
zhǎo zé huà
  • swampiness
沼泽化[zhǎo zé huà]
  1. 东太湖沼泽化发展趋势及驱动因素分析

    Tendency of swampiness of East Taihu Lake and its causes

  2. 论三峡工程对洞庭湖区土壤潜育化和沼泽化的影响

    The Effect of Three Gorges Project upon the Gleization and Swampiness of Soil in Dongting Lake Area

  3. 东太湖沼泽化防治对策研究

    Study on Countermeasure of Controlling Swampy Process in East Lake Taihu

  4. 防止土壤盐碱化及沼泽化;

    Thirdly , salinization and basification of soil should be prevented ;

  5. 泥炭沼泽化类型、控制因素及聚炭水文模式

    Peat-swamping processes , controls and their hydrological models for peat accumulation

  6. 人类活动对江汉湖群沼泽化的影响

    Influence of human activities on the swamping of Jianghan Lake groups

  7. 沼泽化问题的有限单元法予测

    The Calculation of Swamp Formation With Finite Element Method

  8. 冻土沼泽化湿地地温场试验对比分析

    Analysis of Field Temperature on Subgrade in Permafrost Swamp

  9. 厚&特厚煤层都与湖泊三角洲冲积平原大面积沼泽化有关。

    The exceptionally thick coal beds are related to the largest swamped deltaic plain .

  10. 中国土地盐渍化沼泽化的分布特点及发展演变趋势

    The distribution characteristic and evolution trend of soil salinization and soil swamping in China

  11. 湖泊沼泽化程度加剧,水供需矛盾突出。

    The conflict between water supply and demand is becoming more and more serious .

  12. 江汉湖群湖泊沼泽化问题研究

    Study on the swamping of Jianghan Lake groups

  13. 高位沼泽化对冷杉生长的影响

    Effects of Moor on Growth of Fir

  14. 结合土工格栅地基处理措施的冻土沼泽化湿地的地温场试验分析

    Analysis on Field Temperature of Permafrost Swamp Combined with Treatment Measures for Subgrade with Geogrid

  15. 秸秆心土还田改良沼泽化土壤排涝效果的研究

    Effect of Returning the Crop Stack into Subsoil on Improving The Marsh Bog Soil and Drainage

  16. 青海湖流域沼泽化草甸形成发育的主要气候因子

    The main meteorological factors of formation and development of Paludification meadow in Qinghai Lake drainage area

  17. 并依此分析了三峡工程对土壤潜育化沼泽化的影响。

    The effect of the Three Gorge project on soil gleyization and swamping was discussed according to the above results .

  18. 在实施天然草原退牧还草示范工程的青海省玉树县上拉秀乡进行了3年禁牧封育退化草地的观测,研究了禁牧封育对高寒草甸和高寒沼泽化草甸退化草地的改良作用。

    The effect of enclosing and grazing prohibition on the improvment of deteriorated alpine meadow and the alpine swamp meadow was conducted .

  19. 土地盐渍化、沼泽化是受生物、气候、地质、地貌、水文和水文地质等因素综合影响的地质灾害。

    Soil salinization and soil swamping are geological hazards . They are influenced by climate , biology , geology , terrain , hydrology and hydrogeology .

  20. 沉积相类型主要为曲流河、辫状河、辫状三角洲、湖泊、沼泽化湖泊等5种。

    The sedimentary facies mainly consists of 5 types , such as meandering river , braided river , braided river delta , lake and swamp lake .

  21. 使用循环采样设计方案,对海北沼泽化湿地生态系统涡度相关通量观测塔的通量贡献区内叶面积指数进行了实地调查。

    Cyclic sampling design was used to investigate leaf area index ( LAI ) in flux contributing source of eddy covariance flux tower swamp ecosystems of Haibei .

  22. 种子雨与植被之间关系的量化,可以对退化草甸在长期封育之后的演替方向或沼泽化草甸向典型草甸的演替方向做出准确预测。

    To quantify the relationship between seed rain and standing vegetation can help us predicting the succession direction of degraded meadow following long-term enclosure or shift from swamp-to typical-meadow .

  23. 当然,僵硬,关节疼痛已经沼泽化你下来,想到走在游泳块或数圈,可能使你犹豫。

    Of course , when stiff and painful joints are already bogging you down , the thought of walking around the block or swimming a few laps might make you hesitate .

  24. 结果表明:地上生物量,地上碳、氮库,土壤碳、氮库分别递增顺序为耕地<弃耕地<沼泽化草甸。

    The results show that the dynamics of total aboveground biomass , aboveground carbon and nitrogen pools , carbon and nitrogen pools in soils are similar , cultivation < abandonment < marsh meadow .

  25. 本文提出了以机械化方式收获大型水生植物转移氮、磷营养盐,从而延缓乌梁素海沼泽化的主要技术措施。

    A practical technical measures to transfer the nutrient salts of nitrogen and phosphorus contained in the hydrophytes and postpone the marsh formation process by means of mechanization for hydrophytes harvesting was advanced .

  26. 岩相古地理分析表明,早、中侏罗世含煤岩系发育于伸展机制下的泛湖盆环境,经历了沼泽化湖化沼泽化湖化过程。

    Lithofacies palaeogeography analyses show that the Early and Middle Jurassic coal measures developed in the extensional pan-lake environments , and had experienced the swamping - lake flooding - swamping - lake flooding processes .

  27. 随着水文水势的改变,可增加中下游地区低洼稻田的沼泽化与潜育化潜在威胁,三角洲地区土壤盐渍亦有加重趋势。

    The second is slow-changing impact with variation of hydrological condition , namely , increasing trend of potential gleization and bogging of paddy field in middle and lower reaches and salinization in delta area .

  28. 同时,采用碱液吸收法对该草原群落和一个沼泽化草甸群落的土壤呼吸进行了比对测定,比较在不同生境下土壤呼吸速率的差异。

    Soil respiration rate was measured by alkali absorption method in both the steppe community and a meadow community concurrently in order to compare their differences in different habitats , and then tried to figure out the causes .

  29. 而弃耕5年后,地上生物量恢复到原始水平的71.61%,土壤碳、氮库分别达到沼泽化草甸的62.6%和50.32%;

    However , after abandonment for 5 years , total aboveground biomass reaches 71.61 % of the initial level , pools of carbon and nitrogen in soils restore to 62.6 % and 50.32 % of the meadow-boggy soil respectively .

  30. 有毒植物在亚高山草甸草地中分布最多,有157种,其次是亚高山灌丛草地、高山草甸草地、高山灌丛草地和高寒沼泽化草甸草地。

    These toxic substances most occurred in the plants distributing sub-alpine meadows , which total 157 species and then secondly in the plants distributing in sub - alpine scrub meadow , alpine scrub grassland and cold alpine paludification meadows .