
  • 网络map model;Cartographic Model
  1. 一种基于GIS的网络层次化地图模型及实现算法

    A GIS-based Computer Network Hierarchical Map Model and Its Implementation Algorithms

  2. 地图模型是地图应用、地图数学模型和计算机地图制图的基础。

    Map model is a foundation of map use , mathematical models of map and computer-assisted cartography .

  3. 可扩展标记语言XML是构建超媒体地图模型的最有效手段。

    XML is the effective means of constructing the hypermap model .

  4. 现有空中交通管制(ATC)地理信息系统(GIS)重绘时遍历整个地图模型来绘制所有图元,影响了地图显示的速度。

    The present Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) Geographical Information System ( GIS ) is very slow in displaying the map due to traversing the whole model to draw all units .

  5. 该管理模式对完成要素的一体化更新有着决定性作用,其应用特性等同于DLG和DRG库,且更具灵活性。5、拓扑地图模型的工程化。

    This mode of management makes a decisive function on the update integration of elements . Its applicable characteristics equal with the DLG and DRG database and are more flexible . 5 ^ Engineering .

  6. 论文主要内容包括:(1)在分析和总结已有认知地图模型的基础上,结合ALV自身特性和导航需求,提出了一种拓扑-动作-度量分层认知地图模型。

    Our research works include : ( 1 ) By analyzing and summarizing the existing cognitive map models , a new hierarchical topology-action-metric model is proposed which considered the character and navigation requirement of ALV .

  7. 介绍了面向对象的电子地图模型,建立电子地图图层创作模版和电子地图软件系统(EA-World)的开发,以及总结了电子地图设计的一些问题;

    It introduces the model of electronic maps by adopting object-oriented approach ; discusses how to establish the designing template of map layer and how to develop software system ( EA-world ) of electronic maps ; and identifies some problems in designing electronic maps .

  8. 时间动态地图模型

    Time is * Models of Temporal Dynamic Map

  9. 针对车载导航系统的需要,提出了一种基于单线模式的车载电子地图模型。

    A digital map based on the single line model was developed for in-vehicle navigation systems .

  10. 数字环境下的地图模型综合

    Map generalization in digital environment

  11. 地图模型论是理论地图学研究中提出的一个重要理论。

    The theory of map model is an important theory to be proposed by studies in theoretical cartography .

  12. 空间句法轴线地图模型为研究城市空间提供了一种量化分析方法,取得了很大的成就。

    The axis map model of space syntax provides a quantitative analysis method for urban space and has made great achievements .

  13. 当输油管道发生泄漏时,利用新建立的管道实时地图模型,可计算出泄漏点的位置,并且实时显示在电子地图上。

    When oil pipeline leak occurs , the leak point can be located by means of the model and displayed on the map .

  14. 利用现代的计算机仿真技术,构建战场的三维数字地图模型是数字化战场建设的一项重要内容。

    Using modern virtual reality of computer to build 3D maps is one of the most important taskes in " digital battlefield " .

  15. 论文提出的拓扑地图模型是一种能同时表达空间要素几何形态、空间要素之间的拓扑关系及空间要素可视化符号的混合模型。

    Topological map model is a hybrid model that it expresses the spatial elements , the topological relationships between them and the visual part of symbols .

  16. 栅格矢量的双重属性使其能够很好的区分环境中的静态结构和动态物体,非常适合为动态环境构建地图模型。

    The dual attribute of grid-vector is perfectly capable of distinguishing dynamic objects from static environmental structures , which is suitable for mapping in dynamic environment . 2 .

  17. 在所构建的地图模型中对机器人进行标定,实现机器人在实际场地中的定位。

    Then to calibrate the robot in the map model which is constructed before , so the real position of the robot in the venue can be located .

  18. 采用栅格法建立环境地图模型,利用沿边走的路径规划算法进行室内地面清洁机器人无障碍与避障路径规划与仿真试验。

    The path planning for an indoor floor-cleaning robot was investigated by using the moving-along-the-edge method in static non-obstacles and obstacles environments modeled by the grids method in this paper .

  19. 所建立的模型主要包括环境地图模型、机器人位置和运动模型、传感器观测模型,噪声模型等。

    Main models that will be used in the research include : environment maps model ; robot location and motion model ; Sensor observation models ; noise model , et al .

  20. 拓扑地图模型从软件技术角度而言,是一个具有网络层次关系的复杂模型,其建模及编辑(增、删、改)相互关联。

    In term of software technology , topological map model is a complex model with network hierarchy relationship , and the modeling and edit ( add , delete , modify ) are inevitably associated .

  21. 最后,结合系统的目的构建知识开发图、知识应用图、知识资源图和知识结构图四种形式的知识地图模型,用于对质量工具知识进行学习。

    In the end , four types of knowledge map models which consist of Knowledge Development maps , Knowledge Application maps , Knowledge Source maps , Knowledge Structure maps is constructed based on the system goal , for learning quality tools knowledge .

  22. 嵌入式GIS中电子地图数据模型和查询优化问题的研究

    Research on Data Model and Query Optimization of Electronic Map in Embedded GIS

  23. 基于描述逻辑的地图语义模型初步研究

    Study of cartographic semantics model based on description logic

  24. 基于地理坐标的数字地图量算模型

    Measurement Model of Digital Maps Based on Geographic Coordinates

  25. 简化电子地图数据模型

    A Simplified Data Model for Electronic Map System

  26. GPS/GIS集成环境下的车载定位与地图匹配模型研究

    The Research of Vehicle Location and Map Matching Models Based on GPS / GIS Integrate Environment

  27. 基于地图传递模型探讨提高地图质量和信息传递效率的途径

    Improving Quality of Map and Transmission Efficiency of Map Information According to Transmission Model of Map Information

  28. 并从地图创建模型、计算复杂度和算法鲁棒性等方面对现有方法进行了对比分析。

    Various existing methods were analyzed and compared in details of map-building model , computation complexity , robustness and so on .

  29. 论文在深入研究当前自主探索方案和地图表示模型的基础上,提出了用于大规模环境表示的混合高精度地图表示模型。

    Based on the deeply analysis of currently autonomous exploration and corresponding map model , this thesis introduces an efficient hybrid map representation that integrates the metric and topological paradigms .

  30. 本文采用多谱段图像分析法和随机场模型法,生成了典型地物的红外纹理图像,并利用多谱段图像法和地图构造模型法,合成了静态地面红外场景图像。

    In this paper the method of the multi-spectral image analysis ( MSI A ) and random field models are introduced to synthesize infrared texture images . And MSIA and map construction model are adopted to generate static infrared images of ground scenes .