
  1. 长江三角洲东缘晚新近纪沉积的孢粉与古环境研究

    Studies on Palynological Assemblages and paleoenvironment of Late Quaternary in the east margin of the changjiang ( yangtze ) River Delta

  2. 产品主要销往东南亚、洲、东、南美地区、可根据客户需求来样生产。

    The products main export to east-south Asia 、 Africa 、 middle east middle-south America ect . area , and according the sample to product .

  3. 产品畅销全国各地,外销产品也已涉及西欧、南亚、洲、东等地区。

    Its production are sold to all over the country and ex-ported to West Europe , Southeast Asia , the Middle East , and so on .

  4. 投资领域:非洲、洲、洲、东、美和北美。

    Our portfolio areas : Africa , Asia , Europe , Middle East , South America , North America .

  5. 1963年,当先前的英国殖民地新加坡,还有位于婆罗洲北海岸的东马来国家沙巴和砂劳越加入联盟后,马来西亚诞生了。

    Malaysia was formed in1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation .

  6. 潜三角洲,水下三角洲长江三角洲东缘地区全新世孢粉与古环境研究

    Studies on sporo - pollen and paleoenvironment of Holocene in the East edge of Changjiang River Delta