
sī xiǎnɡ yì shi
  • ideology
  1. 现代企业管理中的人本管理就是要充分体现以人为本的思想意识。

    Ideology that the management of people in modern business administration should just fully ( reflect ) people first .

  2. 英语礼貌用语不仅具有交际的功能,同时也是英语社会人们思想意识和文化背景的反映。

    Its application in daily life , in fact , mirrors the deep-rooted ideology and cultural psychology of the English people .

  3. 经济全球化特别是我国加入WTO,对社会政治、经济、文化及人们的思想意识等社会生活的各个方面产生重要影响,同时也使高校思想政治教育面临新的挑战。

    Globalization , especially joining WTO have great influence on politics , economy , culture and ideology while bring new challenge to ideological education in tertiary school at the same time .

  4. 希特勒的目标是用暴力把他那套思想意识强加于人。

    Hitler 's aim was to impose his ideology by force .

  5. 这种写作技巧充分体现了复调小说理论强调的主人公思想意识的主体性特征。

    This writing technique embodies the subjectivity in a polyphonic novel .

  6. 它是当代社会主流思想意识的具体体现。

    It is the embodiment of the contemporary social mainstream ideology .

  7. 他怀疑是否非生物也可能具有思想意识。

    He wondered if inanimate objects might have a mental existence .

  8. 实则是一次思想意识和发明创造的革命。

    It was a revolution in intellectual thought and inventiveness .

  9. 代沟可能产生于不同的思想意识

    Generation gap may result from differences in thought and consciousness

  10. 但封建主义思想意识却以一种残余的形式隐藏下来。

    But feudalism ideology hides actually by one remaining form .

  11. 整合资源,树立为三农服务的思想意识。

    Integrating resources to offer bettes service to the farmers ;

  12. 艺术领域范畴的意识形态,一定会和当时的思想意识有密切关联。

    Art ideology domain , inevitable and the ideology are closely linked .

  13. 经济、文化及人们的思想意识也随之发生了转变。

    Economy , culture and ideology of people have also got great changing .

  14. 危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响。

    The infection of young people with dangerous ideologies .

  15. 混乱的自由企业也不适应国家官员的思想意识。

    Rampant free enterprise also lives uncomfortably alongside the country 's official ideology .

  16. 女性的尊严根本就不存在于他们的思想意识当中。

    The dignity of women does not exist in their ideology at all .

  17. 既有经济、政治方面的原因,也有思想意识方面的因素。

    They were not only related to economy and politics but also consciousness .

  18. 他们受到一种内在化思想意识的约束。

    They are constrained by an internalized ideology .

  19. 这些问题是由思想意识误区、外部环境不利和内部因素妨碍造成的。

    The problem is caused by ideology errors , external environment and internal factors .

  20. 思想意识上的差异不再是国际交流中的主要问题。

    The difference on ideology is no longer a subject matter in international exchange .

  21. 他从思想意识的立场批评了该方案。

    He criticized the scheme on Ideological grounds .

  22. 它能更新当代学子的思想意识,熏陶情操,提升人文素质。

    It can update contemporary students ideology , edification sentiment , ascending humanity quality .

  23. 思想意识相对比较活跃,比较容易受到外在因素的影响。

    Their ideologies are relatively active and easy to accept the influence from the outer .

  24. 超前的思想意识象征的艺术手法&《远大前程》与《了不起的盖茨比》之比较

    Ideas Ahead of Time and Symbolic Method

  25. 高职学生的精神困境主要表现在思想意识、人格、心理和就业等方面。

    The unification of clarity and complexity is the symbolic expressions of humans spiritual dilemma .

  26. 这些给人们的思想意识造成了强大的冲击,开始对爱国主义持怀疑态度。

    It brings strong concussion to peoples ' thought , and they are suspicious of patriotism .

  27. 究其原因,与我国历代政治、经济制度,文化、思想意识有着密不可分的联系。

    Its result has closely relationship with its political and economic system , culture and ideology .

  28. 我打算进行思想意识方面的改革,让家庭观念深入整个社会。

    I want to undertake reform of awareness so society as a whole shares family values .

  29. 我们正处在从思想意识转型到生物圈意识的早期阶段。

    We are in the early stages of a transformation from ideological consciousness to biosphere consciousness .

  30. 这倒并不是说,所有记者和电视节目的制作者,都被强迫要去遵循某种思想意识的路线。

    This is not saying that all journalists and screenwriters are forced to follow ideological lines .