
zhōu jì fēi dàn
  • intercontinental missile
  1. 美国防部考虑使用传统弹头配置洲际飞弹

    US Defense Department Considers Using Conventional Warheads on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

  2. 利用加力阶段拦截器防御来自俄罗斯或中国的洲际弹道飞弹,则更为困难。

    Boost-phase intercept becomes still more difficult when defending against ICBMs launched from Russia or China .

  3. 泰坦火箭:美国的火箭系列,最初发展作为洲际弹道飞弹,但是也当作太空发射载具。

    Titan rocket : Any of a series of U.S. liquid-fueled rockets originally developed as intercontinental Ballistic missiles ( ICBMs ) But also used as space launch vehicles .

  4. 机载雷射企图将雷射光束瞄准上升中的洲际弹道飞弹,以摧毁它们。

    Boost-phase interceptors show more promise than an alternative called the airborne laser , which would attempt to disable ICBMs by focusing laser beams on them as they ascend .