
chéng jiù
  • achieve;achievement;accomplish;accomplishment;success;help;attainment;marvel
成就 [chéng jiù]
  • [achievement] 业绩,事业上优良的成效

  • 一项重大的科学成就

  • (1) [achieve;accomplish]∶完成;成功

  • 不是一朝一夕所能成就的

  • (2) [help]∶造就;成全

  • 武父子亡功德,皆陛下所成就。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 她也未尝不愿意,我看你还是成就了他们吧

成就[chéng jiù]
  1. 能让她同意那笔交易可是个不小的成就。

    It was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal .

  2. 这是他们取得的一项了不起的成就。

    It was a spectacular achievement on their part .

  3. 她那漫长而成就卓著的事业生涯已告结束。

    The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career .

  4. 这就是我目前的全部成就。

    This is the sum of my achievements so far .

  5. 取得这样的成就,这在仅仅一年前都是不敢想象的。

    This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year .

  6. 在一生中有所成就是很重要的。

    It 's important to try and make something of your life .

  7. 回顾过去的成就,我感到十分光荣。

    I looked with pride at what I had achieved .

  8. 他因科研成就而获授爵士头衔。

    He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work .

  9. 他是这一领域成就最为卓著的学者。

    He was the most distinguished scholar in his field .

  10. 她的成就已载入本周出版的一本新传记中。

    Her achievements are chronicled in a new biography out this week .

  11. 她觉得她的丈夫时常贬低她的成就。

    She felt her husband constantly belittled her achievements .

  12. 取得这种水平的成就需要花费时间和精力。

    Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy .

  13. 你的成就是值得骄傲的。

    Your achievements are something to be proud of .

  14. 这一成就可能任何时候都没有能与之匹敌的。

    This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled .

  15. 他们一生没取得多大成就。

    They didn 't have much success in life .

  16. 我并不想贬低你的成就。

    I don 't mean to disparage your achievements .

  17. 他达到了运动成就的顶峰。

    He ascended to the peak of sporting achievement .

  18. 他为女儿的种种成就感到自豪。

    He 's proud of his daughter 's successes .

  19. 这座桥是现代工程的一大成就。

    The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering .

  20. 他一如既往,对自己的成就很谦虚。

    He was typically modest about his achievements .

  21. 他突然决定退休结束了他成就斐然的职业生涯。

    His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career .

  22. 我为他们取得的成就向他们所有人表示祝贺。

    I congratulated them all on their results .

  23. 这所医院被认为是成就卓著的教学和研究中心。

    The hospital is recognized as a centre of excellence in research and teaching .

  24. 他为自己工作是不会有什么成就的——他毫无自制力。

    He 'll never get anywhere working for himself ─ he 's got no discipline .

  25. 卓有成就的音乐家很早就接触音乐。

    The best professional musicians start young .

  26. 人们认为他制作的贝多芬雕像是他在事业上取得的最高成就。

    His ‘ Beethoven ’ sculpture is seen as the crowning achievement of his career .

  27. 他的成就出乎预料。

    His achievements have exceeded expectations .

  28. 不要贬低他的成就。

    Don 't belittle his achievements .

  29. 那是伟大的成就。

    That was no mean feat .

  30. 他的成就是非同一般;由于他没有得到过任何帮助,更显不凡。

    His achievement is remarkable ; all the more so because he had no help at all .