
  1. 论文针对地图设计、GIS、传统桌面软件和公用信息服务软件(Kiosksystem)的人机交互特性以及界面视觉元素进行了深入的分析研究。

    This paper analyses the human-computer interacting characteristics and interface visual elements based on map design theory , GIS , traditional software and Kiosk system .

  2. 本文研究LBS导航服务时的地图设计问题。

    The paper focuses on the map design problem of LBS navigation service .

  3. 基于组件式GIS技术的导航电子地图设计

    Design of electric navigation map based on groupware GIS

  4. 基于JSP、SVG技术的网上电子地图设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Web E-map Based on JSP and SVG

  5. 基于SVG的旅游电子地图设计与发布

    Design and Publishing of Tourism Electronic Map Based on SVG

  6. LBS移动终端导航电子地图设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Navigation Digital Map Based on Mobile Terminal in LBS

  7. VFP在电子地图设计中的应用

    VFP applied in the design of electronic map

  8. 基于MIF数据的电子地图设计

    Design of electronic map based on MIF data

  9. 基于EVC的嵌入式导航电子地图设计

    Design of embedded navigation digital map based on EVC

  10. 重点介绍了专题地图设计生产智能化系统(MAPKEY)的系统构成、功能、工作流程以及产生的效益。

    Then , an intelligent system ( MAPKEY ) for map design and production is introduced . Its structure , functions , working process and benefits are discussed in detail .

  11. 构图的形式美法则在地图设计中的应用

    Application of Formal Aesthetics Rule of Picture Composition to Map Design

  12. 基于空间认知理论的移动导航电子地图设计

    Design of mobile navigation digital map based on space cognitive theory

  13. 基于数字图像处理的航道电子地图设计

    Design of Digital Map for River Route Based on Image Process

  14. 上海城市交通旅游类地图设计与编制的探讨

    Discussion on Design and Edition of Shanghai Traffic and Tourist Map

  15. 地图设计与生产彩色管理系统的研究

    A Study of Color Management System for Map Design and Production

  16. 列车自动报点系统电子地图设计

    Design of Electronic Map for Automatic Train Point Report System

  17. 彩色电子出版系统下的地图设计与出版

    Map Designing and Publishing under the Color Electronic Publishing System

  18. 电子地图设计课程多媒体情境教学研究

    Multimedia Situational Teaching of Course for Electronic Map Design

  19. 基于组件技术的张掖电子地图设计实现及关键技术研究

    Design and Key Technique Research of Zhangye Digital Map Based on Component Technology

  20. 基于参数化模板技术的电子地图设计

    Electronic Map Design by Using Parameterized Template Technology

  21. 交通电子地图设计和制作

    Design and Cartography of Traffic Digital Road Map

  22. 面向变化监控的动态电子地图设计

    Dynamic Electronic Map Design to Monitor Change Phenomena

  23. 旅游地图设计理念的思考

    On the designing idea of tourist map

  24. 电子新技术条件下的地图设计

    Map Design Based on Modern Electronic Technology

  25. 电子出版系统中的地图设计

    Map Designing in An Electronic Publishing System

  26. 统计地图设计的优化方法研究

    Optimization methods in statistical map design

  27. 伟大的地图设计!

    Great set of maps .

  28. 地图设计中对这些理论的思考和运用,使地图设计进入了深层意义的探索。

    The thinking and application about these theories make the maps designing go to the deeper exploration .

  29. 海图编辑设计与其他地图设计原理有共同的规律可循,但更主要的是有它自己的特殊性。

    There is same rule between the other Map Designing and the Chart Designing of which possesses marked individuality .

  30. 该游戏中主要运用到的技术有姿态传感器应用、碰撞原理、游戏地图设计、图层渲染等技术。

    Main technology of this game is application in Orientation Sensor , Collision theory , Game map design , Render etc.