- 网络ice;Intercontinental Exchange;IntercontinentalExchange

However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .
ICE December cotton is trading at 75.90 cents a pound , the lowest since January .
The less well-known Intercontinental Exchange ( ice ) is taking over the NYSE as early as this month .
ICE October cotton futures traded at 65 cents a pound yesterday after hitting a five-year low in August .
ICE June Brent rose $ 1.25 to $ 117.15 a barrel .
ICE Futures us still recorded a 7 per cent decline in average daily volume in the fourth quarter of last year .
ICE May Brent early in the day rose $ 1.15 to $ 123.37 per barrel , the highest since August 2008 .
It is the highest level since the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) started publishing position data in early 2011 .
Five years ago ice and the New York Mercantile Exchange now owned by CME were also unable to garner sufficient liquidity to their benchmarks .
The Hong Kong bourse also outstrips fellow US derivatives exchange operator Intercontinental Exchange , which owns the New York Stock Exchange and has a market valuation of $ 25bn .
ICE May Brent , the European oil benchmark , fell $ 2.78 to $ 121.20 per barrel , with losses snowballing from a $ 2.67 fall on Monday .
However , several said MAS had approached a number of international clearing houses , including the US-based group intercontinental-exchange , which has Asian ambitions .
ICE October cotton futures traded at 65 cents a pound yesterday after hitting a five-year low in August . So far this year cotton prices are down 27 per cent .
Exchanges such as CME and ICE in the US are building new businesses in response to regulators ' demands that more over-the-counter derivatives be cleared .
Cotton prices on the ICE Futures US exchange have gained 33 per cent in the past year , approaching 15-year highs , as the recovery emboldens shoppers and emerging economies grow at a rapid pace .
The Intercontinental Exchange , for example , is running one clearing system in tandem with other banking groups , and has already managed to clear over $ 60bn worth of contracts .
The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London , in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York .
Down the coast , California has surpassed New Orleans as the top point of departure for us cotton shipments , " given the Asian orientation of exports " , according to a report prepared for the ice futures exchange .
The broker said it had informed the Financial Services Authority , the City of London regulator , and the InterContinental Exchange , the marketplace for Brent , said people familiar with the situation .
Intercontinental Exchange , owner of NYSE , plans to launch a new commodities exchange in March , while Deutsche B & # 246 ; rse is building an Asian clearing house .
Hong Kong stole a march on its rivals 10 days ago by winning the race with IntercontinentalExchangeof the US to buy the London Metal Exchange .
NASDAQ OMX and ice said their spoiler bid would create " a unified US equities market " and " ensure that the US is better able to compete globally " .
Mr Allen alleges that Dreyfus " intentionally manipulated and artificially inflated " the price of futures on the new York-based ice cotton exchange by building a bullish position in the market at substantially higher prices than those prevailing in the physical market .
It has also overtaken the online trading volumes in WTI by Mr Sprecher 's rival Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ), which launched its electronic-only WTI contract in February , a move that forced Nymex into its alliance with the CME .
But while the price of Brent , which is traded on London 's IntercontinentalExchange , did rise by 5 % on the threat of U.S. - led airstrikes , it didn 't come close to the 2013 high .
ICE , for instance , already has a busy over-the-counter business .
It already has a clearing house in London .
And ice has a strong record of cost-cutting .
Ironically , however , those points may count against the ice bid .
Many traders seem to favour the ICE deal .