
yá tòng
  • toothache;odontalgia;dentagra;dentalgia
牙痛 [yá tòng]
  • [toothache;odontalgia] 牙或其附近组织的疼痛

牙痛[yá tòng]
  1. 牙痛使他的脸都肿了。

    His face swelled up with the toothache .

  2. “我牙痛。”&“咱们一样,我也牙痛。”

    I have a toothache . & " join the club . "

  3. 这种止痛药略微减了一些我的牙痛。

    This painkiller has slightly alleviated my toothache .

  4. 他牙痛得难受。

    He suffered torments from his aching teeth .

  5. 很多有看牙恐惧症的人只有在遇到牙科急症时才会去看牙,比如牙痛或者牙脓肿。

    Many dentally fearful people will only seek dental care when they have a dental emergency , such as a toothache or dental abscess .

  6. n.补救;治疗vt.补救;治疗这药丸是治头痛和牙痛良药。

    remedy This pill is a good remedy for a headache and toothache .

  7. 目的评价盐酸氟西汀治疗非典型性牙痛(AO)的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome of treatment with fluoxertine hydrochloride ( Prozac ) in patients with atypical odontalgia ( AO ) .

  8. 结论:NGF伴随着牙髓的炎症变化。由此认为NGF在牙髓炎症及炎性牙痛中发挥重要的作用。

    CONCLUSION : NGF accompany with the change of pulpal inflammation and dental pain from beginning to end , it may play an important role in this course .

  9. 方法:随机选择各种牙痛患者计180例,用THC含漱30秒,10分钟后检查疼痛缓解度,3小时后再复查一次疼痛缓解持续时间。

    Methods Randomized controlled clinical study of THC was performed.180 patients of dental pains by different causes were given the TCH to rinse the teeth for30 seconds .

  10. 方法采用牙髓电刺激法测定catt对家兔急性牙痛的镇痛作用。

    Methods adopt dental pulp electro-stimulating method to determne the analgesic effect of CATT to rabbit acute toothache .

  11. 上颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点如果你牙痛,就看牙医去。

    If a tooth hurts , you go to the dentist .

  12. 这颗坏牙痛得她一个晚上没睡着。

    The broken tooth kept her awake all night with toothache .

  13. 一个寺院里的一个老和尚的牙痛得很厉害。

    The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache .

  14. 我倒是可以等。可是我的牙痛等不了啊!

    I can wait , but my toothache can ´ t !

  15. 她因牙痛而痛苦。

    Gigi : Yes ! She suffered the tortures of toothaches .

  16. 她怎么啦?她牙痛。

    What 's the matter with her ? She has a toothache .

  17. 这是很重要的,看看你的牙医如果你有牙痛。

    It is important to see your dentist if you have toothache .

  18. 我难受极了,牙痛得要命。

    I feel awful . I have a terrible toothache .

  19. 这药丸是治头痛和牙痛的良药。

    This pill is a good remedy for a headache and toothache .

  20. 结论对心因性牙痛患者采用心理治疗方法,疗效显著。

    Conclusion Psychotherapy is effective in treatment of psychogenic toothache .

  21. 如果牙痛,用温水清洗口腔。

    Rinse your mouth with warm water if you have a toothache .

  22. 因为牙痛我不能好好地咀嚼食物。

    I can 't chew my food well because of a toothache .

  23. 该公司随后用这些化学品制造了治疗牙痛的药物。

    That company then used the chemical to make the teething medicine .

  24. 如果你感到牙痛,疼痛感,你不会说

    If you have got toothache , pain , you don 't say

  25. 我牙痛得厉害,没办法吃任何固体的食物。

    Ihave a toothache , so Ican 't eat any solid food .

  26. 牙痛使他感到十分痛苦,他几乎要发狂了。

    His toothache was agonizing and nearly drove him mad .

  27. 不是,是我牙痛

    No , no , it 's just my tooth .

  28. 感谢收看“怎样缓解牙痛”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Relieve A Toothache .

  29. 我感觉牙痛。

    I am feeling a pain in my tooth .

  30. 他得了牙痛就变得心浮气燥。

    He gets irritable when he 's got toothache .