
  • 网络Mature Soil
  1. 成熟期土壤含N、K量随施B量增加而增加。

    The contents of N and K of soils were going up as the increase of boric fertilizer levels in ripening stage .

  2. 江苏省自动土壤水分监测网络基于成熟的土壤水分测量技术和GPRS无线传输网络技术。

    Automatic monitoring network of soil moisture in Jiangsu province is based on the technology of mature soil moisture measurement technology and GPRS wireless transmission network .

  3. 冲、排田条件下,晚稻从分蘖期到齐穗期土壤速效K含量显著下降,随着水稻的生长,其对钾的吸收维持稳定,且在成熟后期土壤速效K含量还有小幅度上升。

    Soil of late rice available K content decreased significantly , with the growth of rice , the absorption of potassium remained stable , and mature late in the soil available K content was also increased slightly at middle and late stages . 6 .

  4. 烤烟成熟期土壤水分状况对烟叶挥发性香气物质及主要化学成分的影响

    Effect of soil moisture on aroma and main chemical compositions in mature stage flue-cured tobacco leave

  5. 施加改良剂后,蔬菜种植前和蔬菜成熟期土壤养分含量均较对照显著提高,总体上表现为根际土壤非根际土壤。

    After exerting the amendment , before the vegetables planter , and the vegetables mature period soil nutrient content is improved than the corresponding comparison , as a whole displays for the rhizosphere soil the non-rhizosphere soil .

  6. 随施氮量增加,成熟期土壤中硝态氮含量急剧上升;随施磷量增加,土壤硝态氮呈先增后减趋势。

    Following the increase of nitrogen application rate , the content of nitrate nitrogen in soil of mature period is a steep rise , and following the increase of phosphorus application rate , the content of nitrate nitrogen in soil first increased and then decreased .

  7. 当玉米成熟后,土壤中速效K的含量总体变化并不明显;超深松处理略高于其它处理。

    After the maturity of corn , labile K had not change a lot and deep subsoiling had a slightly higher content of labile K then other treatments .

  8. 与此相比,中国启蒙显然缺少市民社会成熟的现实土壤。

    By contrast , China Enlightenment apparently lacks social maturity basis in reality .

  9. 实验结果表明:南堡盐场盐田土壤为发育成熟的盐田土壤。

    The results of experiment indicate that the soil of salt pan in Nanpu saltworks is mature .

  10. 虽然我国已经有了较为成熟的中国土壤系统分类的理论体系,但还没有与之相适应的土壤调查制图的方法技术。

    Although China has had more mature theory of Chinese Soil Taxonomy system , but no corresponding technical studies of soil survey methods .

  11. 增加了成熟期0~60cm土壤各土层土壤硝态氮含量和0~20cm土壤铵态氮含量.氮肥全部用于拔节期追施的两处理间比较,在240kg。

    Applying fertilizer nitrogen at maturing stage increased the soil NO_3 ~ & N content in 0 ~ 60 cm and 0 ~ 20 cm layers .

  12. 土壤有机质和全氮含量在中期大于初期和成熟期,土壤速效磷增加而速效钾减少。

    Soil organic matter and total nitrogen in the developmental phase were greater than in the initial and maturity , available phosphorus increased while available potassium decreased .

  13. 各处理在苗期和鼓粒期达到高峰;在分枝期和成熟期,土壤水分含量有所下降。

    Soil gravimetric water of each treatment reached a peak time in seeding stage and pod setting stage ; in the stage of bifurcation and autumn of soybean , soil gravimetric water was to descend .

  14. 水稻土碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性前后期都较高,过氧化氢酶活性较低,成熟期内土壤氮、磷养分含量较高,不利于烟叶脱氮。

    Alkaline phosphatase , urease activities were high , and catalase activities were low during whole tobacco growth stages in paddy soil , while the high contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in maturity period would cause the high content of nitrogen compounds .

  15. 在蚕豆成熟期,测定土壤水分和养分指标。

    The indexes of soil water and nutrient were measured in horsebean harvest stage .

  16. 成熟后仍然留在土壤中会导致萝卜不再爽脆,而且味道比较辛辣。

    Leaving radishes in the ground after maturity will result in a loss of their crispness , and an unwanted peppery flavour .

  17. 结果表明,烤烟在伸根期和旺长期以吸收肥料氮为主,成熟期以吸收土壤氮为主。

    The results showed that tobacco plant mainly absorbed nitrogen from fertilizers in root elongation and vigorous growth stages and from soil in maturing stage .

  18. 黄土是在相对冷干气候条件下发育的成熟的灰黄色古土壤,不同地区黄土所属土壤类型主要为灰钙土、栗钙土、棕钙土、棕漠土和黑垆土。

    But compared with reddish paleosols , it was formed in dry and cold conditions , so , loess even could serve as an indicator of dry and cold climate .

  19. 免耕显著提高了玉米和冬小麦成熟期根际土壤微生物对氨基酸类、聚合物类、羧酸类以及糖类碳源的利用能力。

    No-tillage led to the improvement of the utilisation of amino acids , polymers , carboxylic acids , and carbohydrates by the rhizospheric soil microbes under maize and winter wheat at maturity .

  20. 结果表明:该地区针叶混交过熟林、冷杉成熟林林地的土壤在低吸力段,各吸力值含水量高,其持水性能有利于森林水文功能的发挥和林木的生长;

    The results showed that the soils of over-mature coniferous mixed forest and mature fir forest had higher water content and retention capacity within low suction , were favorable for forest hydrological function and growth .