Bohai region .

  17. 科学家们把2006年的到来推迟了一“闰秒”。此次全世界调时距上次已有7年时间,而调时的主要原因则是地球自转速度的变化。

    Scientists are delaying the start of2006 by the first " leap second " in seven years , a timing tweak meant to make up for changes in the Earth 's rotation .

  18. 当自转速度变为地球自转速度之后,土卫六大气环流表现为,整层西风减弱,而近地面东风加强。

    The westerly winds of a whole layer are weakened , but the easterly winds are strengthened near the surface , when the rotation rate of Titan is changed to that of the Earth .

  19. 分析表明,地球自转速度年变化率和北半球海洋气温年距平存在着显著的后延0~7年的高相关。

    The analysis shows that there is a high correlation between data sets ( 1857-1980 ) of the yearly variability of the earth 's rotation rate and the yearly anomaly of marine air temperature over the Northern Hemisphere , the former having a lead of 0-7 years .

  20. 区域应力场变化可以用地球自转速度变化引起的岩石圈板块活动及触发的深部过程来解释,亦与先期构造形迹和盆地边界条件有关。

    The variation of regional stress field can be genetically interpreted by the rotation speed variation of the earth and its impact on the movement of lithosphere plate and deep processes of the earth , it is also related to the earlier structural feature and boundary of the basin .

  21. 现在,同步卫星必须以地球自转的速度同速运动。

    Now , a geo must move at the speed the earth turns .

  22. 目前地球的自转速度比月亮快,潮汐在不断地减慢地球的自转速度,同时将月球慢慢推离地球。3如果地球停止转动了,月亮将不再飘离地球,而且也不再会减慢地球的自转速度。

    Right now , the Earth spins faster than the Moon , and our tides slow down the Earth 's rotation while pushing the Moon away from us . 3 If we stopped rotating , the Moon would stop drifting away from us .

  23. 最新的研究称,地球两极附近的冰川融化以及由此引起的海平面上升,减缓了地球自转的速度,进而增加了一天的时长。

    Melting of glaciers near the Earth 's poles and the resulting rise in sea level is slowing down the Earth 's rotation , thereby increasing the length of our days , a new study suggests .