
  • 网络marsh plant;swamp plant;bog plants
  1. 北美和欧洲的一种沼泽植物,具有明亮的、类似于毛茛属植物的黄色花朵。

    Swamp plant of Europe and North America having bright yellow flowers resembling buttercups .

  2. 各类植物中氮磷积累的大小依次为浮叶植物>挺水植物>沉水植物>沼泽植物>水稻。

    The nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in plant was in the order of floating-leaved macrophyte > emerged macrophyte > submersed macrophyte > swamp plant > rice .

  3. 中华水韭(IsoetessinensisPalmer)为水韭科水韭属多年生沼泽植物,现分布范围急剧缩小,种群数量稀少,处于濒危状态。

    Isoetes sinensis Palmer ( Isoetaceae ) is an endangered swampy perennial .

  4. 沼泽植物,有拉长的线形叶子和圆形多刺果实。

    Marsh plant having elongated linear leaves and round prickly fruit .

  5. 主要为通常开黄花的美洲沼泽植物的一个属。

    Chiefly American marsh plants , having usually yellow flowers .

  6. 被莎草所覆盖(像草一样的沼泽植物)。

    Covered with sedges ( grasslike marsh plants ) .

  7. 中国一种沼泽植物的可食用块状球茎。

    Edible bulbous tuber of a Chinese marsh plant .

  8. 多年生的沼泽植物,具有水下越冬芽。

    Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water .

  9. 龙胆属沼泽植物中双子叶植物科。

    A dicotyledonous family of plants of order Gentianales .

  10. 为沼泽植物提供了固体养料。

    is providing solid food for those marsh plants .

  11. 常年或一年生水生或沼泽植物。

    Perennial or annual aquatic or marsh plants .

  12. 这里的沼泽植物共61种,隶属44属,21科。

    The native flora of the areas comprises 21 families and 44 genera with 61 species .

  13. 试验研究了人工湿地园中泽泻沼泽植物蒸腾特性的日变化。

    The transpiration characteristics of wetland plants like Alisma orientale in artificial wetland garden were studied .

  14. 灯芯草科模式属;温带地区的一个沼泽植物属,多年生簇生无毛草本植物;灯芯草。

    Type genus of the Juncaceae ; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions : rushes .

  15. 小兴安岭森林沼泽植物营养元素积累与分配规律的研究

    On the Distributive and Accumulative Laws of Nutrient Elements in Plants of Forestry Marsh in the Less Xing ' An Mountains

  16. 沼泽植物的地理成分表明此地的植被偏向温带性质。

    The analysis of geographical elements of bog plants shows that the vegetation in the areas has affinities to temperate vegetation .

  17. 一开始,泥泞难走的地面和乱蓬蓬的沼泽植物大大地耽误了我们赶路。

    At the first outset , heavy , miry ground and a matted , marish vegetation , greatly delayed our progress ;

  18. 沼生植物:多年生的沼泽植物,具有水下越冬芽。例如芦苇(香蒲)。

    Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water . An example is bulrush ( Typha ) .

  19. 木槿,美洲芙蓉:北美洲东部的一种高沼泽植物(剪秋罗属芙蓉葵),长有覆盖在白色细柔毛下的叶子和有猩红色基部的白色、粉红色或玫瑰色花。

    A tall marsh plant ( Hibiscus moscheutos ) of eastern North America , having leaves covered with whitish down and flowers with white , pink , or rose petals with crimson bases .

  20. 该地区泥炭种类齐全,有落叶松林下、泥炭藓丘下的高位泥炭,草本沼泽植物下的低位沼泥,和两者过度地带的中位泥炭。

    The types of turfs in this area were complete including high position turf under larch and turf moss mound , low position turf under fenny herbaceous foliage and middle position turf in transitional regions .

  21. 茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。

    Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root .

  22. 海碱沼泽是植物最难以生存的环境之一。

    Salt marshes are among the least inviting environments for plants .

  23. 沼泽地植物的一个小属,纤细苔藓状,花白色或紫罗兰色。

    Small genus of delicate mossy bog plants having white or violet flowers .

  24. 多年生的沼泽草本植物,花粉红色到紫红色;产于美国东南部。

    Perennial marsh herb with pink to mauve flowers ; southeastern United States .

  25. 长有多孢子和羽状叶片的水生或沼泽生植物;广泛分布于除波利尼西亚以外的广大地区。

    Any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves ; worldwide except Polynesia .

  26. 大的热带蕨类植物;一些附生的攀缘植物和一些陆地沼泽蕨类植物;非洲;亚洲;澳大拉西亚。

    Large tropical ferns ; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns ; Africa ; Asia ; Australasia .

  27. 一种沼泽草本植物,有紫色花的长穗状花序;原产于欧洲,但现在已遍布美国东部。

    Marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers ; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States .

  28. 东北贫营养泥炭沼泽几种植物的种群生态学研究它们是在近岸泥炭沼泽或沼泽环境中由同期降落的火山灰蚀变而成。

    Studies on Population Ecology of Several Plants in the Northeast China 's Oligotrophic Mires ; synsedimentary fallout ash alteration in the nearshore peat swamp and march environment .

  29. 东北山地沼泽湿地植物群落特征及植物多样性研究欧亚和北美山区潮湿地区的多年生植物,暗蓝色或紫色花。

    Plant-diversity and Community Structure of Primordial Wetland in Hilly Region in Northeastern China ; perennial of damp places in mountains of Eurasia and North America having dull-colored blue or violet flowers .

  30. 根据山东省植被特点,将植被分为农作物、乔木林、灌丛、草地、沼泽湿生植物五种主要类型,研究了不同植被类型的土壤重金属环境容量。

    According to the characteristics of vegetation in Shandong Province , Vegetation are divided into five main types : crops , forest trees , shrubs , grassland , meadow and marsh plants , and environmental capacity of heavy metals in soil of different vegetative types were studied .